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11 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

But the elegant solution would be if Android allows for the use of the full screens in stuff using the entire screen (showing images/videos), and a lesser screen everywhere else, and having user selectable black touch inactive 'soft-bezels'.

That sounds quite good, maybe it will be possible somehow.

Edited by mcdinner
argh, Software keyboard on wrong language
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I just had to create an account to chime in as a voice of reason here, because there is some seriously toxic entitlement going on in this thread. I, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else who actu

Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can a

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1 hour ago, Girl said:

Here I was thinking the forum was mostly girls conversing under male aliases.  😁

Signed, girl  (who has an aging Samsung SGH-T699).

Hahaha same here! Or at least all the people who are complaining so much I expect to be the 'Karens', if you know what I mean 😂


'FxTeC Y U NoT GieV MaI PhoOon NaOuW?! '


All jokes aside, with my 30+ years I can hardly pass for a 'girl' so as mcdinner pointed out 'woman' would be more accurate 😛 


Edited by illie-vanilli
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1 minute ago, glumreaper said:

After how long delivery is taking, I'm not holding my breath for updates! 😆

I think if they have some time, they will solve this.
So if everything going right, I assume software upgrades will be resolved.

...at least that is more under their control than shipping for example.

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7 hours ago, kashif said:

Hey just a question out of curiosity, I think all the ones here dying for pro1 are boys. is there any girls too or its just a boy thing?

I like to pretend to be a girl online for attention if that counts at all...


Don't judge me

Edited by SirBaconIII
failure at bbcode
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Wow. Just wow. I have not lost any faith in F(x)tec as a result of this thread, but I have lost a lot of faith in humanity. Some of you sound like screaming toddlers whose parents didn't get them a cookie fast enough. Some others of you sound like very reasonable people trying to calm down the hyperventilating children, and I commend you, but I question whether you are the majority. I hope so.

Wake up, children! This little company is attempting to fill a market segment that the mainstream phone companies have completely abandoned with a skeleton crew and very limited resources. Governments worldwide keep putting up roadblocks, manufacturing capacity is stretched thin already by the giant makers, sometimes things just don't go as planned, and ON TOP OF ALL THAT, they have to deal with a bunch of children screaming. NO WONDER the PR people don't post here all that often; some of the stuff here is painful and demoralizing. Some of you deserve to have your orders cancelled just for being jerks and you can go to the end of the queue, but fortunately for you, F(x)tec seems to be staffed by very gracious people who are just trying to do the best they can to deliver a product we'll all love and punishing keyboard barbarians doesn't seem to be on their radar.

Myself, I had some financial issues arise and wasn't able to fulfill my preorder, so I'm at the back of the line paying more. Am I upset by this? Not at all. An iPhone is still far more expensive than the Pro1, and is far less useful in my opinion. The only reason the general public doesn't know this is carrier subsidies. I am sincerely grateful that this company is bringing another landscape keyboard phone to market, with nearly every detail I could have wished, even a real headphone jack, and certainly am willing to wait my turn and pay my dues to get the phone I have been waiting for someone to make for 7 years. I'm still using a Droid 4, for crying out loud! Nothing released since has caught my fancy.....until the Pro1. I haven't been so excited in many years as I was when I learned that the Pro1 was becoming a thing. My wife thought I was bananas. :)

Seriously people, just chill and await the awesomeness. Whether it comes next week, or the next, or barely in time for Christmas, it will be awesome. Focus on the awesome, not on the wait.

Edited by silversolver
Editor problems, clarity
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4 hours ago, silversolver said:

Some of you sound like screaming toddlers whose parents didn't get them a cookie fast enough.

If history has taught us one thing, it's that equating people online to toddlers solves problems reliably!!

If you don't understand people who paid money to a company that provides no updates or false updates for no reason at all are upset then you can get bent... as you recognized people are excited about the device so there was no reason to hype the batches being sent "within days" instead of telling the truth, that the first batch is very small and that the second large batch will follow in mid november.

If your toddler pays you for a cookie, and you keep telling tomorrow but then don't have the cookie and pretend everything's as planned, then 1. you're a terrible parent and 2. I don't know a single toddler who wouldn't be crying bloody murder.

Edited by kthxbye
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5 hours ago, silversolver said:

Wake up, children! 

