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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2022 in Posts

  1. I haven't read it, but guess it in many words says "We will track you, and steal all your data, without asking again, and you have to pay for the data transfer doing so".
    3 points
  2. Just for the record, my Pro1 has a clearly felt two-step behaviour in the shutter release button. When I press it until there is a substantial resistance, the camera focuses, and then I need to apply more pressure to take the shot.
    2 points
  3. On the Pro1-X spec page it says "2-stage camera shutter key", just like for the Pro1. @EskeRahn is right: I also cannot feel the first stage of the button on my Pro1, but it does work in principle.
    2 points
  4. Ah, I had missed your point above where you wrote that your problem is limited to the container you ported from the Pro1. Never mind then. If it is only about transferring your software configuration to the Pro1X, would it then not be easier to just install a fresh container and scp any relevant things (like $HOME/.config/) over from your Pro1?
    2 points
  5. As far as I remember well, a non-applied screen protector was shipped together with Pro1.
    2 points
  6. Interesting that there should be a difference there, Note that not all camera apps support the half way click. But yes it work, it just takes some getting used to that when the button is pressed slightly and is thus 'free' betweens its in and out position, it is in the 'halfpressed' state. I have seen some compact cameras working in the exact same way.
    1 point
  7. The -X has a single stage button, I suppose the specs page needs updated. Can confirm the on the original pro1 first stage is rather devoid of tactility, works for me though.
    1 point
  8. Correct. IF we could get a fully covering 3D-curved tempered glass protector (as was/is available for e.g. the BB priv and Samsung S8) Then you can be lucky that it takes the impact and scatter, leaving the display intact. But I have not seen those available for the Pro1 or the Elephone U using the same screen. I tried to cut one for a S8+, but it is really hard to cut it without it just scattering, I tried to cut a couple (using a diamond glass-cutter) to no avail, and then tried to make several cuts shortening the remaining to practise - I never succeeded
    1 point
  9. Same for me, Order #53*** was placed on March 4, 2020 and is currently Processing.
    1 point
  10. I believe the last two lines of your flashing instructions are unnecessary @esialb: … fastboot set_active a fastboot continue I believe it's OK to stop after flashing userdata.img, and then when it completes (there should be a progress indicator), just reboot the phone. I'm not 100% sure, but I think those two commands might even hang and confuse people (though they don't cause any harm, they could just be interrupted with Ctrl+C, which is what I did when I tried them while flashing SailfishOS).
    1 point
  11. Pick your poison, basically. One is a master to convince you that everything is great. The other is little bit more honest in my opinion.
    1 point
  12. Thanks. Both Google and the fruit company are crooks!! I got an ancient Iphone 6, That I played around with a few days ago, and the funny thing is that if you try to turn it "off", it drains from fully charged to 0% in less than a day. If you keep it "On" and just let it go into the normal standby, it's consumption is roughly 20% per day!!!! So God NSA only knows what they are wasting my battery for when "Off"!!! Maybe it is not NSA, but just aPple that want to completely deplete the battery to better shorten its lifespan?
    1 point
  13. I had to pay ~40% the declared value (I don't know if it's OK to tell the declared value, so I won't). It cost me too close for comfort to the price if bought online instead of pledging on igg
    1 point
  14. On the Pro1 it got two steps BUT you can not feel the half-pressed, you will have to rely on visual feedback from the photo app. OpenCamera e.g. gives a square frame.
    1 point
  15. This really looks like you're flashing the UT userdata as well then, instead of just the UT boot.img and SFOS userdata. Can you double check that the userdata image you flashed had the .simg extension (SFOS) and not just .img (UT)? Sorry if you already did, but that is what a reset UT after flashing would suggest. Yes I could do that but I would still lose a lot of binaries I compiled on the device (I use many terminal tools), which are not easily reinstalled on a new container since, well, since they were not installed as packages. But that is definitely something I can do, it
    1 point
  16. Mine was 1 month and ~2500 order numbers later: > Order #53*** was placed on February 22, 2020 and is currently Processing Likewise, nothing received regarding the current round of shipping.
    1 point
  17. While we wait for full instructions, does anyone have a quick summary of what to do with this file?
    1 point
  18. In my LineageOS chroot, I encountered the problem that X.Org insisted on having access to System-V-style shared memory, but that the Android kernel implements only "Google-style" shared memory (/dev/ashmem). In my case, I could solve that by wrapping the android-shmem library around X.Org, as explained in this post. Out of interest: Does SailfishOS natively support SysV shared memory calls? After all it also uses the Android kernel underneath.
    1 point
  19. I recollect originally (The pro1) the declared amount was the manufacture cost for import duty. But I guess it has to be the purchase cost for VAT.
    1 point
  20. So the Pro1X doesn't come with a preapplied screen protector? That's disappointing. ☹️ ...Whats the best/easiest way to apply screen protectors? Every time I try I end up with a bubbly mess.
