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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Minor bug: It can forget to respect the screen time-out, so drained from 30% to 5 % in 2½ hour. (And then was in the no-charging mode, until boot...)
  2. So I guess we can conclude that batch 1 is US qwertY, and other layouts are in batch 2.
  3. (lineage-19.1-20220801-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)
  4. Sad you can not get things to work with your US carrier. On sale you might try this thread, usually many eager buyers, though with the Pro1X beginning to be delivered, I guess many will hestiate to see users reactions, to decide if the pro1 or pro1x is best for them.
  5. Thanks for the link and guide, added this to thread here: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3207-various-roms-available-to-the-pro1pro1x-available-for-download-links/
  6. ...Done, but no matter what I do, the system insists on the strange order. Despite I both created and pinned them in order 1,2,3.....
  7. Well we know that at the least @esialb got it, see this https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3596-stock-firmware-for-pro1-x/
  8. Glad to hear you got it. You might consider 'vote' in the three polls if you did not already https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3590-pro1x-delivery-progress-part-13/ I have not heard the source for any new ROMs yet, but will updated the ROM thread as soon as I do
  9. Now that is a tempting offer.... Had it been qwertZ it would be been hard to resist it... My keyboard is beginning to act up giving double strokes on several. But after almost three years daily usage that is acceptable, and a Pro1X hopefully should be delivered soon here too...
  10. It exits the bootloop after about 10 iterations, with a request for a new wipe though.
  11. 99.99% sure it will not work for you either, but thanks for trying.
  12. I have tried to report it here, hope this is the correct place? Though I doubt it as this got #1 @Sean McCreary ? @tdm ?
  13. Flashed todays release aicp_pro1_s-17.1-WEEKLY-20220727.zip, with factory reset And it is the same as above. with and without MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_112439.zip Goes directly into bootloop, and after about 10 failed attempts asks for a new factory reset, and after that continues with the above splash on top of the setup wizard. (Did not bother to flash back to AICP-R, just turned it off, awaiting a usable version, hopefully next week...)
  14. In my person experience Lineage was better than stock BUT neither worked for me as the carriers I tried do not accept the device.
  15. I do not know, but for SOME vendors it is also a matter of the carrier white-listing the device. I wrote this quite a while ago.
  16. There are no easy to access list currently/yet. Some bugs are general for the OS, and some are specific for the Pro1. It would great if some took the job of maintaining such lists. Especially for the issues that are specific for the Pro1. The info IS generally available in each of the linked thread. But quite a bit of work to extract the issues, and remove those that have been fixed since the issue was posted. So If you (or someone else) took the time to do this, it would surely help others in deciding which one is best for them. It is unlikely that it is the same ROM for all
  17. Indeed. When the first report they got a mail, we can expect all in the first batch to get a similar mail within few days. Those of us that do not, well we (or they) are in batch 2....
  18. Please do not do that everyone, it would flood the poor guys with mails if we all do....
  19. Well interesting question but as discussed on IGG also, we do not know. My GUESS would be that the remaining Pro1 is in Batch1 as well as the first orders and perks. But it MIGHT not be as simple as a number-split
  20. To avoid a lot of single posts in a thread somewhere, on the progress of the shipping, I made the above poll so we can get counts This is the third of three on having received the Pro1X. 1/3 On shipping info see this 2/3 On surcharges see this Any comments in this common thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3600-open-discussion-related-to-the-progress-in-getting-your-pro1x/
  21. To avoid a lot of single posts in a thread somewhere, on the progress of the shipping, I made the above poll so we can get counts This is the second of three on surcharge, e.g. customs. 1/3 On shipping info see this 3/3 On receiving see this Any comments in this common thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3600-open-discussion-related-to-the-progress-in-getting-your-pro1x/
  22. To avoid a lot of single posts in a thread somewhere, on the progress of the shipping, I made the above poll so we can get counts This is the first of three on shipping info 2/3 On surcharges see this 3/3 On receiving see this Any comments in this common thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3600-open-discussion-related-to-the-progress-in-getting-your-pro1x/
  23. Rather than a multitude of posts on this I made three polls, 1/3 here (due to system limitations, I could not do it as multiple questions in on poll)
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