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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2021 in Posts

  1. The line is when they take the money to Las Vegas and blow it on hookers and cocaine. And then they realize they need more money, so they delay shipping in order to solicit more funds, so they can provide refunds to people who threaten to sue. Thus, the organization becomes a ponzi scheme where new investor money is used to pay off old investors. But I don't think that's the case here, hopefully... >.<
    5 points
  2. I always was and I still am a big critic of their communication. They had a lot of delays where we still don't know what happened. Their timelines are always way way to optimistic. But this incident? Completely different. Yeah it may suck big. But they did communicate it relatively fast. They collected Information beforehand and they told exactly what happened. Sure it may have helped if they did communicate better how late they where informed. But by fxtec standards, this was brilliant. And one should not forget that it is hard to juggle with information when you can't afford to lose the
    4 points
  3. For me, the key is updateability. For niche devices made by small companies that means an unlockable bootloader and at least Lineage being available (and probably means having a Qualcom chip), because no small company making niche devices are going to keep Android up to date. either in terms of version nor security patches. IDEA corp's contract support is not great-- they are a big company with many big clients. But FxTec's relationships with the development community, even if you have to wait forever to get your device, is invaluable. I won't deny that I thought of getting a Titan as
    4 points
  4. I think people also need to bear in mind there is a global semiconductor shortage across all areas. Small companies unfortunately are just not priority and have to take the left overs.
    3 points
  5. That is what everybody with insider information would say πŸ˜„ No honestly: It is insanely hard to get a feet into the smartphone market. They tried (and somewhat succeeded), and had so many problems: - delays - covid - soc is gone And they are still going and have delivered a few phones, which is not only impressive, but it also shows that it is unlikely a scam. Would that be a scam they would have gone a long time ago, after the first 2k preorders for sure! Why struggeling to reduce your money? I am sure they have less now, than 1.5 years ago...
    3 points
  6. If you bought through their website, ask for a refund, due to the change in shipping date. And if they refuse, file a chargeback. That's your right under consumer protection laws. As for whether they're crooks, that's impossible to determine unless you have evidence that they intentionally tried to mislead people. Otherwise, it's possible they were slow to update their site, problems with internal communication, logistical issues, etc. There's any number of reasons... Being disorganized or unprepared (while not ideal) isn't the same as being actively malicious.
    3 points
  7. i voted to wait longer . heck im waiting for a very long time already whats a extra couple of months gonna be Yeah i think the upcomming blackberry wil be the best option or the unihertz titan honnestly i choose the fxtec pro1 and the pro1 x over the titan for several reasons mainly thinking the wait would not have been so long but im now thinking of either waiting for the new blackberry or just order the titan its not the form factor i want but beggers cant be choosers
    3 points
  8. However, LineageOS 18 (based on Android 11) will be most likely available maybe officially. ...I think LineageOS will be our best choice as the latest supported OS.
    2 points
  9. Even 'minor' companies like aPple have issues getting chips: https://www.gsmarena.com/global_chip_shortages-news-47657.php
    2 points
  10. Anyway, I did not know when news told about car companies having shortage of electronic components that what kind of components they were speaking about. ...then last time when I have purchased components for one of my own designed boards, I have found that it looks something like a general problem (maybe mostly logistics or manufacturing issue). The PCB assembly company had missing components which I had to skip to solder it by hand later. ...but I had to order components from three different wholesalers as there were component sortage or components which had thousands of ordered
    2 points
  11. You're right, they definitely had an idea that there might be possible delays, but they waited to collect accurate information before releasing that info publicly. And in that time, some people bought perks on igg or their site expecting to get the earlier model. They didn't release that information right because they wanted to be 100% sure of the facts, before releasing that info. I don't believe it was to squeeze a few more bucks out of people. They could've posted a disclaimer on their site, saying that there may be massive delays, or there would be some potential changes to the
    2 points
  12. At the least that is what a politician would do 🀣 IF I had had any inside info on a subject I would limit myself to the public knowledge, and if pressed say that I'm not at liberty to share info on that. And before anyone tries pressing: No, I got no inside info on their financial status.😜
    2 points
  13. It's not Fxtec who's actually doing the Android versions for their phones, it's the mainboard supplier which is also responsible for sourcing the CPU, IDEA International Development Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen – in cooperation with Fxtec. I would guess it all depends on how much support by IDEA Fxtec will be able to get out of their contract with them.
