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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. And some switch back from two to three when they get old... 😂 Would it be pushing it (excuse the pun) seeing a plain keyboard slider as a handicap friendly version of a real keyboard device like the Pro1? 😇😇
  2. That could be an argument that bicycles should have three (or more wheels) as two-wheeled are hard to operate in the beginning. 😜
  3. Is it just me, or does other NOT see this issue with LineageOS. Has they added some compensation, or?? My fault. Got tricked by LineageOS allowing the screen to go to lower brightness, where the problem is also dampened.
  4. Too bad. That sort of make it useless. I would want something similar to what we got with Alt: Press and release of Sym to show the help, and Sym used as a modifier (if you remember the combos you want).
  5. This may sound silly at first, but have you tried to hold it earpiece down? Autorotate unfortunately does not handle that well stock android, but there are apps that can remedy that. And it is build in options in LineageOS:
  6. Well that is too far for tests anyway. I had hoped it was so close so it was easy to test.
  7. Hmm, that makes it hard to reproduce. If/when it happens next time, try to check the time since last boot, to narrow down the location if we are really lucky it is close by where you live, so it would be easier to test if it could be provoked. I mean if it is 100km away, it is hard to test, but if it is say 1km easier...
  8. I tried all thinkable keys too. There are 68 clicks in the mat, three for the space, but I can not imagine that those should be handled independently. I have tried clicking the ends in the spacebar though. BTW Found out that Caps clears the state too, and two clicks on Caps should be totally innocent everywhere.... 😉
  9. Interesting! Do you get it in both directions? Can you narrow down the where by the time since boot (Settings, Battery the stamps for Last Full Charge is incorrectly reset on boot) ? That might make it easier to do experiments. With a little luck the problematic place is not far away... Do you like @VaZso have two sims active? If not we can rule out that as related...
  10. Interesting detail. If it happens 'every' time you travel that way, do you go home the same way? And if so does it happen in both directions? Could also be interesting if you could take out one of the SIMs next time to narrow down if it is one or the other SIM or perhaps the combination? Just a wild guess, if there is a hole in the coverage of the SIM1-network, the phone just MIGHT get confused that SIM2 temporarily is the primary???
  11. Is this a layout given by LineageOS, or something within your control? If within your control, it would be awesome to extend it to mimic the four top rows of physical keys, and then let the corresponding key pressed when displayed give the symbol. e.g. Press and release of Sym displays the map, a press on the 1-key, then gives the top left symbol displayed. etc. (preferable with the printed letters faintly printed on the image to ease orientation) Make it even more awesome: allow Sym used as a modifier to give the same, e.g. Sym+1 .... And this could be extended to more com
  12. Thanks, this strengthen the suspicion that it is related to when the carrier wants it to move from one cell tower to another. And as not happening more often, it could be specific band changes that the Pro1 fails at.
  13. The modifiers can unfortunately NOT wake, but on the other hand it is not limited to character keys. The other arrows, BS and Del works, and they can be handy. I have in vain searched for the eight key, It MIGHT by Sym as we do not see that do anything normally?
  14. I think this sounds rather close to what is offered by FinQWERTY for those not tech savy enough to fiddle with the mapping themselves. If they select this, that is intended for the qwertZ hardware, but could be used for the letter shifted qwertY too. (obviously more is changed than was is marked with pink as "changed" if used on the qwertY))
  15. Well I guess the fix is known, as it is not there on LineageOS after they fixed the driver, so could be a matter of merely copying the known fix. They also fixed other keyboard issues in the same go...
  16. I tried to tick to only see the recommended, and only quite few manufacturers are on the list. Not even Samsung is on the list, so I would not expect that it is something F(x)tec are aiming at using money to get certified for, unless it is super easy being as close to stock as they are.....
  17. Oh certainly. I actually really seldom run it to it in practise. As it is not among the most common first letters in Danish. Usually I only encounter it if I just want to answer an sms with Yes ("Ja" in Danish), and if that short, I often just use the fake keyboard anyway...
  18. Well it is quite safe to say that NOTHING is going to happen before the factory starts operating, and (the same for any supplier of anything not already stocked). And it is anyone's guess when the virus-situation is going to allow for that. And with much much bigger players pushing, We should be lucky if the first thing they start on is the Pro1s or any need component.
  19. At the least try to contact support, they just might got some fancy ace up their sleeve...
  20. Then it must be a faulty unit... have you tried the touch-test in the FactoryKit, that can be accesssed as an activity or by the hidden menu. See this. It is the fifth on the list (I made an image with some English texts added a few posts down in the thread)
  21. ...Interesting that not all have it. Could it be something that depends on how late we got it? If I recall right both @david and @elvissteinjr only rather recently got theirs, so could something have been fixed??? I suspected Swiftkey, but an uninstall did not change it. I have also tried with both Gboard enabled and disabled.
  22. The screen IS very sensitive, I can often interact with it from 1mm above the display. So my GUESS would be a screen-protector applied with some liquid that has not yet disappeared. Could that be it?
  23. @roland Sad to hear you do not like it, have you tried some of the various tips for opening in this thread. If you find it really difficult to open a somewhat odd idea consist of simply adding a tiny bit of high friction tape at the back edge of the display, so you can super easily lift the back, rather than pushing the front. like mentioned here (here) If you can find some unidirectional or grooved friction tape, it would be even better, but I have been unable to find that...
  24. And some apps like the stock Contacts have a narrow scrollbar BUT it is actually possible to access it touching beside it, and that reduces the problem. And some apps seems to have a slider that is completely inactive, and indicative only (I have not succeeded in grabbing it in the language list of SwiftKey yet...), so for those it does not matter either.
  25. Not the app icon grid, the Apps list in Settings, Apps, See all ## apps. But it is a standard Android control used elsewhere too. But sure one can swipe but that is a lot slower, and hit and miss, versus drawing the slider to the rough vicinity. So it is not that it prevents you from scrolling, just makes it harder&less efficient on a long list. If you got a very long item that spans over scores of screens, swipe is extremely inefficient... e.g. a long text file. But the list can become so long that the scroll slider is hard to get hold on. Try e.g. the language list in Swiftkey.
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