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On the pre-production status

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I just had to create an account to chime in as a voice of reason here, because there is some seriously toxic entitlement going on in this thread. I, as I'm sure pretty much everyone else who actu

Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.

Some pages ago during December I requested a refund for preorder, and decided to wait till FxTec could actually deliver. Everything has been processed in a friendly and timely manner :-). What I can a

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I guess we applaud the intent at least, though I agree it's not really an update. This would be information with dates & quantities. But I can't say I'm expecting anything much more of this; just hoping for an email notification with order shipping details (just not anytime especially soon...)

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I suppose that might be true. Truth is I'd really rather see a bunch of assembled phones in one picture rather than these parts that may as well have just been a different table in the same room at the same point in time.

Even the pre-production slideshow video from May managed to show a couple of units together. Why not now when they're supposed to have even more? Are they packaged on the spot? Then show me a bunch of boxes, I'll even believe you when you say they aren't empty.


How to put this the right way... I'm not doubting them still, but this is such a non-update. They've "ramped up production" a couple of times now and had one unit to show for it so far.

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I think now all this doesn't matter because by now we shouldve already had pro1 in our hands. so what i really am interested only is to get the news about its shipped.

This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.

So lets really hope that we get our orders shipped by 29th october.

This time i am really hopeful that it will be shipped by 29th october.

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This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.


FX don't tell you the year :D :D :D Only a Joke


Hey freaks come down. It is like allways with "Pre-Order" or "Croudfounding".

We all and also FX look in the future and it is only a "HOPE" to get it done at this or that day.

If you don't have the money for "pre-Order" don't order.

It will come or not. Maybe it comes but it's a piece of crappy shit or nothing works or it comes to you like the full experience you want to have.


FX-tec is not Samsung or Apple. It is a small Team with limited Budget (and I don't want to know how much private cash and rented cash went in this project) wait and see what you get.

To get it now later is only a killing from emotions you might have because it is something special but this is really a luxury problem. I guess we all can deal with this problems ;-)


Panic Brothers




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I think now all this doesn’t matter because by now we shouldve already had pro1 in our hands. so what i really am interested only is to get the news about its shipped.


This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.


So lets really hope that we get our orders shipped by 29th october.


This time i am really hopeful that it will be shipped by 29th october.


As a pre-order 22###, who got payment email 50 hours after the first info about starting payments, I paid in 3 minutes, I can tell you that fxtec wrote to me that my preorder will be shipped in mid-November. If you aren't <10000 pre-order or didn't have the coupon then I guess there's no chance to get phone shipped before the end of October. If you pre-ordered sometime after everyone already got their emails then maybe it will be shipped before the end of November.