    1 point
  21. I did start from stock Android but I'm not sure if that would be a requirement. After flashing, do you get back to you existing UT install, or was it reset? I bet you did that already, but if it was reset, maybe triple check that you didn't mix the images at the beginning since we need to mix both archives? Can you maybe add a: fastboot set_active a at the end of the procedure? This should not make a difference, but it's worth trying.
    1 point
  22. My Pro1 is running happily again with a brand new display I finally got from FxTec, but thanks anyway! 🙂
    1 point
  23. Same. I bet this is a radio firmware problem, not a radio hardware problem. I'm sure as more people get their devices, these kinks will get worked out.
    1 point
  24. Over at IGG, "Buffer Bear" was charged "UK. Duty of £51.45" so it seems to vary quite a bit...
    1 point
  25. We have similar VAT rates, but with current exchange rates that's like half of what I've paid for the phone back in the day, OMFG 😐 Does anyone know if there's a way around this? Like if I'd show the customs how much I've actually paid for the product back in the day in my local currency they would deduct the tax based on that amount?
    1 point
  26. Yup I didn't mean to add the dual-sim item in the Neighs, but wanted it in the Yays! I just meant that I haven't tested the second slot yet. About storage, there's something even stranger since this unit is a 128/6 GB variant, so I shouldn't see this much storage. I forgot to check how the partition sizes were showing in Android. I posted this list on Discord and Telegram too, but I'm trying to keep the one in this thread up to date so far; I updated it a bit already. Not sure I'll dot it in Discord/Telegram. -- Kabouik
    1 point
  27. Try LineageOS, basically it solves every problems. 🙂 My phone is much better since I use LineageOS - it has became a different device. 🙂
    1 point
  28. I've become wary of screen protectors! I've told the story already, but some time ago, I applied one such thing right after I had self-installed a new display panel from Aliexpress, lest I would break it again. Next thing I did was trying to wipe some dirt off the screen, and with the swipe I catapulted the phone from the table onto the stone floor, because the protector had a slightly sticky surface whereas we know the phone's bottom to be dangerously slick. Needless to say the display broke again in the process! Also, my impression is that a screen protector might save a display from mi
    0 points
  29. Customs contacted me requesting details about the purchase. Declared amount was 499 GBP, I bought it for 599 USD so I've sent them PDF from the Indiegogo campaign, the transaction proof from the bank. Probably 23% VAT and then some for the customs service. Dang.
    0 points
  30. Basically... If you want to enforce it, yes. This kind of bad behavior doesn't happen in AOSP. However, if the OS installed is certified, it must have the extra apps (AKA gApps) (system and the non-system I listed above) which do those bad behavior. That's also how, if you are doing something you don't want google to know, use a faraday cage or leave the phone at home. Actually, the microphone can be turned on at any time privileged apps want (so... That's that). But yeah... "Daddy google" makes sure to take good care of you. 🤮 All of that together is part of the major reas
    0 points
  31. That's the incomplete summary... Android 6's google ToS was tolerable (closer to what you quote). Now it's even worse. They actively track and they remotely access the phone to gather data to "improve our services". Things such as wireless SSIDs at all points and correlate with GPS, even if it's set as "turned off" (because, "🤯" turning location off, doesn't really turn GPS off "🤯". Only revokes non-privileged apps access to location). Same for wifi. Turning it off doesn't really turn it off anymore. Just reduces its use for privileged apps only which connects and disconnects on-dem
    0 points
  32. My experience isn't quite that bad, I suppose, although it is struggling to keep a 5ghz wifi connection 10ft from my router - and you have to get within 6 before it gets to 'Good'. Having taken it outside for the first time over my lunch break, its also failing to keep a reliable 4G connection outside when its never been a problem before. It loses the ability to use our wifi on either 2.4 or 5 far closer (8ft closer at least) than my Priv can keep a very reliable 5ghz connection going. Really hoping something can be done to make it better than it is, its bordering on unusable - I
    0 points
  33. Its the same for me, in general connection strengths for all types of network aren't as good/reliable as my old phone (BB Priv).
    0 points
  34. No email response since I reached out in May, also, no shipping info yet ... I ordered original pro1 - #50901 - January 22, 2020 ... was upgraded to pro1x
    0 points
  35. Our customs service usually doesn't care about the amount declared by the sender - that happens very rarely. Usually they ask the buyer for receipt/invoice and they calculate VAT tax based on the amounts there. Since I was in the super early bird perk or whatever its name was I've paid a bit more so.. FML 😛
    0 points
  36. Can't speak for wherever you are, but here in Finland they are very clear about that: "In the case of customs declarations for release for free circulation, the conversion rates applied are those valid on the date when Customs accepts the customs declaration for the goods." So at least here, no, you can't get around that unfortunately.
    0 points
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