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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. So are you saying that I should upgrade my 43" 4K display to one that is at the least 8K to use this forum? Sounds like a really well chosen font then... *LOL* But on a more serious note you sure got a point! If I ask FireFox to scale to 150%, the font looks decent. Though of course absurdly huge. (An of course this does not work as a workaround for the other design issues)
  2. These 'fancy' fonts are not my cup of tea either. Sure they can be used for local effects like in a birthday invite, but for general texts.... YIKES! But I'm old, and to me Function is key....
  3. Yeah, but it does not say that we can make new pre-orders. It only talks about "existing pre-orders" and "new orders". But confusingly clicking Buy, they still call it "pre-orders", but as you only seem to be allowed to complete those with a pay (thus making it an order). I suspect it is simply a textual slip. (I have already pointed out this to the staff, and I hope they will either allow for new pre-orders or change the texts)
  4. I wonder if they actually told us this: or it is just our own assumptions/deductions/hopes? I have tried to browse ttrough the comments and haven't found this. What they HAVE told us is that we can hold already existing pre-order open, at the pre-order price, without placing a full order. But if we can not make new pre-orders it means that those already paid can not go back and wait for a possible Scandinavian layout if they would like to, but would have to just cancel and buy for the new price IF a Scandinavian layout will become available. I hope we can have an official comment on
  5. It seems those making the forum have forgotten that the slogan is "Function is key", and NOT "Design is key"... I'm so sick and tired by this pest all over the computer world (not just here), that things has to be over-designed and under-productive. It is all over, from colours hard to separate, lacking borders/separation, to over simplified icons completely loosing their original relation to the physical object they are supposed to represent... The rubber stamp top right is a typical example, though it is slightly better than the sad Cyclop smliey used by MS....
  6. Please try again. I just did, as described above - but could be my privileges that (by a bug) allows me to do so.
  7. That is how I read it too. Though IF the amount of interested is very low, they just MIGHT need to place a surcharge - that is just my guessing - but you would still be able to get the US or German at the pre-order price, that seems pretty clear.
  8. Hmm, I just did a new pre-order. And it worked fine here, I just did not fill in the credit card info at the bottom. Here https://www.fxtec.com/product/fxtec-pro1-pre-order/ I just clicked QWERTZ and "PreOrder Now", Then "Proceed to checkout" (Suggested address was OK). And after ticking "I have read and agree to ..." I just clicked "Place Pre-Order Now".
  9. I got a reply, but it explicitly request not to be published (apart from the same bottom disclaimer as the above) So as no clear answer is public, my advise for those wanting a Scandinavian keyboard badly would be to cancel their order, make a new pre-order and wait.
  10. A few question arises from their mails: 1) How do F(x)Tec plan to "...monitor demand for..." ? 2) Will it be possible to send a US or German Pro1 and have it 'upgraded' to Scandinavian, and at approximately what cost? (With or without the existing keyboard returned as a spare) 3) Will it be possible to put an already paid order back to a pre-order state, keeping the indiegogo coupon value? I mean if a swap is not possible, or F(x)Tec will charge say €200 for a swap then people that want the Scandinavian layout badly better cancel their paid orders, make new pre-orders quickly at the same
  11. Oh not remove it, but use the practical strike through, like this example: Here I wrote something wrong ADD: This is incorrect, please see... and a link This way a future ready do not need to get worried, (Edited my own above this way)
  12. Phew! That was a relief!! (You really got some of us worried there). Thanks for clearing things up. :-D (Allow me to suggest to go back and make strikeout-edits of the wrong parts, with a link to the correcting post 32458, for any future readers of the thread)
  13. Yeah, seems like cosmetics only, the functional issues moderating are still there ;-( Other part of the site outside the forum has changed substantially though :-)
  14. Pressing "t" does not do anything, but the G does go to end of page, so SOMETHING works. I haven't dug into what, just deactivated it, maybe I will play with it later.
  15. EDIT: There were a misunderstanding here,they ARE going to offer spare parts, apart from the service. See the corrected statement here Now that is REALLY bad news, and as others have said seems REALLY weird when Chen just yesterday(!) tweeted an image on how easy it is to take apart primarily with a screwdriver... And as others have said, I'm not sure it is even legal to require people to send it for authorized service for repair - even aPple have trouble getting away with tricks like that. In my book this is a HUGE blow to my perception of the company. ;-( SURE there could be some de
  16. From he looks of the German keyboard it looks like the single screw in the middle is replaced by two at the sides, that are not beneath the keyboard. Most of the things are not that likely to get worn, so the most interesting things as spares would be Key-mat, click-mat, the flex-cable and finally the usb-pcb Assuming we can get the battery and display from alternative sources. Note that even the 3.5mm jack seems to have it's own pcb too, so they really thought about service.
  17. Nice, thanks I noticed the suction marks on the display, but again this is the old model, and I believe he somewhere wrote it will be (even) easier to get into the new one. :) (the part next to the display is shown top down)
  18. He could mean that different TYPES of keyboards are not interchangeable, that is that US and German can not just be interchanged on the same device. Would be odd though. Or he could mean that they are not USER-intechangeable (That is: it would break warranty), and from his next post I assume that was what he meant. Personally I would still like to have a few keyboards as spares, warranty or not....
  19. As not a native English speaker, I'm not into the finer details. But in my vocabulary there is a clear difference between "I'm going to the party" and "I'm planing to go to the party", in the later case that could be pending a broken car getting repaired in time. So "intend" yes, but being aware of obstacles that might prevent it.
  20. I tried to do a simple pencil-test (flipping a pencil quickly) at different levels of brightness, and it could look like they are using PWM. The display is a Boe BF060Y8M-AJ0-7702 if you want to dig deeper. It is also used on the Elephone U Pro.
  21. The display we know is a 'standard' part from Boe, also used on the Elephone U, so that should be reasonably available. We do not know the battery, but I can not imagine why that should not be a standard item too. But the keyboard I too would like some spares, as I have no idea if it is going to be ten years before the next keyboard slider comes out...
  22. Uh that sounds like a nasty blow. Could you elaborate a bit on that?
  23. Please note edit above!! We should have focused on "planning", and not the "once that is", that should have been something like "if that will be"... See the discussion over here (these threads somehow ought to be untangled).
  24. Thanks for the clarification, so a simple, though very unfortunate, grammatical error in the letter, that lead some of us to assume that it was decided, and not just planned. Too bad, but errors happens. Do you have an estimated price for a keyboard bought later? And can we change it ourselves without breaking warranty? Will it require special tools like a heat-gun, or just screws? This info really matters to people if they want to buy the device now, and change the keyboard to a Scandinavian one later if it becomes available, or they will have to wait and see if it becomes available bef
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