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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Following @esialb's thread on Ubuntu Touch, here's one showing that SailfishOS works too: ——— Instructions: - First and foremost, backup your "persist" partition. Better safe than sorry. Instructions are in other guides, Please, do not skip that step, there is no other way back to the vanilla persist partition. - Download and extract the latest artifacts.zip from the SailfishOS port repository: https://gitlab.com/sailfishos-porters-ci/halium-qx1050-ci/-/jobs - Pick your clacky Pro1x, power it down, hold down [Volume -] and [Power] until it boots
    7 points
  2. If you still haven't received one when all of batch #1 has shipped, you will have a reason to complain, and rest assured I will complain in case the phone I ordered in Sept 2019 won't come in batch #1, too. If you cannot contain yourself for the few more days that will take, all the more so after you have been waiting for more than two years now, your fuse it too short. And then tell us which other tiny, but "thriving" and "efficient" company has been denied an already promised supply of SoCs, making scrap out of their mainboard, in place of which they then had to create a completely new
    6 points
  3. I found an easy way to fix this from any ROM, without having to wipe userdata. tl;dr: Edit: Make backups. It shouldn't be necessary, but you never know! Flash the 2020-08-25 stock ROM, but skip flashing/wiping userdata. More info here. Let it attempt to boot (for a couple of minutes). It (very probably) won't ever get through it, because the userdata partition wasn't wiped. This doesn't matter, though. It does flash the touchscreen firmware, which fixes the unresponsive screen edges. Edit: I did not time it, but I think I let it sit at the boot logo for 2-3
    4 points
  4. Send an e-mail to [email protected] identifying yourself (including your order (website) or igg backer id) complaining about that. Your unit may be defective. If you bought it, it's under warranty. If you're a backer, you can hope f(x)tec will uphold their voluntary warranty.
    3 points
  5. They didn't have a choice. Their sub-contractor (which owned and owns all the rights to the software) ditched them completely! If there's any hate, it's the company f(x)tec hired to get the code done that screwed all of us!
    3 points
  6. Good point, better to have backed up and not need the backups than the other way around! Some more info: I did not time it, but I think I let it sit at the boot logo for 2-3 minutes before rebooting and flashing LineageOS again. I assume that the firmware flashing actually happens pretty early in the boot process, so I wouldn't be surprised if letting it boot for a much shorter time works as well. Haven't seen any anomalies since I did this. Used my phone with my banking app, Whatsapp, Android Auto, etc. The only difference is that I am regularly surprised that UI elements at
    3 points
  7. Try LineageOS, basically it solves every problems. 🙂 My phone is much better since I use LineageOS - it has became a different device. 🙂
    3 points
  8. Although I won't get my Pro1-X until next week, FedEx already emailed me the documentation, including commercial invoice (I'll do my own clearance to avoid paying the extra FedEx fees). At least in the case of mine (website order, so "full price"), the phone has been declared at 499 GBP.
    3 points
  9. Would be really nice if we had one or two older generations of LineageOS officially supported in parallel at least for some time after the most current version became officially supported... Depending on how good stock Android is implemented this time and how well I get along with Android 12, I might actually stay with stock for the time being, and look forward to seeing whether Android 13 will impose more nuisances on us or actually improve things again for a change. (Yes, stock Android is 11; I suppose @Noob refuses stock Android for a different reason.) Good thing is I'll be able
    3 points
  10. Not that they chose to, though...
    2 points
  11. ...or simply FedEx has messed up intended delivery order by disassembling big package and opened smaller packages in a different order. Anyway, F(x)tec may have thougt shipment of the whole batch to be quicker, maybe there is a huge workers shortage.
    2 points
  12. Just got tracking information: Order No 34, QWERTZ, Germany (did not yet get any customs stuff)
    2 points
  13. My guess is, as I just wrote here, too, given that I now have received tracking info for my Oct 2020 IGG order (8/256 GB QWERTZ), but not yet for my Sept 2019 Pro¹ order (changed to 8/256 GB QWERTY Pro¹X), that they tried, at least roughly, to sort orders/perks into those two batches according to order/backing date, but didn't care for any specific order within the batches, as that would make just a few days difference anyway even in the worst case. Also, as some already said, F(x)tec might have no influence anymore on the sending order once Expansys/FedEx has taken over a pallet/container...
    2 points
  14. Apart from the obvious of writing to FxTec, I would suggest that you also contact FedEx and have them halt the parcel, so it is not delivered, until things are cleared up. Then Fedex can contact FxTec, and have them contact you to verify the typo. Unless someone with the same name live at the other address, I assume Fedex will be cooperative in clearing up the matter. For obvious reasons they are unlikely to just take your word for it, unless you got a really unusual name.So they will have to verify backwards to the sender, and worst case return it..
