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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I upgraded from @tdm's 16 to the official one without any real issues, and it also worked nicely 16->17, but the 18 seems to be a bit too rushed out - so we that upgraded are the April fools... And I even missed the first one, since I was away over eastern. If we look at the surprisingly short change list going from 17 to 18 https://download.lineageos.org/pro1/changes/ there is only a single one that is marked as specifically related to the Pro1. So not that surprising that things are not all working smoothly, 🀐 I have it on the preproduction unit only, that is not suitable as a da
  2. (edited my post above, Some language-layouts are OK others not)
  3. Just to be sure, did you rememeber to flash BOTH lineage AND (reflash) any gapps package you are using on the upgrade?
  4. ...As long as we avoid HDR mode, yes. Currently HDR works with the stock app, but not trough the api with other apps. Be aware that the HDR mode does not work as intended. It do take a high and low light image as it is supposed to, but some metadata handling in the Camera2 API interface must be wrong, so when the software tries to stitch the two together, we get odd shadow-results. e.g. OpenCamera HDR works just fine on a Samsung S8, so not the app that is wrong. it must be the returned images that does not match the requested shuttertime/ISO settings. And this obviously confuses the
  5. My point was that the keyboard is no longer really usable with 18.1 it worked (with a few quirks) with 17.1. BUT exactly as they no longer support 17.1 I guess we could expect some of the fixes from 17.1 transferred over to 18.1
  6. How odd, I will try to remove some of the things that might influence such as swiftkey, I do not personally use qwertZ, nor do the unit I use for Lineage have an unshifted keyboard. so it was just for test I tried to see if I could Germanise it.
  7. Went from, lineage-17.1-20210329-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed using adb sideload and opengapps pico 20210327 to lineage-18.1-20210405-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-11.0.0-arm64-20210328_143848 Note that it went (almost) smooth DESPITE the change from opengapps to mindthegapps πŸ‘ (note there is a new 0405 18.1 build already) (Edited below) I have issues selecting anything but US hardware some build in layout for the keyboard though. So currently the keyboard on 18.1
  8. The most protective -yet still usable- solution is a screen protector and a flip case.
  9. Nice πŸ™‚ And funny that as a Dane with some knowledge of English and German I can actually read it without translation πŸ˜†
  10. That sounds like a good hint! 😁 Too bad it did not help out with the Signal-related issue you had.
  11. (lineage-17.1-20210329-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and opengapps pico 20210327)
  12. You can fake input through adb, both keyboard and touch AFAIK. Never tried the touch though, but pretty sure I've seen it describes somewhere.... ADD: adb shell input tap x y https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3437686/how-to-use-adb-to-send-touch-events-to-device-using-sendevent-command
  13. I'm not even sure that a TWRP exists for the Pro1 except for Sailfish (see this)... We better have some with better knowledge on this stuff answer that.....
  14. Could sound like a 'vital' app has been moved (or had its storage moved to SD, and then the SD removed, leaving the system confused. So guess the hunt is to find and disable that app.... Any of these that might help?
  15. And I assume adb root (& adb unroot) does not work either? You could also stop those you do not want disabled (e.g. Signal) Stop would not normally lead to data-loss.
  16. Well if the purpose 'merely' is to have it booting long enough to get data out, I would continue your path and disable anything that are not essential. REMEMBER the silly thing that since about Android 4 you will also have to explicitly STOP the stuff you disabled! Yes I know it is absurd, but it will NOT be stopped by disabling it... see e.g. this. (And it autostarts even with a deep boot, if it was not stopped before the boot ) You mentioned Magisk. I'm not familiar with its details, but it is complex and powerful, so might complicate the whole task.
  17. Just a crazy idea, you can try key input from ADB by the key events, one by one. e.g. adb shell input keyevent 29 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent#KEYCODE_FUNCTION
  18. Perhaps a better way would be to make one common 'Index-thread' on important hints in the HowTo section, with links to the relevant threads/posts. And have that pinned, and UNpin the currently pinned ones, (like mine on ROMs) and have links to those instead. It would be important to find a good title so people actually open it! Perhaps something like Facts hub, Base for commmon questions, hints, issues and solutions or a similar broad (preferably shorter) title... But It would require someone to actively curate what should go there and what not. And perhaps it should be accompan
  19. They use the same BOE screen, yes. I bought a few as spares too.
  20. If you look carefully at the keys with secondary print in yellow (and green), with strong light falling in the exact right angle you will see a square 'bulging' up. So I concluded the keys consists of a transparent base a layer of white paint on some keys a coloured square field (painted or a sticker?) a black layer where the missing paint generates the symbols, (there might be a transparent protective layer on top) The US shifted QWERTY clearly uses the same base as the German QWEERTZ as the areas that bulges are the same, no matter if it is black on qwertY i
  21. Note that (as mentioned earlier) there aren't that many yellow 'labels' mounted currently, so this layout would require more than 'just' a different top black layer print. (It is not conflicting though, but would require a change with more yellow 'labels'. that would just be hidden under the black for existing layouts.)
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