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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I use my Pro1 as my daily phone, primarily for SMS but also emails, browsing and calls. The Pro1X I plan shall take over from my Pro1, where after three years usage, the keyboard are beginning to not be 100% reliable. But I HOPE they soon will release the new software, with various fixes, and I'm 'holding my horses' a bit for that, before making the transition. Maybe I'll get too impatient and do it while still on the existing software....
  2. I believe that is common practice if not even law. At the least the warranty could not possibly start before the item was sent. No matter how much before it was ordered.
  3. I think the culprit can be identified by the difference here versus I have never heard of "boota" without an underscore. The big question is how it got in that weird state, but not most likely it was fixed by you changing: to Overwriting the weird value it had as read by "boot"....
  4. Ah! It seems something is/was odd at @Name_not_avail's device as the quote said 'boota' and not 'boot_a' in his first attempt - I have no idea how that could be.
  5. Are you sure your new device it is not a Pro1X. They look much the same, but the chipset is different, so the code is incompatible. Look here for various available downloads for the two models.
  6. Unfortunately we have not seen @tdm active in here for quite a while, so I guess you should look for other sources (with a little luck someone saved a copy)
  7. Ah Indeed, One could make a new hole. The case I'm using is only glued to half the shell, so by the rotation I get protection of the camera, at the price of needing to push the flap away, to get it free of the camera. But I much prefer that the camera is protected (as is the button side)
  8. Allow me to suggest you to make the flip the other way round. Feels odd for westerners with a 'Japanese' book at first, but it works really well with the flap under the display, rather than dangling in front of the keyboard. See e.g. this. If you find a way to integrate the magnet in the shell, it would become even better.
  9. Thanks. let us tag @Casey, so FxTec can check if there is something inaccurate in the guide. (See below comments) Made me a bit nervous, because Casey's instructions of the PDF suggest that the file flashes to boot_b automatically.
  10. This would indeed be welcome if there was a simple way of doing what ever is needed to program the display, isolated, and not as a part of a whole full flash.
  11. Just for info, 2.0mm higher:
  12. It might be slightly worse than that, that is one might need to reflash, not 'only' factory reset,
  13. Totally agree on the last half. You misunderstood what I meant in the first part. If they knew/know when a court order is to be expected, they know that nothing is going to happen before that. Obviously there is still a risk that a court might rule in favour of the other party / assuming my guess is right that it is a court ruling we are awaiting...
  14. That they knew back then that things is going to happen in December could have more explanations than your suggestion. My guess for the specifics in this delay is that the case has been put to court, and they got a court date in December. But obviously this is just a guess, too. Have you any suggestions for a rationale behind your theory? If it is 'ordinary' negotiations, a known time frame from the start seems unlikely, and if they even expected the negotiations to fail, as you suggests, what could they possibly gain by a delay? I have not kept an eye on the igg numbers, but
  15. AH! That explains it! I made several cases for the org. Pro1, in various colours, and they did not fit the Pro1X well around the USB, and I thought I had cut it wrong... *LOL* But a good thing they raised it slightly, as not all plugs fitted well on the org. Pro1, especially round magnetic charging plugs were slightly too big. I will have too see if I gave them away or have them around somewhere, to check if they fit the Pro1X
  16. Nice with a revival, the thread sort of died with my dog.
  17. Interesting question. I would expect the 8x8 grid under the 64(+2) keys is identical, but the key 'prints' are not, for one thing the Pro1X qwertY is not shifted.
  18. There are many functions where the unit or its controller could be somewhat different: Camera, speaker, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, hall sensor (for lid closed)... The wiring in the cable could be permuted,also even if the cable looks the same....
  19. Thanks for trying this out, I expected them to be equal too. But how much did you bring over, the display&digitizer only, or the full top part?
  20. A thanks! so that is not what has happened here then.....
  21. It was so for me, though it had a number of air-jumps HK-UK-Leipzig-Copenhagen-Billund. and then 150Km in a Lorry. But the 'express' parcel took 12 hours just to leave HK.
  22. Me neither - or at the least I tried to turn them off.... 😂
  23. Well, though the shipping prices for the US are tolerable, they are a bit extreme for "the rest of the world", I paid HK$450, some paid $550, and well yes the did send it "express" when they finally got around to send it. It took a few hours over a week, and it was NOT due to them awaiting replies from me more than half an hour or so. I ordered it Friday morning (CET), and they handed it to FedEx Tuesday evening, And I had it Friday afternoon. AND as it is unlikely FxTec has ordered it "express", I would say two WEEKS is more realistic than two DAYS....
  24. Hmm, I do not know much on the QFIL-flashing, But my hunch is that the partitioning is wrong. Could it be that something have resized partitions, in a way the standard flashing procedure do not overwrite? It reminds me of bugs on disks or usb-sticks where the partition table is incorrect. Obviously there is also the risk of a defective storage chip. Let us hope @Casey can help....
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