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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (Actually you might still be able to cancel the order at the order list if you are stingy enough to bother *LOL* )
  2. (I experienced the same inconsistent behaviour - I'm new to aliexpress)
  3. Interesting, and definitely not expensive. I would have preferred tempered glass though. Just ordered 5, and hope they fit... :) ADD: Seems that the same can be found a bit cheaper here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32851277108.html (silly me....) ADD2, Actually one can cancel orders for some period at the order list, so was stingy and tried that....
  4. Well screen protectors already exists :) As the screen is identical to the one on the Elephone U Pro, see e.g. this post
  5. To me it is a pure "nice to have", very far from a "must have", but we all use our devices in our own way.
  6. One COULD limit it to photos, simply switching to Photo-mode if started this way, so you would need to explicitly switch to Video - that would be really unlikely to happen by accident in the pocket. :)
  7. If the same button is used to activate an actually take photos, it gives the risk of quite a number of accidental 'pocket-shots'... But I guess it might be handled If one could come up with some clever combo of short&long press to activate it, that was not so complex it was hard to remember, but still would be quite unlikely to happen accidentally. It might also 'waste' a fraction of a second checking with the ambient sensor, to detect if it is likely to still be in a pocket, and if so ignore the activation.
  8. Well if the housing of the port is not supported the repetitious plug and unplug can easily break the soldering by plain material fatigue. And in unlucky cases the print. This is why e.g. old transistors almost always had a nut securing the bushing to the chassis, so the mechanical stress was not transferred to the print. Here an example of a classic one. Here an example of the damaged connection from a Walkman page
  9. Totally agree! The ONLY bad things that can be said on 3.5mm jacks compared to BT is IF it is mounted on a main print without proper support of the casing, so that wear and tear might brake the main print (quite a number of phones has issues like that). The images I have seen of the prints does not show that end, so I do not know. But on the pre production unit I have played with there are no 'wobbling' of the port at all so I assume they have thought on that detail (too) designing the whole thing. The outer part of the port can be seen as a tight fit in a round 'cut-out' in the exterior frame
  10. Personally I would much rather have curved tempered glass screen protectors than headphones (and also rather than a case)
  11. @Noir, thanks for already answering :) Yes, a double click on the power button can be used to access the camera.:) But if it is locked with code, it (at the least currently) requires you to move the finger 2cm from the power button to the fingerprint sensor.. I do not know if there is a way to have it act in 'locked' mode, with write only option. But as the fingerprint sensor is between the power button and the camera button, it is quite natural to unlock while moving the index finger,
  12. Yeah, I see the July date as "if nothing goes wrong". And well we all know that things do go wrong... *LOL* Hope your phone can hold up. Put it in aeroplane mode at night, to prolong, keep it on your desk not in your pocket while working, ensure it is placed were the signal is optimal... :) If you not already do, then slim down what is running/enabled, I got a lot of blah blah on the subject on my small blog.
  13. Well as I said: A week ago, they said that they still expected to start shipping in July. But that is not a guarantee. Some yet unknown nasty 'show stopper' could still pop up. It COULD be so big that they had to postpone. Even if the hardware is 100% locked and finished, there still could be software bugs so severe that they needed to postpone. Or delays in some required certifications - just throwing wild paranoiac guesses. I'm quite sure if they had a certain release date, they would tell.
  14. Ah well yes, that could be it. That would sound reasonable in line with 'late July'.
  15. Just guessing : It is exactly a month from now, so could be some standard expiration? (I'm not on faecesbook, so do not know how their stuff works) I will be super glad if it comes out mid July, but I doubt it. From what Liangchen Chen said at the London event, I would expect late July.
  16. Nice! I hope they sound as good as they look.... Though I'm a sucker for active noise cancellation, so will more likely than not keep using my ATH-ANC33iS
  17. On mine there is no discount line either, BUT the total is 100 less than the subtotal, is that the case for you too? [attachment file=17252]
  18. I can't wait either :) On the Priv, it is important to keep it lean to perform well. I have written quite a bit on it. You can start here
  19. You can select to use one of the shift keys for Ctrl. I can not remember the exact place. Have to dig it up :) Settings, Language&Input, Blackberry Keyboard Settings, Advanced, Physical Keyboard Ctrl key
  20. People really should try ADB, we can disable (almost) anything without the need for neither root nor flash, just a pc and a usb-cable... See https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/root-related-questions-split-from-support-time-thread/page/1/#post-16686 with link
  21. Ah sorry, was a little too hasty with that split. Thanks for the heads up, fixed.
  22. Just a hint to those that like rooting just to kill bloat apps. Even on non-rooted devices we DO have a bigger axe to disable stuff, than apps-settings. Slightly hidden but official. By the use of USB-cable, a PC, and Google's ADB.program's commands we can disable galore (almost) anything. (Yes, including Bixby!) I wrote a lot of blah blah with examples related to a Samsung S8- here
  23. Split all the root related posts into a new thread:
  24. That is odd, I see both Danish and English reviews. (The names indicating it hardly being Danes writing in English) BUT it could be because I always set my devices to real English (or American), as the translations to Danish more often than not are more or less incomprehensible, so you have to try to make a reverse translation to guess what it originally was, to understand it.... You could try to (temporarily) change the phone language, and see if that gives you more reviews. (But indeed a bit odd that it is not a setting like: "I prefer these languages, in prioritised order")
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