I like how you wanted to rise above the 'toddlers', but ended up name-calling and ranting about people needing their orders cancelled anyway. Thanks for the laugh! 😁

It's not like people are rioting in the streets. This is a discussion forum about FXtec or the Pro1, and people are airing their frustrations. This is literally what this place is for. Telling FXtec how you feel about the stream of unclear, incomplete, or (depending on your viewpoint), dishonest, communications; and about multiple delays - is totally reasonable. It's certainly more appropriate than just disparaging other commentors.


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6 hours ago, silversolver said:

Myself, I had some financial issues arise and wasn't able to fulfill my preorder, so I'm at the back of the line paying more. Am I upset by this? Not at all. An iPhone is still far more expensive than the Pro1, and is far less useful in my opinion. The only reason the general public doesn't know this is carrier subsidies. I am sincerely grateful that this company is bringing another landscape keyboard phone to market, with nearly every detail I could have wished, even a real headphone jack, and certainly am willing to wait my turn and pay my dues to get the phone I have been waiting for someone to make for 7 years. I'm still using a Droid 4, for crying out loud! Nothing released since has caught my fancy.....until the Pro1. I haven't been so excited in many years as I was when I learned that the Pro1 was becoming a thing. My wife thought I was bananas. 🙂

Seriously people, just chill and await the awesomeness. Whether it comes next week, or the next, or barely in time for Christmas, it will be awesome. Focus on the awesome, not on the wait.

Not everyone is interested in knowing about your financial crisis or how grown up you are.

Everyone has the right to their opinion

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7 hours ago, silversolver said:

Wow. Just wow. I have not lost any faith in F(x)tec as a result of this thread, but I have lost a lot of faith in humanity. Some of you sound like screaming toddlers whose parents didn't get them a cookie fast enough. Some others of you sound like very reasonable people trying to calm down the hyperventilating children, and I commend you, but I question whether you are the majority. I hope so.

Wake up, children! This little company is attempting to fill a market segment that the mainstream phone companies have completely abandoned with a skeleton crew and very limited resources. Governments worldwide keep putting up roadblocks, manufacturing capacity is stretched thin already by the giant makers, sometimes things just don't go as planned, and ON TOP OF ALL THAT, they have to deal with a bunch of children screaming. NO WONDER the PR people don't post here all that often; some of the stuff here is painful and demoralizing. Some of you deserve to have your orders cancelled just for being jerks and you can go to the end of the queue, but fortunately for you, F(x)tec seems to be staffed by very gracious people who are just trying to do the best they can to deliver a product we'll all love and punishing keyboard barbarians doesn't seem to be on their radar.

Myself, I had some financial issues arise and wasn't able to fulfill my preorder, so I'm at the back of the line paying more. Am I upset by this? Not at all. An iPhone is still far more expensive than the Pro1, and is far less useful in my opinion. The only reason the general public doesn't know this is carrier subsidies. I am sincerely grateful that this company is bringing another landscape keyboard phone to market, with nearly every detail I could have wished, even a real headphone jack, and certainly am willing to wait my turn and pay my dues to get the phone I have been waiting for someone to make for 7 years. I'm still using a Droid 4, for crying out loud! Nothing released since has caught my fancy.....until the Pro1. I haven't been so excited in many years as I was when I learned that the Pro1 was becoming a thing. My wife thought I was bananas. 🙂

Seriously people, just chill and await the awesomeness. Whether it comes next week, or the next, or barely in time for Christmas, it will be awesome. Focus on the awesome, not on the wait.

Yeah, call us names because we demand what we paid for, that is for sure really mature.

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The point he's trying to make, even though I too think he didn't got that over quite clearly, is that we're all in the same boat here. I understand that you all, just as I, have paid for a product and you want it NOW because that's what was promised. But we're talking a small company which doesn't have the same heft as a Samsung. Sammy can probably push their contracted factory to work harder, plus that they can react way faster to changes that need to be made in the hardware in relation to the software. I want my phone as much as everyone here, even though I've been told that my view of a too-expensive-phone is my own, but I digress. I too find the way some people react a tad childish. Stop the screaming, and try to add something to the discussion instead of I STILL DON'T HAVE MY PHONE YOU STUPID COMPANY IMA GONNA CANCEL MY ORDER yeahrrr that'll teach 'm!

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9 hours ago, silversolver said:

Seriously people, just chill and await the awesomeness. Whether it comes next week, or the next, or barely in time for Christmas, it will be awesome. Focus on the awesome, not on the wait.

