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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. True, if you don't count the keyboard... Still, my impression – not just from what I myself do (hardly any of which needs more than a low-end SoC) , but also what I read about SoCs and their real-world performance – is that 3 or 4 years old high-end chips like the SD 835 we have in our Pro1 hardly show any lack of real-world performance even today. And the more current, but also more lowly SD 662 shows similar CPU benchmarks, it's just the GPU that comes with a potentially noticeable drop of performance. Any real world applications which don't heavily rely on GPU performance will work jus
  2. I guess the interesting part of this is the "expect shipping to begin between October and November" part. The interesting question now is whether my 2019 order will still succeed in its 3rd attempt to arrive at Christmas! All good things come in threes, or so they say?
  3. With Fxtec's track record, even though I still don't doubt their best intentions, I'd rather expect the first batch to be sent out around 31th Aug...
  4. LTE but no GSM? That's gross, but it doesn't surprise me in Germany. Just today there were reports that Telekom's process switching off 3G networks in favour of 4G and preparing for 5G has left some regions to GPRS and EDGE only... So when you disable "4G calling" under "network and internet" -> your provider, you cannot take/make any calls at all? I fear you might be out of luck then with regard to using the phone by itself with its mic and speaker. The only workaround I could think of would be using a headset (cable or bluetooth, while bluetooth sometimes seems to have its own
  5. This is an ancient thread, but I might just as well add that this thread: and my recent update for LineageOS 18.1: ... details a relatively easy way to install and configure Pro¹ devices to use AICP or LineageOS so that Netflix and Disney Plus apps do appear in the Play Store and can be installed normally; also Google Pay works for contactless payment with the smartphone at the supermarket counter (which over here is the only real method to make sure you don't need to touch that keypad)...
  6. Success here with OTA update, too, which kept Magisk and MindThe Gapps as they were.
  7. @Noob @VaZso Bummer. Now in yesterday's conference call, audio suffered badly from distortion and dropouts in both what I said and what I heard. Switching the headset off and using only the phone itself improved things only slightly, though. (I hung up and dialed in with the landline phone.)
  8. @Noob No problem here with two different 'Jabra Talk' in-ear/on-ear headsets, I'm using them regularly for conference calls.
  9. BTW, no more than 1200x900 px for me anymore, either...
  10. Clay pits in the German region called Kannenbäckerland (potters' land) in the Westerwald low mountain range, famous for its pottery tradition that reaches back into the late 16th century...
  11. Yes, that did it for me, too; except that there actually is an Fxtec Pro1 signature, too, which is what I chose, and it worked as well 🙂
  12. Here, too – by OTA, with the existing versions of MindTheGapps and Magisk left intact. (By the way, no idea whether this makes a difference, I have "update recovery" enabled for system updates.)
  13. I'm still starting small. After I managed to break the screen a few weeks ago by dropping the device (had it repaired), yesterday I poured a good measure of beer over it (thankfully non-alcoholic, otherwise it would have also been a shame because of the beer) – good thing the phone was closed, I switched it off, cleaned it, dried it and it took no harm...
  14. Not strictly a phone, but the Dragonbox Pyra that is made by our forum member @EvilDragondoes have a SIM slot, too. The German IT news channel golem.de features an interview with him today: https://www.golem.de/news/dragonbox-pyra-macher-im-interview-die-linux-spielekonsole-aus-deutschland-2106-157004.html (Golem's adblocker protection breaks direct Google Translate support, but it should be easily translatable by copy-and-paste to Google Translate or, better. DeepL.com...)
  15. Same here, using OTA (without precautions for MindTheGapps and Magisk, which still are functional after reboot).
  16. Just to add to what already was said – In a heavily used smartphone, depending on what you use the card for, it might make sense to make sure the card (i.e. the card's controller) does wear levelling. I'm not sure whether there still are cards available which don't, but I already managed to quickly wear down two cheaper, smaller cards (of renowned brands, though) which I used as the main storage in a Raspberry Pi. That said, I haven't had a defective card in any of my Android devices yet.
  17. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind...
  18. Thanks, that was my hope! I already found the connector in the service manual – thanks to @raymo –, it's what's in the tweezers in step 23. Then again, looking at all those steps before step 23 (ok, I obviously can leave the battery alone), the disassembly looks more complicated than I would have liked... Which made me try something else right now, before starting the disassembly: applying substantial pressure with my thumb on the back cover at the exact place where that connector must be underneath. And what shall I say, for the time being the camera is back working! 🙂
  19. PG-9083S I must add, though, that I haven't found much opportunity yet to use my Pro1 for gaming, and in the few games with which I gave the controller a quick try it didn't work too well. But that might be just me.
  20. Oh, and Fidor Bank just answered my support request, apologized for not supporting my phone and changed the account from pushTAN via app back to mTAN via SMS, even though this isn't officially available anymore. So while this isn't the best of all possible solutions and will only be supported, as they say, for a limited time, for the time being I can now do everything with the Pro1! And the Moto Z3 Play can finally go back into the drawer, as soon as my employer's fine tech support people will have bound my Pro1 to that VPN token account... 🙂
  21. Ok, with the help of LSPosed and the "Entrust IdentityGuard Unblocker" Xposed module it seems that issue is solved, too! Just didn't get the Fidor Bank's banking app to run yet.
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