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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2019 in Posts

  1. Just had a response from Liangchen on the little confusion with the free cases. Yes, everyone (with a pre-order) will receive a free sleeve, but only people before the 24th of June will have a free set of headphones (+ the sleeve). I have also been updated that we were not left impressed with the quality of the hardcase that you saw on Twitter before - it was making the slider mechanism not open properly. Therefore, there will be no plastic hard cases, but a sleeve to hold the device in instead. And again, everyone with a pre-order will be getting a free sleeve. Once the device
    11 points
  2. Happy to extend these for any order placed before the end of June upon request only. We're doing this based on the misinformation there might have been on Facebook. Please email [email protected] with your order ID. Please be aware that we are shipping the Pro1 first, and the accessories in a separate package shortly after. We have been too occupied with preventing another delay of the Pro1 :).
    11 points
  3. The next update video came faster than expected, wow.
    9 points
  4. I would swap the posh box, the announced sleeve and earphones for wrapping the phone in a T-shirt for shipping protection, and they could send it in a plastic bag...
    7 points
  5. i'll give you my accessoires if that would be the reason to keep your order. Let me know via pm how it works out for you.
    7 points
  6. I would suggest not to think about dropping it. Just make sure you never drop it
    6 points
  7. People have to realize that a clunky case — and they said it was altering the mechanism — wouldn't make anyone happy either. The potential shitstorm on social medias could even be worse if cases are carefully manufactured but make the phone hard to use. Sometimes, sticking to the initial plan when first trials show that it just won't work is beyond reason, even if deciding to alter plans is tough. I trust F(x)tec and believe small companies with low inertia know how to do what is best given the constraints. F(x)tec already demonstrated their attention to details and priorities when design
    6 points
  8. Yeah it has become a mess, but not that easy to filter out, as much of it is related reactions to the delays (and now changed delivered product) I can not see a clear cut on how to divide it. We COULD ask Erik to make a new thread locked for comments with FxTec information only, and then keep this thread as a more discussion like thread with all the derived comments/reactions.
    5 points
  9. So pretty much something I can buy at my local supermarket, but with a Fxtec logo on it? I'll be honest with you: I'm not sure I want to bother going back to the post office to get it, please make it optional. I mean, come on, at this point you clearly have to see how much you keep backpedaling and we keep finding out stuff that you clearly have known for a while and definitely should have told us. I don't mind setbacks, but I mind dishonesty very much. Any more of these? Are the batteries still removable? Is the bootloader still unlocked?
    5 points
  10. I am awaiting confirmation from Liangchen on this. This might have been something I am not aware of. Before further confusion, I will update you how things stand with the free sets of accessories.
    5 points
  11. Any possibility of having a SHIRT instead of case/headphones? Probably get more use out of that, personally
    5 points
  12. Hyrum, where in usa do you live? If, for example, you happen to live in SF Bay Area, I could let you examine mine if it would help, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was someone in another area that would do the same... There may be more people buying these in Europe than America, but doesn't mean there's none!
    5 points
  13. guys, can we move the convo to another thread (@EskeRahn, could you split the topics maybe)? that's not a production status discussion any more, for those of us who monitor this thread for updates. Sorry to be naggy🙂
    4 points
  14. ...Trust me, my heart skipped a few beats when I did... It was certainly not a willingly executed drop test
    4 points
  15. I see your point, but since that is an offer from myself, there is nothing to feel selfish about. Offer still stands.
    4 points
  16. Forgot to add that you can track the progress of the port here: https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1
    4 points
  17. I researched the company Chen shot the last video at. And as it turns out, it's actually not the one we think it is:
    3 points
  18. New pro1 spotted for musicians!
    3 points
  19. That had actually been my intention when I made the suggestion to create this thread in the first place-- I wanted a thread where, if we were wondering what F(X) Tec had said in an update, we could quickly look it up. 🙂
    3 points
  20. Anyway guys i think if we talk about dropping it then we have to face the consequences. we may be lucky as EskeRayn and no damage doe or it may be a bad day and it will break into 500 pieces. the only solution to this is to have multiple of these phones. like i am going to buy at least 5 pro1 devices.
    3 points
  21. Unless you use it with Sailfish. it is far less demanding in terms of performance, partly because it is not cluttered with feature updates eating more CPU at each version, and most of all there is no hardware limitation past a certain version. Of course there are drawbacks, and SFOS on the Pro¹ won't even be official. But it is worth mentioning that the short-term obsolescence is mostly a software issue with today's hardware, since we already reached somewhat of a plateau a few years ago. Most flagships now put forward new gadgets or marketing gimmicks instead of performance leaps. Since
    3 points
  22. You are talking to people who have an old nokia phone
    3 points
  23. well that sound like its not that fragile then. but i tell you what I WILL NOT DROP IT!
    3 points
  24. I have dropped as well the "Preproduction Unit" a few times as the "Final Sample" once, though not from high heights, and luckily not on very hard surfaces, the hardest a vinyl covered concrete floor from about 1m (pocket height) - no visible damages to either
    3 points
  25. Feel much the same way. I do not care for a sleeve, that anyone can make in two minutes with a sewing machine and an old rag... Now we are left with the feeble option of producing and applying a protective film to handle scratches only. No real protection... They have talked of this protective case for very very long. So they have had amble opportunity to adjust the prototypes to secure a decent grip of the case without blocking the mechanism. ADD: At the very least they could offer us the alternative of a couple of pre-cut self adhesive films, we can apply our self. These vil
    3 points
  26. I like the idea of a sleeve better than a case to be honest 🙂. I wondered before how in the world they could make a case that properly protects the phone, figured there would just be a case for the bottom half that I'd end up not using. That said it's good that this is told, I almost bought a sleeve already (on amazon there exists 1 for pro1 already).
