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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. A must have if you do not disable ALL the google stuff IMHO.
  2. Anybody with a hint of getting rid of the 10sec dancing tray icons after the update? If no fix, that could make me live with issues with alternative launchers... Forget it, the dancing magically stops after some time?? Have no Idea why....
  3. I read it as roll out, so you can configure say 100 devices without having to do a lot on each one by one.
  4. That would be nice. The clever idea of two blocks of icons placed next to or above each other used by the build in launcher might be worth copying for a(ny) device with a elongated 2:1 or similar display.....
  5. Stand corrected, that part of the strike through has been removed.
  6. I have not tried if you can disable or uninstall it for Guest. But could be worth a try. But as it is in ROM, it is still there of course, so it is related to trusting android to keep it passive when logically diabled/uninstalled
  7. So ZERO reason to mention either as related to this project. It is a warning, and NOT an invitation to a discussion!
  8. This is a WARNING! Stop deliberately spreading hyperboloid stuff where you already have been corrected by others and me. The first is NOT these guys, The second is an outright lie, where all were offered full refunds. (And they offered existing prototypes, or Pro1 coupons for those that preferred that) (My strike outs)
  9. Does caps lock change? Can you exit stuff with Esc, or only the Logo-ley? ...And there are some issues around speaker/microphone volume. Handsfree calls are not perfect....
  10. It works fine with the arrow keys (better than most, including widgets). The icon grid is the same in landscape and portrait, so it is squeezed in one direction and/or stretched in the other. (Most launchers has this bug). Both app drawer and desktop. There seems to be no way to access the app drawer by keyboard.
  11. (Both actually, but more often than not working on some body of data, that could be in SQL.)
  12. Well you can, if you have a trust relation with your customer, and they accept that you do it as fast as you can, without an actual deadline making sense. I have had many of those. I usually say to potential customers, that if they fear I would try to trick them, then they should immediately go somewhere else, and find one they do not fear will. As ANY software producer could easily trick them. That is why I -less a few projects- always work by the hour. It is just like say car mechanics, If you do not know anything about cars, and put it up for repairs, you better do it at a repair shop you
  13. For the same reasons I avoid that too. Some times I do the whole project before giving a quote, gambling on getting it. But nevertheless from time to time we all depend on third party deliveries, that are beyond our control. And This would (obviously) be so much more in a hardware project like this, with certifications adding to the whole thing.
  14. Nope, I have never been in hardware production. Software only for closing in on 40 years, And here I all too well know this. "Ah this is minor task, We will have this ready in a week!" Both being told by others, and felt in my mind. And also felt how frustration it can be if things out of your control can delay delivery.
  15. ....The HUGE difference to September is that they actually have delivered some devices now - few yes, but delivered, And at least one extra batch has left he factory. So things are looking better. Though of course we would all want them to deliver all now,
  16. That did not make much sense... Of course you want your devices, but don't use that frustration to throw nasty words at the guys that are at least as eager to actually deliver them to you...
  17. And do you think he is not disappointed? He is the one not getting the sales they had hoped for. Don't you guys get that they are at least as eager to deliver as we are to get them?
  18. What has my patience to do with this? Sure I would have loved to have had it in July that was the original plan, I'm not a patient guy - never claimed to be - But that does not give me or anyone else reasons to accuse them of things out of their control. SURE their communication has not been as good as I would have wanted. And I already said that. (And as you might have guessed by me having a very early not fully functioning unit, I have done a bunch of testing for them, so it is no big surprise that they would like me to test the actual retail unit also...)
  19. What has it to do with anything that I got my retail device?? Are you saying that you would not be whining if someone else had been receiving the unit I got??? And if you look in the statistics in here, questioning if I followed the discussion is just... - well I will try to avoid using the words I feel would describe it. Their INTENTION was not to take money before shortly before, but they CLEARLY changed that before they actually asked for the money.Or did you happen to not follow that part of the journey? And yes Chen tried to get the Moto Mod keyboard up and running. But in
  20. I'm so sick of all this whining and blaming.... Yes their communication could clearly have been better. Have you guys ever been involved in a company manufacturing anything complex? Do you even have a clue on what you are talking about? If you want to be sure, why did you even consider to do a pre-order rather than wait for a on-the-shelf-product? If you do not understand or can accept that things happens in a manufacturing process that is out of the manufacturers control, your are just torturing yourself by doing pre-orders. I'm surprised that many in here can be so naïve as to expe
  21. ....And oddly they do not seem to be on the Manufacturer list to the left?
  22. Yup I use FinQWERTY, and use it in QWERTY variants on the Pre-production unit and the "Final sample", and the QWERTZ variant on my Retail unit. There have been no issues of that sort. (The only issues were that some earlier test-versions had some keys mapped a sub-optimal ways). As far as I knows FinQWERTY only adds a keylayout file, it does not even alter the KeyCharacterMap level, nor the basic functionality of the keyboard.
  23. Odd, It is at the least half a year ago I saw that (and hence on the pre-prod unit). So could it be some particular software I'm not using that triggers the bug? Can you see any pattern in when?
  24. Maybe that can explain some heated comments in here? 😇
  25. The problem is that it would be a administrative nightmare to handle different grades of quality. How should they make them distinguishable? How to avoid that reviews were never confused? How should they price them? And on repairs, should you then be charged if what ever made it second grade was fixed as a side effect of the repair? And I guess many more questions would arise.... You can do stuff like that in a small closed group, like the preproduction unit I tested, that had several known bugs, e.g. some antennas not implemented, But it should never be sold as a real unit even with a discoun
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