Or maybe not at all. We can't be sure if Fxtec will fulfill all orders looking at their history of dishonesty. No one got their tracking codes and phones were supposedly already shipped 5 days ago(and only in Asia). Also Fxtec said that case doesn't exist AFTER shipping deadline so I won't be surprised by anything at this point now. And these are only most recent things. I wouldn't be surprised if only few hundred people got their phones and the rest was refunded. Also, calling people toddlers shows how immature you are.

For me the point now is not "I want the phone now" but I want honest information and no lies, numbers, amount of batches, which batch has which order numbers inside, shipping deadlines and maybe even tracking numbers of batches during transit to warehouses and maybe even how many units they are making. Fxtec already made countless mistakes and they show that they learn nothing, even more, they are making even worse mistakes. Also they don't even admit their mistakes now. I want to know what is happening with my ~670 euros. If it's going to be revealed that Fxtec needs to refund people money because they weren't able to fulfill all orders then all of this will be a huge waste of time and nerves. Fxtec is not a charity company, we gave them money and i want to know what is happening with that money. The fact that they abuse their position of being the only one who is creating landscape slider now and they know that people have literally no other choice is just disgusting. Yeah, Fxtec is not Samsung or Apple but also it means that there is no complex structure in that company. These's no big CEO who has other officers, who have other subordinates who have other subordinates who finally can tell people about current situation, no. Also they sure follow every part of manufacturing and know exactly what is happening. Would a startup like that just tell the factory "Manufacture x phones for me and ship them to warehouses"? No, even Chen is visiting factory from time to time. They have to follow what is happening or else it will be a disaster. It also means that they know exactly what is happening with our orders, that the case won't exist etc. It also means that they have knowledge to tell us about everything, about every problem etc. but they are being dishonest and they are doing this knowingly. They finally took a step forward when people started cancelling their preorders but quickly they made few steps back again. The other problem is that many on the forum are trying to be white knights for Fxtec and are trying to give an excuse for every mistake Fxtec makes with the explanation "it's a startup", "just wait" etc. and without any other valid point. If this was a charity company, I wouldn't even care about mistakes but they aren't a charity company. They took money, they told things that turned to be invalid few times, they are vague, they know that there are people demanding answers but they ignore them knowingly. To be clear, I'm sure that my money is safe, I'm not afraid of this and I don't think of Fxtec as a scam anymore. However I'm not sure if they can fulfill what they told they are doing and they won't answer that or will answer with "soon" which is as good as no answer. What is more, if they know that they won't fulfill some orders, they aren't going to admit that at all until it's all too late. Numbers please.

Edited by Gon009
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18 minutes ago, Gon009 said:

Or maybe not at all. We can't be sure if Fxtec will fulfill all orders looking at their history of dishonesty.

They did several preparations (maybe a bit lately anyway), so I don't think they will stop now if there are no huge problems coming.
...as they sent units for certification, built up production and contracted with warehouses (which altogether cost high amount of money), they will definitively try to fulfill all orders and even later orders.

Maybe almost two years ago, they have started something which they probably had no experience and finally built up a production system which result may appear soon.
I understand if they are tired and thus make steps which are not good for community, but they are seem to be near the last step for everything to go right.
It is a long story and the last several weeks were really busy for them.

Also, after a while they may have their own consequences and experiences for any later similar case, also they may have some production system running for a while if everything go well.

So currently they make mistakes in communication, but it may be better soon.

What I miss is real information about states - not really the expected date of something but to know some details which I may use for my own prediction, but it may be like a best and worst case and "maybe" interval. Also, it would be good to know the size of batches...

I hope they will come up some updates next week - and for me (and may also for others) that is also a valuable update if any shipments have reached warehouses or any of them has left customs in China or in destination country.

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I don't particularly appreciate people calling critics crybabies and the like. I do think some people here are a bit more extreme in their reactions then me, and I won't cancel my pre-order for at least a couple of months, but people should be able to voice their concerns. And there are absolutely reasons for concerns. At this point I think it's pretty likely Fxtec lied about shipping on the 29th after slipping past shipping dates for months, and then there's stuff like no longer offering a case but instead offering a sleeve.