    2 points
  14. They won't continue to support both the old pro1 (835) and the new one 662. It's not feasible for a company of this size to support two phones. But maybe they'll put out android 10, idk. There won't be any refunds. They don't have to give out refunds, it's an igg campaign. People who ordered through their site can ask for a refund, though. They don't need to worry about their reputation. They're not Samsung, they're nobodies. This is a niche device, there's no alternative, so it's this or nothing. (bb locked down, astro slide bad keyboard design) They won't go bankrupt, the
    2 points
  15. Just saying, AICP is up to date, based on Android 10, and does Magisk as an easy flash like addonsu. Developed by tdm as well. Latest zip here (ignore that the date in the description has not been edited, the link will get you the latest zip from Feb, Has Jan security patch). https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3191-aicp-q-discussion/ Flashable Magisk zip here (I'm still using 21.3): https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/ Very similar to Lineage 17.1 but with more features. The point is, although you use Magisk, it is simply flashing a single zip in recovery, no
    1 point
  16. Star citizen is pretty cool! It will just never finish or work i think!
    1 point
  17. This is, simultaneously, the most hilarious and most important post I have read here in the last few days. Thanks @lawliett. People, try to relax a little. If Fxtec wanted, they could probably take the money from the IGG campaign and leave. Obviously, they don't. They try to deliver a keyboard phone that is as close as possible to what backers bet their money on. Conspiracy theorists believing Fxtec set this all up for drawing money out of a minuscule (!) community of keyboard phone enthusiasts probably cannot be healed anyhow. Still, I want to stress that I write this holding my Pro
    1 point
  18. Here it is, the link is valid for 1 week. https://we.tl/t-qN2TbbcfCy If I'm not mistaken, it's the last build of LineageOS 16 : lineage-16.0-20201026-nightly-pro1-signed.zip
    1 point
  19. Well it's not like they can go far on the 835, just finish 10 and integrate the last security update that was available. I already came to terms that we will never see 11 on it with that soc. Then they can focus on the 662 onward.
    1 point
  20. He is a double agent for Planet Computers working to sow discontent and pull people to the dark side
    1 point
  21. I keep being amazed by the clairvoyant abilities of some people to know what some others, complete strangers to them, knew or didn't know. Now it's no more knowing, only feeling? Accusations which are not provable are worthless – and may say more about those who make them than about the accused. That, for once, is a provable fact.
    1 point
  22. I'm beginning to wonder who really are the crooks here with your lies.... Who are you working for - really?
    1 point
  23. Right. Also, I think the last problem would not exists without the middle...
    1 point
  24. It is me he is trying to misquote here... Interesting.... And I most certainly did not!! I Have no more knowledge on their financial situation that the rest of you
    1 point
  25. ... unless the next pandemic is around by then and my respiratory mask gets the AR glasses steamed up all the time. πŸ™‚ Obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1891/. Other than that, you may have some good points there, indeed.
    1 point
  26. I don't look at many IGG projects, but having seen exactly the same thing on the Astro Slide project, I almost wonder if the behavior isn't built algorithmically into the IGG platform, maybe based on a few parameters the owner of the project sets. Shrug I don't consider it bad behavior, I consider it marketing. Though I suppose one could argue it's tomayto/tomahto πŸ˜„
    1 point
  27. So what? Miffed because you're not one of the exclusive five anymore, or one of the exclusive one thousand or whatever the original number of devices was they might have had planned to sell through the campaign? Which they very probably kept increasing slowly as they were led to believe they could still get the PCBs with the SD 835? What would you expect, that they throw away an option to sell more phones just because a few people might get somehow offended by it? Sorry, but I really don't get it.
    1 point
  28. I'm guessing people who already have a Pro1 voted wait and those who don't voted deliver sooner.
    1 point
  29. Let's face it the keyboard prints are most certainly the last of their worries as they don't have a working motherboard at the moment. Sorry to see you go @flx I do hope FxTec will one day have products on stock for you to buy.
    1 point
  30. Indeed, it would be anyone's guess. Mine would be that they simply would have continued in batches as long as demand and supply lasted. The second then fell short quicker than expected. Indeed, we do not know when the cheating started, it could well be that was what prevented the expected final batch of pending Pro1's before the Pro1X from being manufactured. And if the crooks just told it as yet another Corona delay and took orders for the Pro1X too, before FxTex found out they were being cheated, that would match what we have seen. - Just guessing of course.
