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Everything posted by Craig

  1. And now, with test8, the stuff I'd done in custom keymaps is built in as an option, I don't even need to use the custom keymap I made: In the future I hope/imagine there may be an option there to use the the right slant arrow as slash/questionmark (which I will use) or maybe even right shift or right control incase someone needs one of those keys for something, or prefers an easier to reach right shift. Can also see he's working on a switch for qwertz, rumour has it the qwertz fn-keymap doesn't match print completely, but I suspect it will be soon. (And with sym key as
  2. Does it support the camera button for shutter and/or focus?
  3. Just a note, if you're installing Magisk on LIneage, you don't need to go to all this effort. Just use lineageos recovery to adb sideload it.
  4. I've passed safetynet by using the magisk module 'safetypatch'. Dunno if that is helpful for your situation.
  5. you don't get the crackle with bluetooth? It's been a while since I tested it, but I thought I got the crackle on bluetooth speakers too...
  6. Incase tdm doesn't or until he does implement, JJB has written an app that does just that (add quicksettings toggle), specifically for lineage on our device. Of course I'd also prefer it as a built-in feature, but this does do the job nicely. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2721-kb-backlight-manager-for-lineageos-builds
  7. I thought of one other. Some dos games use control or shift keys separately. So, an option to make the right slant arrow into right shift or right control could prove useful in some situations.
  8. Nope. Lots of playstore games are force portrait and can't make them go landscape. And google hangouts is force portrait half the time, depending what you're doing in the app, some screens switch back to landscape. No quick toggle or anything can make them go landscape (without a helper app like that one).
  9. On keyboard mapping options, I've already shared my ideas plenty and you've implemented most. Fkeys, as you mentioned, including three-key chords so can do alt+f4, etc. KEY_POWER is another useful one to enable, I used FN+space as you suggested and thats good. The other I want is is to make right slant arrow into slash (and question mark with shift). Then, it's hard to think of a way to make it better or more functional. For the backlight, I of course have interesting ideas, when don't I have interesitng ideas? The ability to turn it off if you want is nice, like JooJooBee666 put
  10. I just tried swiftkey. I was hoping/expecting aosp keyboard and/or gboard would provide suggestions once we were set to alpha, as thats what the documentation seems to imply. However, it doesn't seem to be doing it so far (under lineage which sets it that way), so I finally gave swiftkey a try. Swiftkey seems alright so far for suggestions, but one looses the emoji and symbol keyboard shortcuts available in aosp/gboard. So if I wanna type £ with aosp/gboard I could press sym then select it on-screen, but cannot with swiftkey. Fortunately, I can still longpress $ and select it
  11. @Hook Last night I read a post where you mentioned you like reading e-books in portrait with the keyboard open. I saw your screenshot with white text on black background, and thought to myself, that would probably work for reading in the dark in bed - except now that the keyboard backlight works, that might be annoying. Then I remembered, @JooJooBee666 solved that with his KB Backlight Manager. With the handy-dandy KB Backlight toggle in quick settings, one could turn it off. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2721-kb-backlight-manager-for-lineageos-builds/
  12. I guess I could post stuff on github myself if its important, I'll do that next time.
  13. So if the phone is squeezed with keyboard closed, it registers a keypress, and wakes up. I believe this has been mentioned before, just noticed it myself now. So it may be good idea to turn off/ignore keyboard when closed.
  14. I think someone would have to test it to know. We do know stock doesn't support exfat and does support FAT32. Other filesystems like btrfs, f2fs, ntfs untested but unlikely imo. Lineage a lot more likely, I've had f2fs support there before and presumably still works now, and tdm (los dev) recently mentioned exfat is on his to-do list. But you're the first to mention btrfs that I know of.
  15. Did you read the post right before yours? In fact, tdm is building it into the OS, and at that point, those using tasker to do it will no longer need to. But also note tasker works with stock too, for those who haven't moved to lineage (yet), so it's still a good solution imo.
  16. Just figured out how to use another cool feature of having the Fx key assigned as meta - it opens your default Assit app (by itself - no other key necessary). By default in Lineage it was set to None and doesn't come with any apps to assign it to, but if you have 3rd party apps installed, you might find something available there. In my case, when set to Firefox, it opens a new Firefox tab (whether Firefox is currently open or not). When set to Google, it immediately starts listening for voice instructions. Cool! And one truly unique feature, not from aosp o
  17. I discovered I had no assistant app set, presumably a lineage default. In the choices, one was google assistant, but another was firefox. So now my F key (assigned as meta) opens a new firefox tab (whether firefox is open already or not). Kinda neat.
  18. Is there a preferred root solution? Or you just don't support root directly on device at all? I saw you mention in another thread that root would persist thru lineage ota updates, does that apply to magisk root and/or something else? I'd only tried adb root recently, and works fine for file management etc. But can one use it to install apps that require root permissions?
  19. http://en.key-test.ru/ I had been using that site as one way to verify my Fkeys keymap worked right, and for no particular reason decided to verify all the other keys too. Most behave as expected, but for some unexplained reason, - and ' arent identified correctly. In Firefox, both keys identify as left click. In Chrome, ' registers as ` while - identifies as left click. In both browsers, if I actually type those characters into address bar or text field somewhere, they work as expected. And Supertux identifies them normally. So something about the way that particular w
  20. What is a PR? I don't think we're talking about public relations here....
  21. What if It is in California now but grew up in Alaska, having experienced temperatures closer to absolute zero than those in Minnesota ever will?
  22. I tried this under lineage, which handles it a little differently already. With landscape lock, it does indeed force apps landscape that wouldnt do it before (games, hangouts). However, I have to stop service or set it to force portrait to get portrait, even with keyboard closed. I imagine this is how its supoosed to work, but something funky in stock lets it go both ways.
  23. Me too. The ideal dead zone control would be number of pixels to black out (turn off, reduce resolution) and number to ignore touch screen reponse on, for edge of the four edges. I mentioned this in my feature request thread in December. If this were the case, I'd turn off enough pixels on the top/bottom (landscape) to square the corners and maybe add another few pixels to ignore touch if I still bump the screen when typing numbers. Left/right sides are no issue cuz there's bezel on that side already so I wouldn't change those much, if it all. Maybe a couple pixels if it takes to
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