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Everything posted by Craig

  1. re: del Although I've stressed not needing custom layout to use any keys, not having del without a custom layout isnt such a big deal. I could much easier live without Del than slash, because can always right-arrow then backspace to accomplish the same thing. So I think it retrospect if I del were to be moved, don't print it as another fucntion on backspace key. (If people can do that themselves in custom layout. ) re:menu key It has OS defined functions already doesn't it? In Android it brings up your menu, on my linux distro that I use it also brings up menu but I realize e
  2. I've cleaned up the first post a bit with my thoughts, and keep thinking about this again, because i really want them to get this right this time. I found another way to accomplish the same thing, that does get an additional modifier (I put the symbol for the menu key, as thats one of the standard 102 keys we dont have that is normally positioned on bottom row, albiet normally on the right....). But tradeoffs - it sacrifices dedicated Del key, and suggests it as a super function for backspace which I dont know if this could really work in firmware either, so probably not the best idea. But
  3. Agree and understand. That's why I've still left details about it in first post and still not 100% convinced. But I was actually swayed to change by a European telling me they rarely need to capitilize those letters so having easy access to altgr+shift not very important, whereas everyone in the world uisng linux terminal will want easy access to ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v. So my proposal was based on suggesting the thing that benefits *everyone* as opposed to the thing that only benefits some people sometimes, but hurts everyone.
  4. After further discussion and consideration, there is a downside to that latest proposal, no convenient ctrl-shift-c ctrl-shift-v which are important for linux terminals. To me not worth the tradeoff just to get a dedicated right control and alt next to spacebar, even tho I realize it eliminates a potential modifier and I'd thought/hoped I'd come up with a solution without downsides, but unfortunately no, there's always tradeoffs. So I'm back to thinking just the three changes I originally proposed are the best way to go. But I do see why some might prefer the additional changes suggeste
  5. If my suggestion becomes reality and what you said is possible, I'll be first in line for that one... even set an alarm for a 10 minute early bird window 😉 The missing slash and nonstandard layouthackworkaroundbs has been my biggest complaint with Pro¹ since day zero; lineage/sailfish/finqwerty/fxqwerty/etc have done work to make it usable, but it's still not as ideal as this, and this would work automatically with any OS without each OS having to do their own workarounds... I haven't tried Ubuntu touch yet but I'm sure its just like sailfishos and dosbox and ubuntu chroot and everything el
  6. I knew the two ctrl's and two shift's were wired together when I started, and somehow in that late-night revision ignored that. So that makes it impossible, and I have reverted that change and gone back to the the original but swapped slant arrow and ctrl keys from current (updated first post). (edit: and swapped them back, now first post has both versions) The main purpose of this is to get /? printed as a dedicated key and off the P/L so standard layouts work. Whether slant arrow is printed as AltGr (like intl pc keyboards) or Sym (like android) it's actual function should be Right_A
  7. Yep, thats how it is in the very first suggestion first post of this thread, obeys those rules and the suggestion. And thats why I'm not 100% sure if I like it better or not. But it was done with the goal of putting Shift next to AltGr so they can be pressed with the same thumb, that was the whole point of that layout, which is why the arrows moved and everything else. And I realized it was weird. Thats why Im not sure if its better. And thats why I made the comments about concessions for international use etc. As thats the main reason I can see three key combinations is shift-altgr, t
  8. **EDIT: THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE DUE TO EXISTING HARDWARE CONSTRAINTS ANYWAY.** Feel free to ignore this proposal completely. First post is current proposal. Damnit, there's always one more thing to consider. That is very good point, cept made me think of it for us-intl, when you want shift-altgr for like ¡ or capitol ÁÅÉ etc. Then I thought the next most likely would be for ctrl-alt-f4, i remember testing that under dosbox with lineage etc to make sure it worked, and was awkward. So, with that considered, I made this.... the one's I posted before I'm more certain
  9. International layouts all use AltGr/RightAlt as the modifier - left Alt is reserved for application use. On PC you only have that on the right, but this is to benefit people using Pro¹ thumb keyboard so they want it on the left too. No need to do any remapping of Fn key, it will work default out of the box with default android and linux layouts.
  10. That keyboard editor you linked is pretty cool... for fun I put US Intl (without shift) on so people would know what AltGr is for with that layout. But of course different layouts will result in different things so I dunno if it would be a good idea or bad idea to print us international, but I wouldn't be opposed.
