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Sequence of order processing + issues with orders

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Hi guys,


I just received the e-mail to pay for my preorder – but now I have a huge problem.


No, it is not money, because I saved up for the Pro1…




I have no Debit-Card or Credit-Card.


I can only transfer money via my bank account or by PayPay. I would even pay the Paypal-fee on top.


Is there a option to pay, for people without creditcards like me?


Please reach out to https://www.fxtec.com/contact/


I got a solution from Erik-FX since my Credit card payment failed over and over again. You're not lost, give them some time to answer, include your pre-order number. Good luck!

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Maybe someone from fxtec reads this: I got through to my bank, they removed the lock and told me the issue is that FXTec have not submitted/provided all neccessary information for credit card payments. They wouldn't tell me what was missing either.

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49 hours over, but still no payment notification :-(

Same with me. But I did what they said in the heads-up email - I sent them a chase email, this morning - a few hours later, payment request received & now all processed :)



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Maybe someone from fxtec reads this: I got through to my bank, they removed the lock and told me the issue is that FXTec have not submitted/provided all neccessary information for credit card payments. They wouldn’t tell me what was missing either.


Hmm. Maybe you could get them to give you a list of ALL the fields they expect, then FxTec could see which one(s) they do not currently provide? (I know nothing on how card payment requests actually works - I have only used cards to pay)

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Hmm. Maybe you could get them to give you a list of ALL the fields they expect, then FxTec could see which one(s) they do not currently provide?

as I said, they wouldn’t tell me.

I assumed they would have some public available guidelines of what fields of info they expect.

As others can pay they must require something that is not usually required from banks in general.


Buying online, some US sites REQUIRE fields like "county" and/or "State" to be filled in, despite tiny Denmark does not have a similar administrative division - so I have to invent something to fill in.... Could be something similar.

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Maybe someone from fxtec reads this: I got through to my bank, they removed the lock and told me the issue is that FXTec have not submitted/provided all neccessary information for credit card payments. They wouldn’t tell me what was missing either.


You probably should write them an email with the name of the bank in it.

Are you form the US/Canada? Seems to work fine for European customers. I ask because the US has often some strange standards regarding cards. Most of the time the rules are less strict there tough.


*My experience with card payment systems is very restricted.

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Maybe someone from fxtec reads this: I got through to my bank, they removed the lock and told me the issue is that FXTec have not submitted/provided all neccessary information for credit card payments. They wouldn’t tell me what was missing either.

You probably should write them an email with the name of the bank in it.


Are you form the US/Canada? Seems to work fine for European customers. I ask because the US has often some strange standards regarding cards. Most of the time the rules are less strict there tough.


*My experience with card payment systems is very restricted.


This almost sounds like a particular Bank with it's own quirks. As I said earlier, Bank of America (Visa Debit) was just fine with the F(X) Tec purchase once they had determined I really intended to make the purchase and it wasn't fraud. The Bank in question may possibly be more rigorous than most big bank systems. Obviously, I'm in the US.

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Maybe someone from fxtec reads this: I got through to my bank, they removed the lock and told me the issue is that FXTec have not submitted/provided all neccessary information for credit card payments. They wouldn’t tell me what was missing either.

You probably should write them an email with the name of the bank in it.


Are you form the US/Canada? Seems to work fine for European customers. I ask because the US has often some strange standards regarding cards. Most of the time the rules are less strict there tough.


*My experience with card payment systems is very restricted.


I´m from Germany and my card was declined too :-(

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EDIT: After 07:00min. I accepted the payment by phonening with my credit card provider.

The "declined" was a security reason by my bank, not more!


Well, if anybody has the same error message "...declined", please call your bank / credit card provider to "unlock" the payment !!!

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Maybe someone from fxtec reads this: I got through to my bank, they removed the lock and told me the issue is that FXTec have not submitted/provided all neccessary information for credit card payments. They wouldn’t tell me what was missing either.

You probably should write them an email with the name of the bank in it.


Are you form the US/Canada? Seems to work fine for European customers. I ask because the US has often some strange standards regarding cards. Most of the time the rules are less strict there tough.


*My experience with card payment systems is very restricted.


nah, am from Germany. From the way it was phrased it sounded more like something VISA requires than an individual bank taking issue with.

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I requested my order be changed to qwertz and they added another 120 USD to it. I reached out to them and asked for what that is (wasn’t added in your case EskeRahn) and got “US customs” as a response… Really weird and strange?


They had said on the form to request the change to quertz that "QWERTZ keyboards can only be shipped to European addresses.." I didn't want one, I was just checking the form (being curious about most things), but I thought that was odd. The only thing I could think of is that the phones with qwertz may be being made and/or shipped from a different location that is being hit with tariffs. Apparently they are willing to accept orders from the US after all, but there is a penalty. I don't clearly understand why all the US phones aren't being hit with this. Not that I'm unhappy there was no Trump penalty on my phone. <rolleyes> ;-)

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My payment was accepted, but it still shoes as “pending”.


Is that a good or a bad sign?


Normal sign. Lottsa charges show pending when they're pre-authorized then later that day or the next are completed.

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When you receive the payment link, worst case should be that the link gives you a red message like this:


This order cannot be paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance.


And if so you will need to ‘bother’ them. ;)


As I had the same problem here's what was the problem for me: I wasn't aware I had two accounts with the site. Seems like one got autocreated via the preorder system. So trying to pay an order from a wrong account doesn't work obviously. Double check the eMail address the pre-order notification was sent to and be sure to use the account associated with that one.






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I requested my order be changed to qwertz and they added another 120 USD to it. I reached out to them and asked for what that is (wasn’t added in your case EskeRahn) and got “US customs” as a response… Really weird and strange?


Are you in the US?

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I have a rather large issue with my order that I tried to resolve privately but the email was ignored.


My phone order is being exported to the US, there is no need to charge VAT on the phone or on the shipping. See http://www.brighton-accountants.com/blog/vat-uk-usa/ , and consult Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs for specifics about zero rating exported items going to the US. I'd be fine paying a fair paperwork labor charge for the effort of documenting the export but I'm not fine with paying VAT.


I'm also being billed tax for my state, but my state has no reciprocal tax agreement with FxTec, so collecting this is not necessary. It is optional for an entity without an agreement and not in my state to collect this tax. If it is collected then the state must be paid, it's a felony to collect this tax and not pay it. It appears that the VAT and shipping were included in the amount taxed, other taxes and shipping costs should not be counted when calculating state tax (a paperwork labor charge is also not billed state tax.)


Given the Chinese content in the phone, I'm expecting there to be a rather hefty customs bill as well which will bring the combination of appropriate and inappropriate taxes collected to as much as 64% (depending on what customs charges) of the initial cost. my total tax rate should total 0% plus whatever customs charges. Customs to the US is potentially 25% of the Chinese content but if the total cost of the Chinese content was under 50% of the total retail it can be marked UK origin and will likely get 0% customs charge. Chinese content excludes things like the imported SOC and screen even if the device is assembled in China. If marked "made in China" customs is likely to charge 25% without looking any further so it would be nice to know if the phone will be marked "made in China", or "made in UK", or if it will have a percentage Chinese content marked on he paperwork.


This isn't a small discrepancy.


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