    2 points
  15. Yes, it seems to be somewhat random. As far as I saw in one of their previous updates, there was a big box... inside big box, there were smaller boxes ("middle" box), and inside smaller boxes, there were individual Pro1-X boxes... So I think it depends on the order the middle boxes were opened which may happened from top to bottom but may not evenly at every rows... but that is only a guess. 🙂
    2 points
  16. First off, thank you to the F(x)tec team for pushing through against adversity and sending the Pro¹ X out to us loyal keyboard fans! I had ordered through the website in August 2021. I'm really glad to be one of the lucky few who already has this fun piece of hardware! I got Model QX1050 in the mail earlier this week. I've been playing around with the device and need help. Some things, like opening and closing the keyboard, I'm getting used to. Other things, not so much . . . The first issue that I came across has nothing to do with F(x)tec. Transferring from one Android device to another
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Try to test with different apps. On the original Pro1 (with Lineage 16.0) long-pressing a physical button worked for bringing up the accent selector box, but only for certain apps. For me, it works in what I call "smartphone-typical" apps like QKSMS or the Settings Menu. It does not work in some apps that are more serious about physical-keyboard typing, like, e.g. CollaboraOffice or ConnectBot. I guess apps can opt in or out of that feature, which I think makes some sense: depending on context, users might expect a long-press to auto-repeat the character rather then to bring up the accent
    1 point
  19. to bad the phone isn't blue....I don't even want to try and send it back so I can get the right one. Also,
    1 point
  20. Ah, that makes sense. The last paragraph on my previous post suggests that you need to hold three keys down simultaneously, but you don't actually have to hold down a yellow [↗] key. Still, the fact that the [Alt] key isn't sticky either makes typing accents and the like a pain. This especially true in Spanish, which uses tons of acute accents. The [Alt] key and the [E] key are right on top of each other on the left side of the keyboard, so holding them down at the same time isn't easy and certainly wasn't designed for thumb typing. And there isn't a Spanish keyboard on that website for a work
    1 point
  21. I saw that, but at least until I have my Pro1x, I'm not going to trust it as a daily driver. Once I have my Pro1x, I'm planning a lot of experiments with my Pro1. 😉
    1 point
  22. Actually I just today found out that it is not as bad as the initially transition led me to assume.
    1 point
  23. Okay, I guess AICP did it differently. In Lineage 19, I get a screenshot button that takes the full screen by default, but also offers an edit and share button. Then again, maybe this is a Nova launcher. What about the power button (you may have to add the screenshot button in power button settings)? I'm so far staying on Lineage 19, and don't remember the differences with AICP-R, so my advice may not be useful. I wish they would get AICP-S fixed.
    1 point
  24. To disambiguate, I'm not the porter! @piggzis. I'll try to progress with Waydroid as I know it's going to be a game changer for many users, but unfortunately right now I have to choose between web-browsing or waydroiding (see issue here: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/browser-not-working-alongside-dnsmask/10829/29?u=kabouik).
    1 point
  25. ...And you do not have to root it to try another ROM. Though you might need to, to trick some banking apps to work under e.g. LineageOS AICP-R is also an interesting alternative to LineageOS. The AICP-S is still very early, with some initial oddities. The keyboard-handling messed up in Lineage 18&19 preventing some accessibility dependant apps from working is a LineageOS only bug. These apps works fine on both AICP-R and AICP-S.
    1 point
  26. Yup I didn't mean to add the dual-sim item in the Neighs, but wanted it in the Yays! I just meant that I haven't tested the second slot yet. About storage, there's something even stranger since this unit is a 128/6 GB variant, so I shouldn't see this much storage. I forgot to check how the partition sizes were showing in Android. I posted this list on Discord and Telegram too, but I'm trying to keep the one in this thread up to date so far; I updated it a bit already. Not sure I'll dot it in Discord/Telegram. -- Kabouik
    1 point
  27. This is intended as a central entry point with links to known ROMs for the PRO1/PRO1X. You will need android adb / fastboot tools that officially can be found here (Windows / Linux / mAc) Important step BEFORE changing from Android initially!! If you want to ever be able to change the phone back to the state it had when you received it with stock Android, there is an important step that is needed before flashing any non android-based ROM, That is to backup the persist partition. If the device is unlocked and a recovery boot is present a fairly simple partition backup method (fo
    1 point
  28. I personally use the below batchfile on Windows to help myself doing things correctly, without forgetting something. Called with two parameters. [1] recovery image to flash and [2] the main zip to flash. Followed by other packages needed, e.g. GAPPS. LineageOS supply both as a pair, for other OS it might be different. @ECHO off if %2.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) adb reboot bootloader pause echo * sending %1 fastboot --set-active=a fastboot flash boot %1 REM fastboot reboot recovery does not work, so do manu
    1 point
  29. You can email fxtec.([email protected]) I'm pretty sure they have some. Right, that's how I got mine (together with a USB-C module that eventually has become available as a replacement part, too, just on time before my current phone would completely lose its recharging ability) 🙂
    1 point
  30. Wait.. 12? If I remember correctly the stock Android for Pro1X will be version 11
    1 point
  31. When I called, FedEx referred to the tracking number by the phone number from which I was calling. Despite this, FedEx stated that only the shipper (FxTec) can change the shipping address. However, FedEx did appear to allow my request for the package to be diverted to a nearby facility to allow me to retrieve it with proof of identification but I have yet to receive any confirmation of that action. Still, I worry that not having the correct address will be a complication.
