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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. At the least it means that my nasty and rather paranoid theories can be put to rest.... The only bad thing here seems to be that the contract FxTec made with Expansys did not have a clause saying that Expansys could not put theirs up for sale, before they had packed and shipped those intended for Pre-orders and Backers. That Expansys might have lost faith in the product and is selling them cheaper than even the Super Early Bird devices, obviously just add to the frustration. And there clearly is a risk of some regretting orders, and thus draining capital from FxTec. Let us hope the Expan
  2. (lineage-19.1-20221024-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on October 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313) Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this. Spontaneous boot trying to update apps!!! But happy after boot... Status bar spontaneously disappear.... ???? Happened twice within the first minutes of 'jumping around', and reappeared spontaneously too. Maybe some of all these damned gesture things I have triggered???
  3. I'm not totally sure but Settings ► About Phone ► Build Number Should say V2.1.2_20220707 There is a version without Google-apps available available (non-GMS) here, I do not know if it got the same stamp. The beta-versions available I expect will have newer stamps.
  4. Now that is weird, Maybe you need to check with support ( https://fxtec.com/contact-us ) But maybe first ask the seller if (s)he had the fingerprint-reader working? I know from the old Pro1 that some disliked the fingerprint-reader so much that they unplugged it, and who knows, the previous owner might have done so on your Pro1X?
  5. In Settings ► Security , down in the group "Device security", what options do you see? I got "Screen lock", "Fingerprint" and "Smart Lock" (...Just to be sure you are on stock Android, right?)
  6. Welcome. 🙂 It should ask you to set it up in the normal Google wizard You should be able to do from Settings ► Security ► Fingerprints If that does not work, then something is wrong.....
  7. Pretty much the same, Denmark has higher VAT than most with 25% though
  8. Even more expensive shipping and customs than mine, though in the same ball park.
  9. Both, HK$2649 for the Pro1X, HK$450 charged by expensys for shipping to other than US and China, and €102 in customs and fees collected by the shipper... At the least they did not declare the exorbitant shipping, so I was not slapped customs&tax on top of that....
  10. Well I got it from Expansys, and has added voting options here... 45% surcharges, €530 in total.
  11. Have a look here https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3513-time-to-take-action-us-carrier-whitelisting-verizon-and-att/?do=findComment&comment=60544 I guess T-Mobile is doing the same thing....
  12. (got it, €102 in customs, on top of the €428 incl shipping, so €530 in total)
  13. I agree in principle, though it is seldom that you do not have a rough idea of the direction. (cloudy night with no moon e.g., or no idea of the time of day). And just checked here, the Pro1 got similar problems, though it seems to more often have portrait not landscape correct.... 🤬
  14. Look at the compass, 90 degree off. I had the same issue initially. Related to the slider, but it solved itself (when in portrait) Just tried again, and it is off again.... Add: Sorry, remembered wrong. It is an autorotate-bug. IF you open it, with an app supporting landscape THEN the orientation is shown correctly.
  15. Mine is supposed to be delivered tomorrow
  16. I think the "finds" here indicates that it by its rough position and agps data knows where the satellite it is supposed to see should be (and show them in white), but can not 'see' them ("fix"), that would have been in green.
  17. Or: @brunoais is so broad minded that he imagine that your postings could be excused by alcohol.
  18. ...And the opening seems pretty complex compared to e.g. this: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2681-how-to-openshut-the-pro1pro1x/?do=findComment&comment=42061
  19. Indeed a very interesting device. As you can see prior in this long thread, many - including me - are exited about it. There are pros and cons of the larger but fewer keys though, so depends on the usage pattern if one is more suitable than the other. And it seems that opening will only work with two hands. Tolerable, but not ideal (either).
  20. Do you ever bother about facts? The Astroslide project started over two years ago, as they also were hit by some of the issues that hit The Pro1X project. And yes, according to their update the devices has not reached their warehouse yet, but is expected to in a few days. (Like the Pro1X a small portion HAS been delivered, and that portion is likely larger for the Astro)
  21. Well if you pulled out the violin from your ear, you might be able to hear what @mv and others told you already: Yes, the company is far from perfect. Yes, the device is far from perfect. Investments in a project involves risks, potentially loosing the invested money. Yes, we understand that you, among others, are unhappy with your investments. Yet we are some that ARE positive to the project and hope to get the Pro1X (and a few already got it) Whether you are able to comprehend that others feels different than you is another question. If you are not, it is a
  22. Interesting. I got something not that different with the original Pro1. Normally steady as a rock, but travel around, and it gives spontaneous reboots. Especially if WiFi is on. It is not every time, but often. And does not always happen on the same route. The only pattern is that the spontaneous reboots are extremely rare when at my desk.
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