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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Hey all, Just sharing this cause it was helpful to me. But if in the event you need to replace your keyboard (thank you FXtec for sending a replacement) such as I had the arrow key worn down (we will blame one game on that). The key thing is the keyboard is on as an adhesive. Things you need: Electrical Prying Device (Possibly Exacto Knife) Double sided adhesive (I used some left over ones from cases that came with it but 3M adhesives are options too) Process Keyboard Removal Turn the device off. Optional: remove the display and the hinge it is on, th
    6 points
  2. According to the tracking, the package was returned back to us after it was held for 1 week in a DPD depot in your home country pending customs charges. Also, if you checked the tracking that we provided you with, it's pretty clear it is still on it's way back to us. The tracking hasn't changed to "delivered" - hence nothing arrived back to us. We like to side with you, as we've seen this happening a lot since Brexit - unpaid customs, customers never contacted by the courier asking for the payment, and yet things still getting returned for unpaid customs... This was our shipment brok
    4 points
  3. Yes, indeed. That said, the "packstations" are property of DHL, and no other parcel service may use them... (This is what comes from three decades of pro-privatisation, pro-competition and against-public-services politics...) And DHL usually are the ones who actually do ring the bell and wait for someone to open, or otherwise leave a note and deposit the parcel at the postoffice to be collected...
    3 points
  4. FYI, we're trying to source a replacement for you already @DieBruine. No point in delaying this. Support will update you within 1 week with details.
    3 points
  5. Ummm, okay. 😄 I thought I was just providing information, not pushing anything in particular to anyone in particular. 🙄
    3 points
  6. So it ain't working for Android? It must be using some ground breaking DRM system.
    2 points
  7. Here they leave parcel in front of door wait for you to answer and take a picture.
    2 points
  8. Selling https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274778493226?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160727114228%26meid%3D160a17e323f0408b8cbdf4830b9b7c1a%26pid%3D100290%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D274778493226%26itm%3D274778493226%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2060778%26brand%3DF(x)tec&_trksid=p2060778.c100290.m3507
    2 points
  9. That is great news! Thank you for the update. To be clear, I never wanted to attack fxtec or anyone personally! And I am not surprised, that the problem is with the parcel service and not with you (I mean I know dpd.... it is a casino). I was just pointing out, that DieBruine has no possibility or rights to pressure the parcel service at all. It is unfortunately for you something fxtec must do. We all know that you are a small company and it sucks to fight against big parcel services. But I honestly think DieBruine has tried what he could to solve the issue by himself! Keep up the go
    2 points
  10. I noticed these two videos appeared on the IGG page (at the bottom of a long scroll). I hadn't seen them before. One shows replacing the display (although it does it frame and all, not replacing the display in an old frame) and opening up the bottom part to replace the battery. Thought they deserved direct links here.
    1 point
  11. Alright, after toying with it for a few days I have cracked dual booting and decided to write up the steps myself. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR DATA DOING THIS. Credit to @order#10248 for proving the concept. First thing you will want to do is re-flash stock android on your phone. There isn't an official repo for this yet but @Waxberry has kindly provided one on this post. Download and extract the files from there and run the script fastboot_all.bat or you can download my modified linux version flash_all.sh. While that is flashing, download the latest version of Lineage here. Yo
    1 point
  12. I just inserted a marker pen from the left, to keep the halves apart.
    1 point
  13. In the Netherlands there are organisations where you can file a complaint when there is a dispute and/ or lack of service. My issue lies with both DPD and FxTec. According to DPD NL I should contact FxTec and according to DPD UK, FxTec should take actions. We all know where this is going, and has been going for months now. Asking FxTec for help hasn't resulted in anything apart in a thank you for co-operating (WTF!?). So I tried filing a complaint with DPD UK. Here is where it gets 'funny'. DPD UK still refer to the EU consumer board when you have a dispute. But, since the UK is no longer a me
    1 point
  14. (He he.... the point is that the Sailfish variant has cut outs to do side-swipes)
    1 point
  15. While some parcel services tried that here in Germany pre-corona or around the time when the plague had just started, for a long time now most of them just drop parcels in front of the door and leave. If I'm lucky, they at least ring the bell once before the leave. As long as everything actually gets delivered, which so far has always been the case for me, I'm alright with it for the time being...
    1 point
  16. As the discussion was about shared data storage I can only imagine that a file browser was meant. Running a web browser as root would make no sense to me either.
    1 point
  17. When getting parcels from Germany, I have seen similar, that the German and Danish version of tracking disagrees, and also that the sending site has it marked as delivered before it actually is. I once contacted the courier and they contacted the Danish branch and removed the delivered entry - but when the parcel arrived some hours later, they did not get it back in... so things are only partly automated, with stange bugs as a result.