  11. We don't, but users of international layouts do. Even tho I only use it occasionally é or ¹, i do understand people who use it regularly want that same key on both sides, which really does make sense for a thumb keyboard without sticky right_alt - which doesnt seem like we're ever gunna get so dealing the best with what we have. But yeah for my personal use I dont care either way, but for the benefit of all earth, I see the reason for it to be available on both sides. Remember, one main target for Pro¹-X is linux, and linux layouts (just like default Android layouts) use right_alt as th
  12. I'd still move Z to the right so the rest of the letter keys are layed out correctly relative to each other (which means moving backslash to where Z is now). The letter keys relative to each is other is important for muskcle memory/position and that above layout would totally mess me up, even the regular shifted is better.... And with that back, then i think the grave/tilde makes more sense there and backslash/pipe where you put grave/tilde. But that doesnt really matter. The big problem in my opinion with that is the shifted bottom row letters. (But other than that, yeah, same as
  13. When I proposed this minor change it was with the assumption they cant make any hardware changes. This would be super nice tho, but I don't think they can do it as easily. They have 8x8 matrix so 64 keys max, and I dont think wanna make circuit changes, only firmware changes. However if they could change circuit, then yes I 100% agree, the two slant arrows are currently separate in hardware but have not been used separately by any OS yet and my proposal frees up one of them. So ideally it could be used to make left & right shift (or ctrl) distinct. I prefer shift cuz I've already ra
  14. That's exactly why I said make the left slant arrow also right alt - this is what they've already done in Sailfish for that very reason. That actually makes it better than PC layout that doesn't have right alt on left side. If they remain slant arrows or change the print to "Alt" or "AltGr" etc, there's still one on each side, and Right_Alt is the key every single Android & Linux default layout expects for 3rd layer. Not Fn or Slant arrow. So to me that's the least important whats printed as long as the functionality is there. But I do hope they change the print on the Sym key
  15. F(x)tec is using the Pro¹X as a way to introduce new keyboard layouts, but I noticed the latest proposal on IGG doesn't address the biggest issue with the original Pro¹ shifted qwerty layout (missing slash/question-mark key and the problems that causes and workarounds it necessitates), so I hope Fxtec uses this opportunity to not only un-shift but to also improve functionality, especially as alternate OS's like Linux are targeted. I would like to propose two minor changes that will make it much better and more functional: Function is key, right? Put /? and \| in standard US QW
  16. I gotta say I find all this hype very annoying. Finish pro¹ damnit, talking about something else when pro¹ still not delivered just pisses me off. Finish shipping peoples orders. Ship our headphones. Finish the stock software, there's still people using it that have been waiting a friggen year now! Just pisses me off every time I get another email about this something special bullshit. FINISH DELIVERING WHAT YOU ALREADY PROMISED BEFORE MAKING ANY NEW PROMISES, PLEASE. Ten minutes to preorder something new? Who would be stupid enough to do that if they are alreaedy faimilar with thi
  17. Someone reacted to this old message so it reminded me what I wrote back then. And although now I'm good at opening it and can open it one handed, it's still not easy... but it's fine. And I still miss having a slash key where it should be.
  18. I think you guys are getting ahead of yourself with Pro², they haven't even finished pro¹. My hope is that our headphones are under that blanket, and the the ubuntu touch and lineage logos probably are hints at new versions, probably getting ubu touch for Pro¹ and Lineage 17. That would be the best announcement for October 27th. Every single Pro¹ pre-order shipped, every single early pre-order sent their headphones, Ubuntu Touch version for Pro¹ released, and Lineage 17 released, and hopefully the "several software updates and important bug fixes for the stock firmware" gets releas
  19. What an interesting feature. So how does it find these random people to let you share stuff with? if you share things with them, can they contact you? i've never noticed or tried this feature...
  20. Plus don't forget, once they finally get caught up with all the phones, they still have headphones to deliver.... but obviously the people who paid for phones in 2019 are the highest priority, then all these 2020 orders, then our headphones, and hopefully still have Pro¹s ready to order before Christmas. I think the official release is supposed to be in September right, that's this month... or was it October, can't remember....
  21. I did once at the beginning of the pandemic. The sim i normally use has very little data but that's fine. I had a broadband outage tho and so bought a prepaid sim at walmart with 14GB or something. Anyways places like WalMart have a whole section of prepaid SIMs. The walmartfamilyplan or whatever ones are t-mobile, but they have a few other carriers there too.
  22. The community list we made last year is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit?usp=sharing Pretty sure most of the stuff you're mentioning is covered. We've been waiting for stock fixes for a very very very long time.
  23. My understanding is that if stock doesn't recognize the formatting, it offers to format for you. That would be the easiest way...
  24. Yes and yes! I summarized most of the keyboard stuffon reddit:
  25. Well that's a good thing if its a software issue... means it can be resolved...
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