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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. For some odd reason a 'factory reset' is needed after the flash of stock.
  2. Odd that they did not have those as a spare part on IGG. Be aware that that the port is NOT at the same position in the frame for pro1 and proX (sits higher on the X), so MIGHT be different pcb as well.
  3. Awesome you got it working too. It would be great if someone would combine this in a step-by step guide, for future references for others (I will add a link to it in the main flash post) (It does not have to be super detailed, just with the steps that are not obvious)
  4. (I merged the two threads, with edited title)
  5. Thanks for that, I copied this into @Casey's post (as comments are disabled, even for a moderator)
  6. They made an official guide here https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3643-pro1-x-flashing-stock-android-with-qfil-windows-pc-only/ It is a bit complex. There might be easier ways to do it, but unfortunately there isn't (currently ?) a simple version with a zip file (like the one you used for the Pro1 Lineage), I have asked for that, and hopefully we will get it at some point...
  7. Is it a Pro1X you tried to give Pro1 Lineage? Currently we have not got Lineage for the pro1X Start here for ROMs and restore options:
  8. Found it. The problem is if you only take the first part here: If you go in by the "Enter fastboot" this way will give exactly the reported FAILED (remote: 'Command not supported in default implementation') fastboot: error: Command failed But if you choose "Reboot to bootloader" you wlil get to the menu where it works. OKAY [ 0.000s] Finished. Total time: 0.000s
  9. Weird, works on a Pro1X here.... Are you at the standard bootloader menu that can be reached with this? adb reboot bootloader If I write say "On" instead of the "1" I get an error BUT a different text: FAILED (remote: 'Invalid input entered') And if I change the command-name I get FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') So it seems that the it sees your command, but report it as not supported, so could be a different fastboot-menu - If I do recall incorrectly, there is another one with tiny text that can be reached by another key-combo than the usual: VolDown while holding power.
  10. as I have not have found the time to install something else on the unit, I fetched and installed 20221228. Same issues as earlier. (including still reverted to Android 11)
  11. If you do a clean install I can not see it should be needed, but if you are going to try a dirty flash without wiping your data, I would go via 19.1. If you are using a Gapps package, make sure to upgrade that one too. But make sure to backup important data, and be prepared to need to wipe.
  12. (Looking at the profile he has not been logged in for a year)
  13. Split the above from the 19.1 thread Link for rom: https://download.lineageos.org/pro1 Just attempted a dirty flash from Lin 19.1 MTG12 to 20.0 MTG 13 arm64 (Android security update 2022-12-05) It boots nicely after a while, so seems to work with all preserved 😄 AND the long lasting keyboard&Accessibility bug (both 18.1 and 19.1) has been fixed, so Greenify and Android Assistant both works again - awesome
  14. Well the Pro1 has 128MB, and the Pro1X exists in 256 and 128MB variants. But I do not think that we can assume that it is the same pin-out. As the whole pcb has been changed for the new chipset for the pro1X, they might have chosen a different UFS chip.
  15. It is user-to-user, but none the less sometimes they do read and react, I see no clear pattern in when though.
  16. We got a separate thread on this crooked behaviour by FedEx: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3716-fedex-wants-customs-twice/?tab=comments#comment-64299
  17. I just love how helpful people in here are - though this strictly is quite a bit out of FxTec Pro1/Pro1X scope. But I guess it might not be that easy to find an active N900 forum.
  18. How weird make me wonder how many other stores they sold to?
  19. Well they told us long ago that the devices were produced and are awaiting shipping, so parts should not be the issue.
  20. I got a pro1 on 2022-12-12 LineageOS and had the issue a few hours ago....
  21. Interesting, I usually use magnetic cables too, BUT not charge-only, but cables that can do data as well. Could try with a 'dumb' cable, and see if that makes a difference.
  22. Interesting, will try that next time - had it on two devices earlier today...
  23. Yup, I have seen this do wonders too - I do not know exactly what it is doing but my guess it is as close to a cold reboot we get without a mechanical power-switch. There seems to be both a "long", and a "VERY long" hold-power in the menu of possibilities. I would guess one is about 8s+, and the other somewhere beyond 30s.
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