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I am about to order the pro1. But I still have a few doubts about it...

I  have a blackberry priv for 3 years, changed the batterie, but it's dying again... batterie goes down to 50% to 0 % in a second. I also have a lot of overheating problems with it, and it restarts for no reasons almost everyday, sometime 3 times a day... So I am about to give up with that phone because it's getting worse. 

Before I buy the pro1 I need to be sure that I will not have the same problems that I have with my priv. For those who had both phones, can you tell me why the pro1 would be better than my Priv ?


Have a good day, 

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Never had a Priv but I can tell you my Pro is awesome. Does not overheat or reboots. Battery is solid too. If you don't mind potentially waiting 3 months to get yours just go order now. 

Edited by Slion
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Never thought I'd miss the touchpad on the keyboard that the priv/key[1/2] had but I do. I find myself trying to scroll through a page swiping across the keyboard on the pro1 frequently (of course, nothing happens).

The fingerprint reader is better placed on the blackberry and you are going to miss the double tap to wake in the default setup of the pro1.

Apart from that I can't see a down side to moving to the pro1.

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46 minutes ago, marshall said:

Never thought I'd miss the touchpad on the keyboard that the priv/key[1/2] had but I do. I find myself trying to scroll through a page swiping across the keyboard on the pro1 frequently (of course, nothing happens).

The fingerprint reader is better placed on the blackberry and you are going to miss the double tap to wake in the default setup of the pro1.

Apart from that I can't see a down side to moving to the pro1.

The scroll on the Priv is an amazing thing, I did not think  it would not exist on another phone! I'll miss this for sure!

th I don't have a fingerprint reader on my Priv, and when I double tap, nothing happens, so I will not miss theses two things for sure :') 

I am mostly worried about the overheat/batterie/reboot problem.

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On 2/20/2020 at 1:43 PM, Kikka said:

Before I buy the pro1 I need to be sure that I will not have the same problems that I have with my priv. For those who had both phones, can you tell me why the pro1 would be better than my Priv ?

Sure, easy answer... better because it's not a Priv! 😉 😁  I'm just kidding around, but I never liked my Priv, and ditched it shortly after I got it (however, I have been a physical landscape keyboard guy since the devices first came out, prior smart phones, and never liked BB's portrait keyboards).  That said, the cell radio is stronger in the Priv (but should only be noticeable in fringe reception areas).  As others have said, the Pro1 doesn't suffer from the Priv's overheat/battery/reboot problems which you are experiencing.  Also, it should also be noted that the standard QWERTY version of the Pro1 has a shifted keyboard which can be difficult for some people.

Edited by Polaris
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Pro software is in beta state. Even crucial features. For example its awfully loud on talk through handset and through earphones. Only bluetooth earphones volume can be lowered enough.

Priv's soft was in much more mature state. It's quite sad, because Pro1 has amazing hardware, but our Chinese friends messed up with soft.

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I upgraded from Priv.

The Pro1 is far from perfect at this stage.

It will feel very heavy and there is no case yet.

The sides of the screen will often register touches even when holding it carefully. The default camera app sucks (use OpenCamera).

But the battery lasts, and it runs the latest software without hickups. It has made my life a lot less stressful and frustrating compared to the Priv just dying at 40%.

I can't say how the keyboard compares as I find myself using the software one, strangely enough. . but it looks very cool on the side. Main bug for me is the screen color quality degrades with lower brightness which I find hard to swallow at this price. Messaged Erik to see if that can be fixed.

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I already replied on the other thread, but what I can add is this: no overheating, no reboots unless I want to, screen is cheaply replaced if broken, the PRIV used to tilt weirdly when keyboard was open.

The pro1 is a bit heavy and IMO the screen is not as good (but cheap to replace). Haven't used the fingerprint device, but it's not well-placed on the pro1. Everything else is nice and IMO better than the PRIV, though I did install the Blackberry Inbox tool, that let's me organize everything in one app.

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3 hours ago, Combat Wombat said:

That seems pretty unlikely considering how long its been disabled for

I can not see the logic in that. It is clearly much more a nice-to-have than need-to-have feature, so obviously it would not be at the top of the stack of issues for fixing.

That some reports random reboots is one of the much more important things to handle.

But that does not mean that we in anyway can conclude whether or not it will be handled once the more grave issues have been handled. I like @SchattengestaIt find it likely that it will be handled, but of course there are no guarantees here, unless officially stated.

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Priv has or is entering end of support. So what's your question?
I've had both. If the Priv was updated to newer versions of Android I would personally have replaced the battery. I was very happy with my Priv.
The only gadget I missed was the fingerprint reader.

Now on my FxTec, yes a lot of nuisances, but what's the alternative? Titan? Never liked that style. Also, I'm glad I could go back to landscape keyboard. That Priv started working on my nerves once in while during long typing sessions, too narrom for my taste.
The Priv is a good phone (IMHO). But the lack of upgrades killed it for me. 
Enter the Pro1...

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Thank you for your answers 😊

I think I am convinced enought now that I "need/want" a pro1!

9 hours ago, EskeRahn said:


That some reports random reboots is one of the much more important things to handle.


But I am still a bit worried about the random reboots 😯

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17 minutes ago, Kikka said:

Thank you for your answers 😊

I think I am convinced enought now that I "need/want" a pro1!

But I am still a bit worried about the random reboots 😯

The most I have had is random screen locks, meaning gone back to lock screen no reboots.  So maybe due to certain apps I just use mail/messaging and some games so don't really class my self as a heavy user.

