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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Oh indeed, the first firmware I had was very early. I did not even attempt to do macro on that...
  2. ....currently I would be glad to just have manual white-listing.... But sure automatic would be preferable.
  3. Flashed with the newest firmware, the pre-production unit (might be different from the real stuff), can do macros in Open Camera down to about 11.2x8.4cm, at about 9cm distance.
  4. Nice pictures. And looks like they also got the packing ready, looking at the first three images. :-) I'm a little confused on the stand. Is that something in the package? And what is the use of it, compared to just opening the device? Merely a steeper angle than the 25 degrees? Is it a charging stand in portrait?
  5. Yeah, I would prefer a somewhat automated system, so I would not need to white-list each one-by-one... But indeed on comments from new users it would almost always be posible to tell if the answer make sense in the context. But a clever spammer could misuse if a first comment was enough to get white-listed, by creating a few sensible comments, and then let a bot take over spamming with that account... so it would need to be a bit more clever.
  6. (I removed a few clutter-comments, that were due to a reading error, and comment on that comment....)
  7. Well I too think that the current response to the attacks last week is not optimal. I hope they find out some white-list system, where people with some number of thanks from other white-listed members gets white-listed, as well as people that already left comments in here for say at the least a fortnight ago without the posts getting marked as spam, reported or deleted. This would give us some mutual white-listing within the community automatically. If this get misused by a group, it could be take down again. But until now it has even been hard to find what threads got comments awaiting
  8. Would be nice with an official answer to this...
  9. I hope so too, raised the issue, and hopefully it will be handled quickly.
  10. I hope they will allow long press on more than a single key to be associated with an action, say press Alt and then press and hold a key to do something.special. Say Alt+P to call Peter and Alt+Ctrl+P to send Peter an SMS...... Just brainstorming here...
  11. Well as software still at Beta levels, strange things can happen, however unlikely they may seem... Calls interrupted, lacking notification on calls/mails/sms/... or the other way round Sound could go off when it is supposed to be silent. It might seem like a mail or sms is sent though it is not. Files you download or creates, can get lost or tampered... Contacts lost. An update can mess it up completely until the next update, leaving you with a useless device in the meantime. ...Well only the fantasy set the limits. Not that any of this is very likely, but you should have a back-up devi
  12. I plan to use a second number/SIM (already bought for the purpose), and then optimistacally set the primary SIM in the Beta, an the secondary number in my old device. And hopefully the old will seldom be needed. Worst case I will swap the SIMs
  13. ....You got psychic powers? They just sent out an e-mail... *LOL* Among other things it says We anticipate that payment will be requested at the end of July, ahead of an expected shipment date in early September. But also requests for beta-testers, so if you are as impatient as me that might be an option to become one of the lucky ones.... ADD: @netman, you are fast :)
  14. If you can do a competitor you can sell at that price, then please do... I would love a slightly more compact device, And some have asked for a non-curved display.... But to get realistic, you forget one VERY important aspect in your R&D calculus: VOLUME! What you are looking at is the marginal cost between number say 100000 and 100001, and sure that could be like the numbers you suggests. If you have an expected sell of a million devices or more, every 5 million spent in R&D, marketing etc is just £5 per device. But I think they will be over-joyed if they sell even 100000! A
  15. See e.g TrustedReview on the Elephone U Pro with the same Boe display https://www.trustedreviews.com/reviews/elephone-u-pro ADD Just browsed through a number of reviews https://www.google.com/search?q=elephone+u+pro+review+display And the one thing they all seem to agree on is that the display is really good... :)
  16. You did not miss it, we are all impatiently waiting for official info. What we know is that they changed "July 2019" to "Summer 2019" in the pre-order page text.
  17. You are a bit early on the 4th of July greetings... ;-)
  18. I agree on that. Hopefully Fxtec will help these ROM-makers all they need. But due to the relatively low volume, I do not see it realistic to sell it in multiple software versions. But they could make it as easy as possible for people to swap. Those that do NOT want Android Market and all the other Gapps installed, but merely the bare Android, must be technically knowledgeable enough to get and sideloade the Apps they need, so it is a fair assumption that rooting and flashing is not scaring concepts for them either. Sure if this gets a huge success and they can sell 100000 devices with
  19. Well I hope it will be there as an OPTION, as it can help both getting spelling right and, for long words, often the right word is suggested after typing the first few letters, and this can speed up things.
  20. Exactly and hence using Pro¹ is a bad idea, as it is not found when anyone searches for Pro1 - that was the whole point.
  21. Unfortunately not, At the current state of this early unit not all antennas are in place, and can not connect to the world except through WiFi. So more a teaser than a daily driver.
  22. Yup, I forgot that in my preview initially, so Googling Pro1 does not find it, though Pro¹ do... *LOL*
  23. Well there is, Superscript numbers are characters you can find in e.g Windows Character map: Pro¹ . Actually just checked again, and it (now) is supported by Google https://www.google.com/search?q=Pro¹ but it does not match Pro1 or vice versa. So you need to remember both in your text if you want to make sure a Google search finds it...
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