I don't think it's pointless to voice concerns either. I'm not expecting them to work harder, or suddenly have more info or faster shipping. But I hope they take these criticisms and do their best to try and improve on the points that people have criticisms about, which mostly seems to be about trust. Like I said previously as well, I am not going to cancel my pre-order, because I am not trying to hurt Fxtec. I'm annoyed about being lied to, mostly because I just want this phone which looks awesome. Cancelling my pre-order would hurt the possibility of this phone coming out. And personally, I don't mind the phone shipping in November or December, or not having a case. I paid pretty late anyway, so I never thought I'd be in the first batch anyway, and I think using a case is stupid since you just make your phone fatter to preserve the shell which you never see anyway because there's a case around it. What I personally most mind is that I was lied to.  So I'm still going to wait, but I'm not happy about the communication.

Fxtec made mistakes, and people aren't crybabies or anything for pointing that out.

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1 minute ago, kashif said:

mcdinner thanks alot for the latest update, i didnt knew FX Tec is from Mars 🙂

well thats explain, yeh it does takes time to get shipping from  Mars, fair enough

Nah, Yoda is not from Mars, would be Coruscant or Dagobah.

Still the message stands, even if they just ship from China.

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6 minutes ago, Zamasu said:

(...)At this point I think it's pretty likely Fxtec lied about shipping on the 29th after slipping past shipping dates for months, and then there's stuff like no longer offering a case but instead offering a sleeve.

I don't think it's pointless to voice concerns either. I'm not expecting them to work harder, or suddenly have more info or faster shipping. But I hope they take these criticisms and do their best to try and improve on the points that people have criticisms about, which mostly seems to be about trust. Like I said previously as well, I am not going to cancel my pre-order, because I am not trying to hurt Fxtec.


...and I think using a case is stupid since you just make your phone fatter to preserve the shell which you never see anyway because there's a case around it. 

I think (I may be not true) they earlier thought they may ship phones from warehouses at 29th and later they did not want to announce another delay but blur the info a bit instead (or maybe they had internal misunderstanding earlier). It is an interesting thing anyway at PR-wise. If you say something was unsuccessful and have another delay, it may have a result of many unsatisfied people instantly. If you say everything is as expected and you can ship it in only a few days delay, it may be better - but if don't, it may be even worse.

I am in a group who more satisfied if one say it is delayed because of something than if one say everything is on track, even if real shipment made only a few days after it. Maybe most people work a bit differently.

They definitively can not ship faster if we write anything here and they may also work hard now.
I am also don't want to cancel my preorder nor I wanted to cancel my IGG preorder earlier, I hope their success.

About the case - I don't really mind a fatter phone, but I would like to have some protection for the phone.
Everything can happen and I want to have this phone for long-term, even if I buy another phone later - it is something like a historical thing if I can hold it in my hands.

My brother recently bought a phone which had a very well-made, but thick case. He bought another, clear case for it and put it on. I said him it is much weaker and if he drops it, it does not have much protection for its curved screen. He said he will not drop it - I said he will, accidentally some day.
Then he dropped it... it had only a minor damage on one of its corners (luckily not on the screen) but in a place where the other case would have been protected it.
He use the thicker case since then.

So as I would like to use the phone for a longer period, I would like it to have protected...

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So I may have been a little grumpy last night. Technically, I didn't call anyone a toddler; I merely observed that some of you sounded like screaming toddlers, a sentiment which was more-or-less seconded. I did address children at one point, but if you consider yourself not to be one, that shouldn't be upsetting, now, should it? :)

I think my point stands. These people are trying to make a device we've all been wishing someone would make for years, and all some people here can do is criticise them for not making it fast enough. OK, they've had problems and missed dates. It feels like they took on this project not realizing how difficult it would be, and they're worn out, overwhelmed, and desperately trying to bring this ship into port in a storm of difficulties. Some of you are so obsessed with minutiae like dates that you're willing to sabotage their effort, at least in morale. We are the whole reason they're doing this, and they are doing what no one else would or could.

All I wish is that people would stop taking verbal potshots at them and let them awesome. Threats of legal action, cancellations, and chargebacks do nothing to help them make awesome; likewise calling them liars and scammers just demoralizes them, and further zaps their emotional energy, so instead of pouring it into awesome, they have to deal with threats and insults here just to protect their reputation.

It is my firm belief that the demanding, unsupportive attitude of the community will ensure that this is a one-off device. I hope I'm mistaken, but who wants to put in the kind of work that they have only to be villainized? Hopefully once people get devices the tone will change, and they'll decide it's worth doing again. If they do, my advice is this: keep making the Pro1 until the Pro2 or whatever is almost ready, and don't give people any dates on it. That way there's something the impatient can buy right now, and no one can call you a liar if something takes longer than expected.

