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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. This is a more general Android thing, than a specific Pro1 question. The delivery receipt is something the sending phone can request, but we have no guarantee that the recipient-system will actually send a receipt back. I've been using "Textra" for years, that also exposes this, and on most SMS I get it. But on MMS it seems less stable. And if people are roaming on another net than their home net (e.g. during holidays) don't expect the receipt to be transported. For the messages you already sent, you can only get the confirmation if it was requested at send.
  2. @acrux a lot of us in here are not fluent in English, and that is fine. Please bear with us. I do hope you see the irony in that you fail using the quoting functionality correctly in your pointing out someone's error... 🙄
  3. Awesome if a 'simple' remedy like this does the trick.
  4. It matters what "display size" (and perhaps "font size"?) that has been selected too, if the elements are small, the scrollbar on the apps-list can get too narrow to activate. You can still swipe throuh the apps so not a huge thing in that app. But could be in other apps. But I think it is safe to categorise as a rare issue, that will affect few users only.
  5. First of remedies for the issue exists. For the LineageOS it is build in, for stock Android a third party app. Disabling the touch sensitivity of the outermost pixels. Very few android apps use extra slim scrollbars, that works less than optimal when the outermost pixel are not active. To the question on how annoying the issue is, the answer is a little more complex. The first weeks I used the Pro1 it annoyed me while picking it up, slowly I adapted to handling it differently. Then I modified a Huawei P20 Pro flipcase for it, for protection. and since the problem has vanished completely.
  6. I have now seen anything. But some have already experimented with 3D cases, so maybe you can get the information from their experiments.
  7. I would say until the LOS OTA allows for incremental upgrades my guide would be "just don't use OTA on LOS"... But on a more serious note. How picky is it? Could you try renaming the default hosts file before copying your own in, and then remove your own and rename back before OTA? Obviously this is a bit cumbersome, but could be worth a try next time.
  8. Hmm, it seems like normal relative slow charging when charging in 2-3 hours in your third dump. It is quite as it is supposed to be for the charging to slow down the rate significantly when closing to 100%. It is a little difficult from the graphs to guess when the phone is idle and when it is doing 'something' (with or without user-interaction). And also what type of charger that are used at the various charging periods. Percentages are estimates not absolute measurements so this makes interpretations even harder. But what I suppose is idle consumption the night on the second dump
  9. Some have been reporting making that swap. But I don't think that you can give a general verdict here. For some with sufficiently fine fingers the keys and minor display of the Key2 are fine, and for those the Pro1 will be huge with limited gain. For others a keyboard in portrait is a cramped compromise, and for us the larger keyboard with a lot more keys is a bliss, and the larger screen also welcomed. Note that some apps do not support landscape, or if forced to landscape uses the display really poorly. So if you are strongly dependant of such apps and are not able to find alterna
  10. Unfortunately there are no known materials that are both transparent, hard, elastic and thin. So it is always some kind of compromise. In general the more scratch resistant a material is, the more brittle (and thus fragile) it is. Different versions of Gorilla glass has put more emphasize on one aspect or the other. Personally I prefer to have a 'loose' tempered glass protector over a rather elastic (=scratch prone) screen. This way we get scratch resistance, and when it take a not too heavy impact, most often it is only the tempered glass you have to swap.
  11. Really strange. 500mA ought to be more than enough to charge. Not fast but charge. The Idle consumption over night on mine is in the order of 15mA (4G+5GHz WiFi+NFC+BT but GPS off, and display not in use)
  12. You are right, I over-interpreted from what I read elsewhere. They only claim this: Google Play System Updates, launched last year, lets us expedite updates of core OS components to devices in the Android ecosystem. In Android 11, we more than doubled the number of updatable modules, and those 12 new modules will help improve privacy, security, and consistency for users and developers. And though that obviously is an improvement it is not including everything. 😥
  13. I can not thank you guys enough for the work done. But the number of hours i bet you guys have used on this versus the price of the two devices would still leave room for quite some donations without anyone could reasonably consider you greedy...
  14. I much hope they will skip Q and jump to R as security updates on R goes through the Android Market. This way FxTec could completely avoid Google's certification-mess for security updates through standard OTA updates. So they should only handle changes/fixes to their own drivers/software. EDIT, see below...
  15. New image up, downloaded and currently flashing....
  16. If I can, then I do not know how, so let's hope @Erik or @Elysia can do it.
  17. I was thinking the router. If the router has a few years it offers independent networks for 5GHz and 2.4GHz with different names. Newer routers can offer both under one name.
  18. Could you perhaps try a different router? Or forcing it to 2.4GHz only temporarily. I had rather poor stamina when using a Huawei B525 on 5GHz but more than five times(!) better using the successor Huawei B535. But note that 2.4GHz worked fine on the old one too. So perhaps the Pro1 is a bit picky on what router we use... (I tried both a B335-232 and a B535-235 and they work equally well - the difference is VoIP)
  19. I will suggest to try XDA or the forum for that device/brand. This is the user forum for the F(x)tec Pro1
  20. Unfortunately you can not directly change the layout without rooting. But a tool like FinQWERTY is open source, so you could make your own APK and side-load it. (no rooting needed) On stock android the Yellow arrows are used as "Fn" key. The Logo-F as a jump to launcher Home.
  21. If you can use "Russian Mac style", they are hidden away is on Sh+6 and Sh+7....
  22. Hmm, my GUESS would be that e.g. pocket lint has crept in and is preventing the free motion of the button.
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