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As a pre-order 22###, who got payment email 50 hours after the first info about starting payments, I paid in 3 minutes, I can tell you that fxtec wrote to me that my preorder will be shipped in mid-November. If you aren’t <10000 pre-order or didn’t have the coupon then I guess there’s no chance to get phone shipped before the end of October...



~~~Well that rots. We were told we wouldn't be charged until just before shipping, and several months isn't what I'd call "just before". My pre-order number is unfortunately high because for some reason I stopped receiving emails, I even asked staff to double check as to why & to make sure I was on the mailing list again (after re-joining) but never heard back. :( I just luckily checked in to see that I could pay in August and I did.


I'd like to know about the warranty and all these delays--I certainly hope the warranty period will not be based on the paid date but rather the date we get the phone.


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I think now all this doesn’t matter because by now we shouldve already had pro1 in our hands. so what i really am interested only is to get the news about its shipped.


This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.


So lets really hope that we get our orders shipped by 29th october.


This time i am really hopeful that it will be shipped by 29th october.

As a pre-order 22###, who got payment email 50 hours after the first info about starting payments, I paid in 3 minutes, I can tell you that fxtec wrote to me that my preorder will be shipped in mid-November. If you aren’t <10000 pre-order or didn’t have the coupon then I guess there’s no chance to get phone shipped before the end of October. If you pre-ordered sometime after everyone already got their emails then maybe it will be shipped before the end of November.


I don't think this is the case. The second batch should cover most of the phones, and FxTec said that it will be done a week after or so. So it should not make a big impact. But I know the feeling, cancelled my preorder and did a new one because adress change wasn't possible. Didn't knew it was relevant for the delivery date... However a week more or less does not hurt me.

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I don’t think this is the case. The second batch should cover most of the phones, and FxTec said that it will be done a week after or so. So it should not make a big impact. But I know the feeling, cancelled my preorder and did a new one because adress change wasn’t possible. Didn’t knew it was relevant for the delivery date… However a week more or less does not hurt me.


If I remember right you are a qwertZ user, and from what Erik wrote earlier we are such a small part of the whole that we are likely to all be included in the first batch.

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This number it’s just wordpress post_id, e.g., there is could be pages, maybe forum threads or tread thread replies before your number, so just do not think there are >22k pre-orders.


What gave you the idea that it should be a wordpress number???


But of course not all pre-orders can be expected to have been paid, so being number #22001 does not mean that there are 22000 paid orders that needs to be handled first.

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I don’t think this is the case. The second batch should cover most of the phones, and FxTec said that it will be done a week after or so. So it should not make a big impact. But I know the feeling, cancelled my preorder and did a new one because adress change wasn’t possible. Didn’t knew it was relevant for the delivery date… However a week more or less does not hurt me.

If I remember right you are a qwertZ user, and from what Erik wrote earlier we are such a small part of the whole that we are likely to all be included in the first batch.


Nope, US-intl all the way. But I can live with an additional week or two.

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This number it’s just wordpress post_id, e.g., there is could be pages, maybe forum threads or tread thread replies before your number, so just do not think there are >22k pre-orders.


Of course I know that, of course there are less orders and preorders but how to check it and how many there are of them is something that we discussed in discord that it shouldn't go into public. You don't have to play "smart" because you know this.

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Why even dangle the possibility of the phone shipping out before 10/29?


This attitude is beginning to be quite annoying. If you do not want to wait, don't do pre-orders, but just go to a store and by some fruit-crap or similar....

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What gave you the idea that it should be a wordpress number???

But of course not all pre-orders can be expected to have been paid, so being number #22001 does not mean that there are 22000 paid orders that needs to be handled first.


The orders site is a Wordpress site using the Woocommerce plugin. Woocommerce has an API which allows you to look at the order numbers, and I've looked. I have the exact list of submitted order numbers (as of about 20 minutes ago, ending with 39215) and they are not even close to sequential. There is a Woocommerce plugin plugin that allows sequential order numbers but it's not being used. I've also asked someone who didn't pay for their order number and confirmed that the unpaid order number is in my list, so I don't have the list of paid orders, only placed orders. I also checked the financials on the factory (self reported, so maybe not 100% accurate) and even if every one of these pre-orders suddenly got paid, the factory has enough capacity to make all the pre-ordered phones in well under a month.


Chen did a good job of choosing a factory that was big enough to handle us and not so big that we don't matter to them.


If you paid, or pay soon then you won't have that long to wait after the first regular production phone ships.


No information other than the order number is leaked, the person's name and other information remains confidential and secure.

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I think now all this doesn’t matter because by now we shouldve already had pro1 in our hands. so what i really am interested only is to get the news about its shipped.


This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.


So lets really hope that we get our orders shipped by 29th october.


This time i am really hopeful that it will be shipped by 29th october.


As a pre-order 22###, who got payment email 50 hours after the first info about starting payments, I paid in 3 minutes, I can tell you that fxtec wrote to me that my preorder will be shipped in mid-November. If you aren’t <10000 pre-order or didn’t have the coupon then I guess there’s no chance to get phone shipped before the end of October. If you pre-ordered sometime after everyone already got their emails then maybe it will be shipped before the end of November.

I don’t think this is the case. The second batch should cover most of the phones, and FxTec said that it will be done a week after or so. So it should not make a big impact. But I know the feeling, cancelled my preorder and did a new one because adress change wasn’t possible. Didn’t knew it was relevant for the delivery date… However a week more or less does not hurt me.

Information about mid-November was directly from fxtec support. They called it "shortly after first batch". Mid-November is 2-3 weeks after 29th October.


Eske, if you want to delete all posts about the pre-order number discussion you should delete post #39116 too(your post) because it creates unnecessary confusion.

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What is actually annoying? doesnt it the keep delaying and each time giving dishonest timeline?

Yes we wouldnt place the order if we knew its gonna keep delaying.

At the time of payment FX clearly specified the timeline of shipment. Its not a crawdfunded project and i wouldve never signed up for crowdfunded.

yes it was pre order but FX gave the timeline.

And the last email they sent me mid october they cleary said they assure that it will be shipped before or at most by 29th october.


I can see a clear pattern here repeating again and again, which is FX announce a shipping date and then goes absolutly quite until that date. when its getting close to that date some will start posting here that its not a big deal to delay and nothing wrong with another delay (are these people FX paid?).


this is what is happening again. now some are suggesting its ok for another delay.

so i am nearly sure after 29th october another delay will be announced with another new reason.


Its not just about money, its also about wasting time and keep getting dishonest updates.


I am definately canceling my order if it doesnt start shipping by 29th october. im not saying my order must be shipped by 29th october but it the process of shippment to any orders does not start by 29th then its clearly not happening.


And i would suggest all the ones who can see my point should cancel their orders after 29th october if shipping process doesnt start. because we should not encourage such disappointing way of doing business.



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Why even dangle the possibility of the phone shipping out before 10/29?


Cuz I'm receiving mine before then.... duh! It can't be allowed to be impossible; I expect mine on my birthday, and although it's close to Halloween, it's before 10/29.



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