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6 hours ago, glumreaper said:

I like how you wanted to rise above the 'toddlers', but ended up name-calling and ranting about people needing their orders cancelled anyway. Thanks for the laugh! 😁

It's not like people are rioting in the streets. This is a discussion forum about FXtec or the Pro1, and people are airing their frustrations. This is literally what this place is for. Telling FXtec how you feel about the stream of unclear, incomplete, or (depending on your viewpoint), dishonest, communications; and about multiple delays - is totally reasonable. It's certainly more appropriate than just disparaging other commentors.


It feels like certain people are rioting in the forum. Venting frustrations politely is one thing, but villainizing and threatening people who are doing you a profound service for not doing it fast enough or giving enough details about the process is disgusting to me. I only disparaged an attitude I'm seeing, and not anyone in particular. Awesomeness is coming, people! Be excited and stop taking verbal potshots at the people making it happen. (In general; not saying you were, GR)

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3 hours ago, Gon009 said:

For me the point now is not "I want the phone now" but I want honest information and no lies, numbers, amount of batches, which batch has which order numbers inside, shipping deadlines and maybe even tracking numbers of batches during transit to warehouses and maybe even how many units they are making. Fxtec already made countless mistakes and they show that they learn nothing, even more, they are making even worse mistakes. Also they don't even admit their mistakes now. I want to know what is happening with my ~670 euros. ....... To be clear, I'm sure that my money is safe, I'm not afraid of this and I don't think of Fxtec as a scam anymore. However I'm not sure if they can fulfill what they told they are doing and they won't answer that or will answer with "soon" which is as good as no answer. What is more, if they know that they won't fulfill some orders, they aren't going to admit that at all until it's all too late. Numbers please.

Thank you for voicing your concerns politely, unlike some others. Where I think this line of reasoning goes wrong is that essentially you're asking them to take time and effort away from actually getting product out the door to give information that won't change anything in the end other than make a few people feel satisfied while everyone waits yet a little longer. Having worked in many a small operation, I know how crunch time goes; everyone does everything. I wouldn't be surprised if Adrian was doing assembly or moving boxes or driving a lorry (truck.) What information we have sounds like some people are within a week of holding awesome in their hands. Why not leave it at that for now and see what happens?

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16 minutes ago, silversolver said:

... I think my point stands. ... and all some people here can do is criticise them for not making it fast enough.

And my point is that that's wrong, and I don't appreciate that. Assuming you're talking about critics in general though, otherwise I think your post is kinda pointless and extremely vague.

18 minutes ago, silversolver said:

... likewise calling them liars and scammers just demoralizes them, and further zaps their emotional energy, ...

I'm sorry, but I don't think the blame in that lies in the people calling out the actions. I also think they can easily fix this by posting the truth instead of clinging to lies, at least in my actions. I also think that, like I said, you should be able to voice your criticisms about these actions, even if it "demoralizes them, and further zaps their emotional energy".

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4 minutes ago, silversolver said:

Where I think this line of reasoning goes wrong is that essentially you're asking them to take time and effort away from actually getting product out the door to give information that won't change anything in the end other than make a few people feel satisfied while everyone waits yet a little longer.

A post "sorry we messed up and haven't shipped because X" literally takes 5 minutes AND will save a ton of hours from support. Where is the reasoning flaw now?

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20 minutes ago, silversolver said:

It is my firm belief that the demanding, unsupportive attitude of the community will ensure that this is a one-off device. I hope I'm mistaken, but who wants to put in the kind of work that they have only to be villainized? Hopefully once people get devices the tone will change, and they'll decide it's worth doing again. If they do, my advice is this: keep making the Pro1 until the Pro2 or whatever is almost ready, and don't give people any dates on it. That way there's something the impatient can buy right now, and no one can call you a liar if something takes longer than expected.

I hope it will not be a one-off device, however, I also think we should wait for a while regarding any successors.
They may relax for a while and may try to gain some profit - time will tell.

They definitively should make Pro1 if there is a demand even if they have started designing any successor... and yes, that state they should not show it to wide public because selling of Pro1 would decrease that point... but if they have profit, then they may have money to invest in a successor and they may use the same or similar production and delivery system which were built up recently. So a successor may be easier for experienced people than the process of Pro1 was.

...but it depends of many things, so time will tell - currently the most important is the success of Pro1.


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