    1 point
  32. We do not know how big a part of batch 1 FedEx actually have processed yet. So we could still be in Batch 1 without knowing.. In the 'voting' less than a score has 'voted', and similar numbers posted on IGG (of whom some can be the same) so likely only a fraction of batch 1 have got the mail yet.
    1 point
  33. To be this slow I would guess they are filling the last little gaps in a container full of other stuff with phones. Two working weeks and still less than 100 reported sent is pathetic but Fxtec have obviously done their bit as it is happening. As someone who ordered a couple of days from the original IGG end date I should be near the end of batch 2, which at this rate might arrive in time for Christmas. At least Ubuntu will be ready by then!
    1 point
  34. Well the difference in delivery between first and last within batch one was likely expected to be in days, so hardly worth the trouble, to split it further. As so many times before this project was hit by unexpected delays, this time of the shipping out being slow..... The main point is that all the old orders should be handled in the first batch, so handled before the majority of the IGG perks. I doubt that FxTec has any influence on how Expansys/Fedex handle stuff in their queues, including the order. Most likely they handle stuff from various sources to the same country/region collectively,
    1 point
  35. Tax and VAT? I'm in the UK and based on $300+40 a calculator just said I should expect 0% Duty and 20% VAT plus handling fee which is consistent with things I've imported from non-EU countries in the past - I only checked as I've not imported anything for many years. I'm used to talking to Americans and being jealous that they pay nothing, feels weird being on the good end for a change!
    1 point
  36. ARGH!!! Tried to move comments to this common thread - that did not go well... Stealing an old post, And merging it in here fixed it.... *LOL*
    1 point
  37. We just on IGG have had one reporting shipping info on a qwertZ and one to Austria, so my theory was wrong.
    1 point
  38. Split the voting options so we can see any differences between the orders and the perks. There where already two 'votes' on "No", but being so early, I assume they were Orders, If not, sorry....
    1 point
  39. I am afraid I will find it out in one week. 🙂 I have just received a tracking info and I hope they will not charge me - but I am prepared so we will see it.
    1 point
  40. I've just received mail from FedEx - my contribution number is <150, QWERTY keyboard, destination Europe, estimated delivery:
    1 point
  41. Me to, I use stock android on my daily driver, and apart from the need for occasional boots (roughly twice a month), when it forgets it has a fingerprint reader, it works fine for me. I seldom do voice/calls, and when I do almost always with headset. But yes, certainly disappointing with the lack of updates.
    1 point
  42. Here is a guide I made for myself, edited from @tdm's original instructions. It is a little simpler because it assumes you have USB working and all the fastboot/adb stuff installed, and that you know where to get everything. It focuses more on just the actual flashing, showing both first time and updates. Since I made these instructions for me, they don't include what to do with Magisk other than flashing the zip, since that is all that is needed for SU. It may be useful for some in combination with @Slion's wonderfully detailed instructions of all the steps with all those many helpful lin
    1 point
  43. Just had delivery of the Pro1x and it is a great phone, however the wifi and cellular data connectivity is appalling! I struggle to connect to a router that is only a few feet away, and my old cheap Nokia G20 connects to the network and cellular data absolutely fine. Little point having an all singing and dancing phone when it can't get the basics right. Any pointers anybody? And don't say it's my provider or wifi router as all other devices in the household connect fine.
    0 points
  44. A few weeks ago I took my Pro1 out of frontline service, as I decided that Android 9 was now too risky to rely on for most of the tasks I was carrying out, despite using Two Factor Authentication. It's a shame FxTec dropped support so quickly.
    0 points
  45. Bumping this thread, the link is still broken anyone have it for
    0 points
  46. Got my Fedex confirmation last night, and the same from IGG a few hours later. Contribution ID is 4xx. Estimated delivery is next Thursday. Unfortunately it's going to sit there until LineageOS is ready, and even then I'm not looking forward to it on account of Android 12's awful UI changes.
    0 points
  47. Right, and there are exactly two years between last vendor security patch level and current LineageOS security patch level...
    0 points
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