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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. 3C Battery Manager, also part of 3C all-in-one tool. Also see some hints on this here
  2. I tried several different gallery apps, that all worked in landscape also. None of them had any specific hardware keyboard usage I'm aware of (some respect arrow keys and Enter/Esc). So you could use just about any you can find, with a functionality that suits you the best. Personally I have used QuickPic for a decade, but it is more for the way the editor works than it is related to the Pro1 specifically. Especially I like that it is so super easy to down-sample and/or crop for MMS/web usage. Others have thing close to similar, but I keep going back to QuickPic. BTW a change in qp a year or t
  3. On my ancient slider devices i also loved lock on close. I'm not sure that would be good in 2020 though, with all the newer loussy apps not (or poorly) supporting landscape, where it feels natural to slide in to use. Then it should be something advanced where it locked after close if not 'immediately' turned 90° or some other fancy rule... Talking wishes here. What about something automatically switching to split mode when a loussy app tries to force to portrait?
  4. Optimally with an option allowing the screen to time out, but without locking.
  5. I agree, it is rubbing salt into the wound of lacking updates... I Stop the two "Wireless Update" processes manually after check, so I only see the notifications after boot.
  6. Also note that it make things a lot easier if you insert/remove the tray with the screen facing downwards 🙃
  7. I think it all comes down to one simple thing: A small company with very few people, that have to be everywhere doing everything 24x7x52... But SURE it is annoying that refunds are not a simple online operation - but as they explained to us before the UK bank got a special requirement for a director to physically visit the bank to do so. And that is a LOT of expensive time wasted for a CEO, so I guess they try to collect a bunch before going - and (hopefully) refund requests are rare....
  8. ...The launcher used as default in this lineage distribution is one of the many that are poorly handling Landscape, by stretching & squeezing... See this thread https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2620-launchers/
  9. You might consider LineageOS, the 0803 has an idle consumption around roughly 1% per hour But stock is only slightly worse (see the right most part of this over night) ADD: Oh forgot to mention I have NOT turned the Battery saver on.... (don't let the "51%" fool you, I had the phone plugged in between the screenshots a few minutes apart, it was down at 35% an hour ago as the graph tells.)
  10. Oh silly me!! This is the Lineage thread. Yes I see it too. (I do not see it in Stock)
  11. It looks very much like what I get with Oister that DO work on a Samsung S8- (Though NOT tricking the Samsung icon)
  12. How odd, it stays on mine? What is the name you gave it? (Mine is "Google") ADD: In Settings, Display, Advanced, I have Font size set to Large and Display size set to small - if that matters.... EDIT: Silly me, Lineage thread. See the same phenomena, sorry. 😔
  13. One thing is "enabled", is it actually working if you select LTE as the only network type?
  14. I was pretty surprised too. I have not experienced that in Denmark before. I guess the prices here are getting so competitive so they make a substantial portion of their profits on devices. Some years ago it was the other way round, they sold devices heavily discounted to wheel in people, as the profit clearly was with the expensive monthly plans and/or usage fees. Today I can buy a no-limit-talk and 500GB/Mo Data plan for $20.5/Mo at Oister.dk If 10hours and 10Gb is enough, it is $12.5/Mo
  15. If I recall correctly it was only the very early orders that were offered those. I'm not aware if all these have been sent - nor where the 'cut' was, but if I remebmer right it was sometime July 2019. But it has been talked about also in this thread before, so some digging might provide the answer...
  16. I have been in contact with Danish carrier CBB. And long story short , they could not care less if it was working or not on a device they are not selling. Lineage or Android. So had to tell them that I find a phone that suits me, and then a carrier that supports it - not the other way round..... Danish Carrier Oister also have a positive list they start from, but seems more interested in helping, so we will see how things go. (They were unaware that Samsung VoLTE icon did not show with their SIM, and are currently trying to fix that - and with a little luck, this will help the Pro1 as
  17. I generally recommend 3C all-in-one toolbox they got both a Pro and an Ad version, They also got the 3C Battery Manager tool as stand alone. Here a couple of fresh dumps, currently zoomed to five days.
  18. The launcher that comes with the device has the great idea of dividing the display in two halfs that are then placed on top of each other in portrait and side by side in landscape. This means that things are only marginally compressed&stretched when the screen is rotated. The price for this is that a widget can not cross the invisible line.. There are a truck load of other launchers out there, that have a different approach. One very popular is Nova. Some have individual layouts for portrait and landscape, giving you full flexibility - but double work setting things up as fo
  19. Did you remember to wipe the data partition going from Stock to LineageOS? It should not take half an hour to boot. Could be the unlock thing also. I'm not sure.... 😥
  20. I got that on pocket cameras too. I have to choose shorter than "infinity" with manual focus taking photos of the moon... So not unusual on "Manual", but obviously the AF should not go that far.
  21. Are you missing a comment here? I moved some comments into a separate thread on delivery and customs issues, so they are easier to find. (I also tried to include the replies to the posts, if on other subjects)
  22. Me too... Despite not really a fan of flip-cases, I find that the best available solution. That is UNLESS you want to disable/reduce the edge-interaction. In which case two individual protective parts (like this) might be better.
  23. Just about any known bug in Stock is fixed in LOS...Against it only counts if you need it be certified to run some special picky software. Could be a banking app, or some company stuff, if you plan to use it with your job.
  24. FinQwerty fixes that and other minor keyboard quirks for Stock. I can HIGHLY recommend it. it is NOT something running, just a loader presenting more layout files to the system. And thus works fine with SwiftKey too.
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