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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Frankly I think we have a better chance in patching in the keys binary in a working image, than trying to mount and fiddle inside a not functioning image with the right keys.
  2. If you run the Camera2 app, it reports for both the Pro1 and Pro1X that it ought to be able to do raw. The biggest difference reported seems to be on video where the Pro1 apart from the QFHD (or 3840x2160) as the highest, it also reports it can do 4000x3000 - does not sound very likely though... So maybe the information reported through the Camera 2 API is simply incorrect.... And that can obviously confuse an app trying to use it.
  3. What an odd bug. Reminds me of a bug between A Huawei Band 7 and an ancient Iphone 6, where I had to in BOTH ends say that it shall forget the other end.
  4. Sounds likely when modifying inside the volume. Copying the whole image seems to work. Just tried with 108GB userdata, via recovery and adb, and it worked just fine. Updated this.
  5. Split works just fine here, both portrait and landscape. With the android limitation of only offering one 50:50 split in landscape, and 30:70, 50:50, 70:30 in portrait
  6. Interesting. I doubt that the sensors are calibrated, to some standard source, so not surprised the numbers are not correct. The two devices could also have a difference in how wide they are getting light . The main purpose of the sensor is to allow for adaptive brightness. But sure would be nice if they (or we?) could calibrate them correctly.
  7. We also have post talking on the issue over here (though no known fix yet) Oddly it does not seems to be always, I do not think it is a contact-issue though - but could be wrong.
  8. (added this, on doing it through the Recovery rather than a running android, that might not go well with all partitions, especially restore)
  9. Added a fairly easy way to backup partitions here
  10. Some simple non-comprehensive non-scientific tests seems to show that the Pro1X is a tad better than the Pro1 with WiFi 5HGz, about 4db, (placed on the same spot within 1cm) though AIDA64 says the linkspeed is somewhat better on the Pro1. (520 vs 433 Mbps) If I try the Titan Slim at the same spot, it reports the exact same linkspeed as the Pro1X, but the signalstrength, is about 10db better...
  11. If you install "KeyEvent" you can see the reader generates a 135 / 470, maybe you can map that away similar to the camerabutton 27 / 212 ?
  12. I found a way to backup partitions that also works for windows, with just the usual ADB on the PC. HOWEVER this ONLY works for an unlocked device. ADD: The below only works on Linieage/AICP not stock android, see also this If not unlocked - unlock wiping data, or look for another method.... Make sure that your phone is in developer mode [*], and allows adb to connect as root (the phone does NOT need to be rooted) Connect cable and run (first time you must accept the connection from the pc) adb root adb shell find /dev/block/platform -name "by-name" -exec ls -al {}
  13. I do not know where it should be done, have not come across a place for it browsing around. (I might have the permissions though, if I knew where to try. The tag "KeyMasters" could indicate that I do ) I have suggested the staff to do it some time ago, but I guess that they are either too busy, or disagree. ADD Found this, and I do not see these options, so I assume that is an indication of lack of rights.
  14. I usually say that it is a bit like riding a bike. Hard to explain, hard to do at first, and when your body learned it, you can not understand how it was hard in the first place. But a simple way to open is to lift the back edge of the display, rather than pushing the front edge 'downish'. With a little exercise , this can be combined with touhching the fingerprint reader, thus doing all in one motion.
  15. Are you asking why they do not pay for being swindled? What we paid for for was supposed to be hardware usable with the software for the Pro1. Perhaps with minor improvements. As hook already explained they were swindled and did not get the chips they paid for, and could not get them anywhere else. So was thus unable to deliver anything compatible with that software. So you then see it as their responsibility to develop software for a different chipset? I repeat my self: Pre-orders could get refunds if they wanted. Crowdfunded IGG Perks were lucky we got anything at all !!! SURE I t
  16. Now let us get things straight.... Those that pre-ordered from FxTec could cancel until the unit was actually sent. (and in some countries even have the rights to regret and send it back within some timeframe typically a fortnight) If they cho(o)se not, it was/is their own choice!!! Those of us that took the risk of crowdfunding taking a Perk on IGG for one should (as @Hook pointed out above) actually fell lucky that they just did not fold, and told us our money were lost, but are sending something pretty close to what we hoped for hardware wise. Remember that the alternative is no
  17. Oh they are very keen on helping BUT it is a small team, so just after release, the risk of a long queue is high, so I hope some more knowing users than me can come up with a clever workaround. As the backup image is said to be only 32Mb it should be fairly easy to compare binary from two retail specimens (unless they are encrypted somehow). If identical between devices we can just share. If there is some serial like information in it, we will have to find out what shall be written, and then anyone (e.g. I) could make a small tool that can set the specimen specific info before restoring....
  18. First of I can confirm that the bug is not ALWAYS there - I have no idea what triggers it.... Yes I agree, Mono would do just fine for me too. Turning down the volume sort of do that IF the source is Mono. But if the source is Stereo we get only one channel so not a too good workaround. The big question is what is going on, and how they can fix it.... A wild guess is that it could be related to some circuitry intended to avoid feedback-looping between mic and speaker during calls. Obviously it should not be active during ordinary playback. Just my wild guess though.....
  19. I remember very early on on the Preproduction union of the Pro1, an explicit factory reset was needed after the flash, to report the correct amount of memory. Could that be similar? Or it could be the lack of a backup/restore of the persist partition, mentioned in other threads that are making problems here too?
  20. I'm pretty sure @esialb has a very valid point here in that scratches in the surface may lead to the glass as a whole being weakened compared to an intact display. Think of what you do with a normal glass cutter and plain glass, you basically make a scratch in the surface, and a break then easily occur along this line. And though Gorilla Glass is more complex it is still glass, so some of the same behaviour may be expected.
  21. I have seen the same for the Pro1. Fastboot is a LOT more picky on the connection. Often a USB2 works better than USB3 (!) So in general I suggest to try various cables and various ports on the device. If that does not work, try with a hub I was completely unable to connect using my Lenovo Yoga X1 gen 6 20XY but using a port of the front of their ThunderBolt4 'docking', it works like a charm, (even with a cable with a magnetic connector) And on top of that the driver can bee an issue too.... See also this thread
  22. As other have already said, The pro1X was INTENDED to be a Pro1 with very minor adjustments, and additional roms available in collaboration with XDA. And yes it would have caused less confusion if they after they were swindled had also decided to call it e.g. Pro2. And I agree that the text ought to be changed, e.g. With the Pro1 X you have the flexibility with the unlocked bootloader enabling you to loadother popular OS’s such as Lineage and Ubuntu Touch. to With the Pro1 X you have the flexibility with the unlocked bootloader enabling you to loadother popular OS’s such
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