    3 points
  27. Well in this example I would argue that the data collection possibly had more details than the display of the result. Since in this graphic only one category is relevant it is not too bad to merge the last n groups. Still does not accurately show the results. You know what they say: Never trust a chart you didn't manipulate yourself.
    3 points
  28. As a math guy allow me to make a bit of stick splitting. The closed age intervals are unequal in size. 6 7, 6, 5 resp. 5 years this muddles the results slightly, as this in it self would give a bias towards the younger groups. I mean if we (for the sake of argument) assumed one person in all ages from 15 to 64 had voted, the numbers would be 6%, 12% 14%, 12%, 10%, 10%, 48% 50%. So surprisingly we see more votes less than 36 than an even distribution, and less votes 36 and above. My guess is that it reflects the age distribution on the ones active on the forum more than the distributi
    3 points
  29. I hadn't tried it before you turned cloudflare on. It's now working fine they probably used the same safe list for websites.
    3 points
  30. There is an pro1 area on xda, but nothing there yet. https://forum.xda-developers.com/pro1 LineageOS developers twitter: https://twitter.com/tdmcode
    3 points
  31. I doubt you will need to ask when it happens. 😉
    2 points
  32. The bottom part has dimensions really close to a Samsung note 7 (153.5 x 73.9 x 7.9 mm) so I think I will try to find a leather case for that, and see what I can modify... ADD Or "Note FE", same dimensions
    2 points
  33. The more I think about it, the more frustrated I am by the sudden change of case to sleeve. It's annoying because unless this phone really takes off, there will be nowhere to get a case that fits! As has been said about many of the steps along the way: it wouldn't have taken much to communicate this in a more reassuring way.
    2 points
  34. I doubt I would have used the case and probably won't use the sleeve. My front left jeans pocket is my sleeve (is that a Pro 1 in your pocket or are you just happy to see me 😉). Going back to my Palm PDAs, I have never used screen protectors and only used cases when a phone was crazy slick. That was my Nexus 6p, where I used a bumper only until it's battery got sketchy and then I used a battery case, and my interim phone, a Moto G6, has a thin TPU case as it can barely be held without one. I hate cases and I don't think the Pro 1 will be slick. I think a bumper that wraps the base but doesn
    2 points
  35. you surely all saw it in the main production thead, but for the sake of completness : no hard-case at all a pouch instead for every pre-order (weirdly wasn't the case before) not shipping with the phone but later down the line.
    2 points
  36. Plastic actually makes phones more resistant to drops thanks to better shock absorption than metal. On the N900, the plastic is kind of soft, with detachable parts, a brick form factor, bezels, and a soft resistive screen. All this probably made it a very decent stunt phone; I have not seen many pictures of N900 heavily damaged after drops. I expect the Pro¹ to be a lot less drop resistant with his harder body, much larger screen area, and curved glass with no bezels. Not planning on trying.
    2 points
  37. I'm still rocking N900 xP However I can't use any of the latest apps, can't properly surf the web, but the phone still works for it's intended purpose even though it's all plastic.
    2 points
  38. Many in here are using phones much older than 3-4 years in anticipation of this return of a real keyboard slider.
    2 points
  39. I for myself prefer the sleeve. I can't see how a case could work properly with this phone design (especially with the round screen). A etui or a skin would be a possibility but I am happy with a sleeve.
    2 points
  40. This is sad as a sleeve does not help to secure the phone when dropped while holding it. Phone won't drop while in my pocket and scratches on the back are not the thing I'm afraid of. Also this is again a communication fail, as the last information from June!! was that there would be pictures soon of the case. Now there is no protection at all, and If the phone manufaturer itself cannot create a case who will then ? This may be a problem of this shitty borderless designs which came up the last years. On my E7 I had a hardcover like this, which I would like to see again.
    2 points
  41. Depending on the case, some people may skip the whole package. Would surely save them some cost on shipping. But to decide that, the headphones and case have to be done and presented to us.
    2 points
  42. Thanks Erik for the clarification! Nice to have a statusupdate on the case. As also mentioned in the headphones Thread, maybe you shopuld ask people if they need the headphones. I think most people do have better ones and only need the case. ( In my case I only need the case.
    2 points
  43. You can get an idea of SailfishOS Community Port status by checking out their known issues bug tracker... https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1/droid-config-t5/issues
    2 points
  44. Any preorder placed before the 24th of June, regardless of payment date. For anyone else, our accessories will be on the store shortly after all preorders are shipped.
    2 points
  45. Cloudflare is already on, so unlikely :(. I believe your work firewall is blocking the forum platform we use, which is quite popular for being an efficient distraction :).
    2 points
  46. I am one of the Indiegogo preorderers. I have received my payment request on the 1st of August at 9:56AM and payed it two minutes later (this is the arrival of my receipt mail). When I receive my unit, I will write a message on this forum (so when I will arrive to home and I hope I will not travel that day). Theoretically, that info may be good for some estimations...
    2 points
  47. The communication style of F(x)tec is similar to some of our eager but naive junior engineers who try very hard to please. They spend a lot of hours fixing problems they didn't anticipate but say nothing about it at the time because they think they will be able to finish in time but they never do.
    2 points
  48. As a 60+, I find it interesting that you had 5 year intervals and then 40+ 😂
    2 points
  49. I think they are very very busy getting things out these day, so might be slow in replying. If there are any specific measurements or photos you want me to take, I could try on the "Final Sample" .
    2 points
  50. Those don't work very well for typing because not all clicks register. Forget about gaming where you need to have multiple simultaneous button presses. The game gripper worked pretty good but some phones only supported 3 simultaneous button presses which slowed things down. The better phones didn't seem to have an issue. FYI still no word back from the ppl I reached out to.
    2 points
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