    1 point
  31. (It is not that uncommon with companies without a stock, producing their products in batches only)
    1 point
  32. Tjenare Fxtec! I will hold off on asking for a refund. But I am very unhappy of the downgrade to SD622 from SD835! And especially unhappy about how you as a company have handled the situation towards me and us as customers. You need to explain your situation, background, constraints and thereof choices openly and honestly.Not in intentionally muddled and veiled, almost nothing saying, sugar-coated, typical corporate official speak. Be upfront with the downsides, just as well as you're being upfront with the upsides of the change - otherwise you just appear disingenuous and dish
    1 point
  33. A side by side for the changed cpu https://www.cpu-monkey.com/en/compare_cpu-qualcomm_snapdragon_662-1833-vs-qualcomm_snapdragon_835-1846
    1 point
  34. i gues indeed i have to be carefull what i wish for This to me in unexcepteble u get a downgrade in cpu when the 835 was not the best to begin with But i gues i cant do nothing but wait . This newwer cpu performs across the board 25% to 50% less . They could have seen this problem comming that a outdated cpu wil no longer be manufactured , but choose to ignore it in the hopes it would solve itself now at this point FX tech is just playing with everyones money This problem was already there when this indiegogo campaign started They say in the email its going to take a while 6-9
    1 point
  35. I honestly hope the way this "resolves" itself is that maybe FxTec somehow still make enough money from Pro1 and ProX sales in the future so that they can take their time, gather their resources and come out with a Pro2 that's truly a flagship device in a year or two. We, their clients now, are part of this company's first stumbling steps and I hope we can get it to a constant sprint in a few years time. For the sort of "Mom and Pop" shop they are at the moment, I'm quite impressed with what they managed to do up to now. But yes, if I didn't already have my Pro1, the downgrade news w
    1 point
  36. If you think "hey this guy is demanding something unreasonable"... I am working for OEM business, and I know how the semiconductor companies announce EOL of the product. They usually provide the notification 3 months before they announce the EOL. F(x)tec mentioned "negotiate with supply chain" - actually it happened 3 month before. It does mean, they had not placed the order in Nov 2020, while they had observed the back-orders, presumably from Jan 2020 to Nov 2020. Don't you think their logistic management is seriously terrible, not to order the cr
    1 point
  37. I think some of you have received the following message from F(x)tec - Hello, Here’s an important update about the Pro1's chipset. The Qualcomm Snapdragon (SD) 835 is now end of life and we were informed last month that it can no longer be purchased from our suppliers, despite having paid for the components back in December. Over the past few weeks, we have had long discussions with our manufacturer and various suppliers to look at the alternative chipsets options and have made the decision to go with the more recent Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 (2020 model). This change of chipset
    1 point
  38. I have requested to cancel my order and refund immediately. If you agree, please do so. If the sufficient buyers provide the loud voice, they will be more serious. I am pretty sure, they have purchased subcomponents already, and if many claim the calcellation and refund, they will be financially negative, so as to avoid the situation, they shall more seriously think the better work-around.
    1 point
  39. This does not look good at all. Another delay for us is very frustrating and I am skeptical to the new timeline since there are so many changes. How they can manage everything? SD662 is a downgrade compared to the SD835. CPU performance is decent but its GPU lacks power. I think that they should have select SD730G (2019 Q2) or SD732G (2020 Q3) instead. And how about SD845? Geekbench 5 (single/multi): SD835: 393/1637 SD730G: 523/1677 SD662: 302/1398 3DMark SSE: SD835: 3127 SD730G: 2344 SD662: 1171 Worst thing is that Pro1 ja "Pro1-X" will be
    1 point
  40. ...and the best is that they are still able to make modifications on hardware if necessary. ...and it should also include certifications, Google-related payments which also require additional money.
    1 point
  41. It is sad indeed, but what are they to do, if the chips are no longer available? " we were informed last month that it can no longer be purchased from our suppliers, despite having paid for the components back in December when our campaign officially ended." Sure I would also love to see it with say a 885 - but it is not going to happen.... So they found the least bad they could refit into the same shell is 662, and so bi it. Yes it is a somewhat slower chip but on the other hand it is supported by QC a few year further ahead. So it have Pros and Cons. Is it worth more or less? I h
    1 point
  42. It's a joke at this point πŸ˜• I think I'm good to cancel and find myself whatever I can order in the 1-2 months to come... Probably a used Key2 I'm guessing.
    1 point
  43. I don't understand their fascination with over promising and under delivering - repeatedly. You would think they learn from mistakes...
    1 point
  44. Support emailed me today. They will be sending me a replacement USB port.
    1 point
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