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54 minutes ago, Kikka said:

Thank you for your answers 😊

I think I am convinced enought now that I "need/want" a pro1!

But I am still a bit worried about the random reboots 😯

Only some see those reboots, I have not seen it at all. And from another thread it seems like it might be related to carriers using certain network bands. and when the carrier passes the phone between those bands. One have reported that he gets it when he travels a certain route by train.

They did have an issue on an earlier version of the software where running particular programs made the phone reboot, but that was fixed early December, if I recall correctly.

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I've gone from a myTouch 4G Slide to a Relay 4G to a Blackberry Priv to the Pro1 (with some temporary non-keyboard phones in between), and the thing that's taking me the most time to get used to with the Pro1 is just how big the keyboard is in comparison.

With my prior phones, either due to a smaller screen (myTouch and Relay) or portrait orientation (Priv), it was very easy for me to reach the thumb from one hand to the opposite side of the keyboard. This was very useful for typing words with many letters on one side of the keyboard, as I could reach across and alternate thumbs as I was typing.

With the Pro1 (6-inch screen, landscape), this just isn't possible. I (5'10" male) can only comfortably reach my thumbs a little more than half-way across, which means I have to retrain myself to use each thumb only on its respective side of the keyboard and not try to reach across, even if it means typing several letters in a row with the same thumb where before I would have alternated.

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4 hours ago, rkjnsn said:

With the Pro1 (6-inch screen, landscape), this just isn't possible. I (5'10" male) can only comfortably reach my thumbs a little more than half-way across, which means I have to retrain myself to use each thumb only on its respective side of the keyboard and not try to reach across, even if it means typing several letters in a row with the same thumb where before I would have alternated.

Adding to this, no matter how large a person's hands are, relative to the keyboard, the Pro1 *will* take longer to type the same content, when compared to a smaller keyboard, with all other things being equal.  

Has anyone ever played the game Whac-A-Mole in an arcade?

Image result for whack a mole

The key to getting a better score on that is to minimize how far your hand/arm must travel.  Keeping the hammer close to the machine and in the middle of the holes reduces the delay each time you need to pound one of the teasing critters.  If you make that machine twice as wide, it will take longer to reach the moles that pop up and some will be duck before you can reach them. 

Same thing with the Pro1.  It is simple physics.  It just takes longer to reach a longer distance.  Longer thumbs will reduce this issue to some degree, but for any given person, it will still take longer to reach spread out keys on this keyboard vs smaller, more compact keys on phone keyboards of the past.  Of course, that can turn into a problem at the other extreme, where the keys are too crowded and the wrong keys are hit, but that's a separate issue.

Having said that, I did just compare the actual letter keys on my Relay 4G to the Pro1, and although the distance from left to right of the letter keys is greater, it isn't greater by much.  Part of the reduction in speed with the Pro1 probably also comes from the hand being spread out more by the wider device, where the fingers have to support the device at a different distance than less wide phones of the past.  The mechanics of a person's hands are just such that thumbs are able to move faster when the support fingers aren't spread that far.  And even though the keys aren't *that* much farther apart, maybe a little bit of difference here matters a lot more than it would seem.

In my case, the click of the Pro1 keys is just a little bit different than on my Relay 4G.  At first I thought they had a farther travel, but I'm not positive that is the case.  It may just be that they aren't as clicky, and it makes a person want to push them harder to ensure they are hit than with my old phone.  I also believe that now that my muscle memory has converted over to the Pro1 layout (I can't type well on the Relay 4G now as a result), I've gotten fast enough at typing on the Pro1 that I can type faster than I can type.  By that, I mean that due to the bug where you can't press multiple keys at once, I believe I'm typing faster than the phone can handle, and I'm having to go back and re-register key presses frequently.  At first I was worried that the keyboard might be failing, but then I remembered that bug and I'm hoping that is all it is.

I do feel more fatigue in my hands when typing on the Pro1 than I did with my Relay 4G.  I think that is partly the different angles, with the fingers holding it at a more obtuse angle than on the smaller phone and the extra reach, due to the keys being spread out slightly more, and due to that issue where I'm feeling like I have to hit the keys harder for them to register (which is hopefully just a side effect of that bug and once that is fixed, maybe I'll be able to lighten up on the keys and type faster and not put as much stress on my thumbs/hands).

Edited by david
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On 2/23/2020 at 5:05 PM, EskeRahn said:

I can not see the logic in that. It is clearly much more a nice-to-have than need-to-have feature, so obviously it would not be at the top of the stack of issues for fixing.

That some reports random reboots is one of the much more important things to handle.

But that does not mean that we in anyway can conclude whether or not it will be handled once the more grave issues have been handled. I like @SchattengestaIt find it likely that it will be handled, but of course there are no guarantees here, unless officially stated.


Because they aren't fixing anything. Its been 2 months since there was a software update and its 6 months behind in security patches. Telling people something is going to get fixed when nothing is getting fixed is extremely dishonest. You do far more harm then good in these forums with posts like this.

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13 hours ago, Combat Wombat said:

Telling people something is going to get fixed when nothing is getting fixed is extremely dishonest.

That is true in general but you are not paying attention to the details.

The workers who would handle the software are not working at all. Not on this software, not on anything because they either are in quarantine, sick or in country mandated 24h curfew.

All of that due to SARS-CoV-2

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