    1 point
  18. That's all I wanted @Erik, an honest response. I contacted DPD UK + NL while it was held at customs. All, and I do mean ALLL, my information was included in the shipping documents. Nobody contacted me. Even when I asked for help and called them, the information was needed from the sender. There was nothing I could have done. Regarding the shipment/ delivery/ return the The Dutch division told me it was delivered to the sender on the 15th of March around 10:42 if I recall correctly. The UK tracking site does not show the full information. The Dutch tracking site showed that it was delivered
    1 point
  19. are these still available? im tired of using a touchscreen - im a cripple n its harder to use touch
    1 point
  20. Seeing that my display now has also developed two thin, bright beams coming out of the 5mm black hole I had managed to create in it by dropping the device, so it's not exactly getting better, and with me still being buried in other work, now thanks to @EvilDragon's announcement I decided to book his replacement service, even though I already have bought two displays (and a heat gun!) elsewhere – which I'll keep as spares... I'll report how it goes! Being in the same country, at least that will reduce shipping durations to a minimum...
    1 point
  21. Yes! Reported that my replacement failed to fxtec Jan 9, provided some photos showing that there was no outside damage to the phone. Got a new screen March 18. I hope this one lasts more than 6 months.
    1 point
  22. I honestly cannot give a qualified answer, but I will try. Hopefully someone with more knowledge of Android will correct me and I will learn in the process: On Android, every app runs under a separate UID. This is to ensure any specific app cannot access files written by any other app unless that other app explicitly grants system-wide access. In a world where you expect every program on your device to spy on your data, this is supposed to enhance security. Effectively, this alone makes something like a file browser impossible: on Android, these have access only to files that belong to t
    1 point
  23. If you are trying to use Magisk to get root in Lineage, you don't need to do that dance with patching the bootloader. Just use adb sideload to flash the Magisk zip from HERE and you will have root, no muss no fuss. (I'm still using an old one, 21.0) I never even open Magisk Manager, although the zip installs it. I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on with fastboot. I assume you are booted into the bootloader, not recovery, when you are doing that (I'm not trying to be insulting by pointing to the obvious-- when I get frantic I can miss incredibly obvious things and am happy when people
    1 point
  24. I unfortunately do not have any miracle solution. BUT as something went wrong with a flashing I would still suspect the connection. double check that no 'pocket lint' have sneaked in, for all connections, and possibly try a different cord, port or PC. If you do have access to alternatives, try connecting any different USB-C phone, and try to transfer a large amount of data (e.g. images & videos) in both directions and double check that they transferred correctly.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Aaaand done! Here is the replacement display: https://www.dragonbox.de/en/spare-parts-tools/lcds/fx-tec-pro1-replacement-lcd And here the service, in case we should do that for you (display included in the price): https://www.dragonbox.de/en/repair-mod-services/after-warranty-repairs/fx-tec-pro1-display-replacement-service
    1 point
  27. Asked one of those mall kiosks for phone cases to hook me up with some kind of pouch. This one isn't real leather but it fits nice and snug, looks better and is quicker and easier to put inside and take out of compared to the stock felt pouch.
    1 point
  28. Thanks for the hint! But that rises again the question for a wiki or something alike to keep this kind of info easy accessable. Cheers, order#10148
    1 point
  29. With my understanding the "recovery image" for Pro1 comes together with "boot image". The "boot" is only missing in the naming of the recovery-file offered for LineageOS. The fastboot command flashes the "recovery" into "boot(_a)". That means, as long the LineageOS-recovery.img is flashed into slot A, the boot-img-part is not the right one for Ubuntu Touch (that also resides in slot A) and Ubutnu Touch wont boot up fully. It needs to have its boot.img (re)flashed into slot A. So instead of "keeping" I suggest temporarely flashing the LineageOS-recovery-image to slot A, boot into that slo
    1 point
  30. Lineage dose not reset the Bluetooth chip to the right RF state and UBTouch isn't able to resolve it for whatever reason. You will need to ensure Bluetooth is off in lineage before switching to UBTouch.
    1 point
  31. Well thats a much easier way to do it 🙂 Thanks for the write up mate.
    1 point
  32. Congratulations Zahkc for getting it done and a very big Thank You for writing this up! Excellent work, I was about to share the notes I have made while dressing up my Pro1 to get famous, but that were already some meters to scroll (thats how it felt 😉 ) ... and you nailed it down. My way to get to dual booting was slightly different in details. But all in all the same. Still I want to paste some additional notes here. ****************************************************************************************************************** Basic things I learned, that might enlight the gu
    1 point
  33. Attached fx_tec_pro_1_case_bottom v3 v3 -mod.stl fx_tec_pro_1_case_top.stl
    1 point
  34. 3D printed TPU case for Lineage and sailfish users
    1 point
  35. While an official flip case for the Pro1 would be nice, I do not think that it is strictly necessary. I bought a random flip case for the Huawei P20 Pro (this one), and it is a perfect fit for the Pro1. I cut the required apertures for USB, headphone jack, power, shutter and volume buttons into the soft shell (not using fingerprint). Done.
    1 point
  36. Oddly enough, it's called a hole punch. Specifically, a leather hole punch.
    1 point
  37. Another pouch I made with 2 mm thick leather. With some holes for sound and led. Previous design of cases/ pouches: here and here.
    1 point
  38. Anyone else having volume issues with 2604? My volume is back at max and won't come down. Just like in the early days 🤔.
    0 points
  39. I have had no response from both these A-holes since my last message asking them to sort things out. As a recipient I have no rights. And FxTec's response is we have done all we can, which I loosely interpret as screw you buddy. Nothing I can do at the moment. And I highly doubt FxTec has done all it can 🤬.
    0 points
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