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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. ...and a couple of other useful settings adb shell settings put global sms_outgoing_check_max_count 99999 adb shell settings put global sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms 9000 If you don't want to be nagged by Android on sending 'many' base-sms within a short time span. I think the default is 100 in half an hour, so if you are sending a 600 char text with just a single special letter to ten friends - you reach the limit, and are nagged for half an hour
  2. ...Perhaps use quotes or even spoiler tags to keep the overview clean?
  3. We could easily get too many stickies, so people drown in them. But you are right this is important. Maybe we should have a thread over in the new "How Tos" group, on how to take best care of the Pro1. One could copy the main stuff and then link to the existing threads perhaps? It could be on the battery, on the screen protector (I think there is a rather recent thread advising how to apply without bubbles), perhaps cases, for those into that stuff. The thread could also be expanded to a "How to get the most out of your Pro1" or similar, that also pointed to (IMHO vital) stuff lake F
  4. Interesting, tried the below alternative, that does NOT work without root? ("Permission denied") (ECHO |set /p xx=1)>1.txt ADB push 1.txt /sys/module/snd_soc_wcd934x/parameters/high_performance Would it work with root? This is the character "1" (31h) that is saved in the file, not the bit 01h, not sure what "echoing 1" means in the context.
  5. I heard some epidemic experts talking about all this on Danish national radio, and they estimated that within about two years 50% of the Danish population would have been infected, and about 1% of these would have died. but though 1:200 may sound very high it really is not that bad, as it will have a clear overweight hitting people already weak. They did not elaborate further on the numbers though. For all diseases what really matters in any sensible statistics is the mean of the expected lifespan reduction. I guess we can all agree that it is worse if a disease kills one at 25 than
  6. What do you mean by "onscreen circle" Is this a PIN only? I use Password, and get a line and a keyboard under the digital clock
  7. Confirmed ADD: Partly ADD: Tested with AutoRotate OFF, and Slider setting "Landscape orientation lock" On confirmed /w Stock QuickStep launcher confirmed /w Apex Launcher Classic (Tried with password nor PIN) I then tried with Nova Launcher, that did not do it. But the really odd thing is that afterwards, it does not do it with either of the two other launchers despite may attempts??? And yes I have control with what is running and the same apps are killed, including the inactive launcher after switch. I then tried with a deeper boot,
  8. Interesting, thanks, May I suggest to expand that with a column of the Status with some 'fixed' values like "By design", "Known fix, next OTAU", "Will be fixed ASAP", "Will be fixed by/with Android 10", "Will not be fixed" And a Known workaround with Yes/No
  9. Well the initial post has this link that includes a guide and a list of issues. (I have not tried it yet though)
  10. I guess it much depends on the case chosen versus the material thickness, The cheap fake-leather ones I've used have fits using up all the original slack. The glossy leather one I tried today has very little slack and is a tight fit, the magnet just holding, so here it could easily be an issue if too thick. The no-modifications thing I also tried today can be wrapped around the Pro1 even if placed in a shell.
  11. A cheap tablet holder like this would also do the trick, looks a little huge if used closed. But if opened in a flip case it is just fine.
  12. Yeah, it is so big you can use the back as a plate eating 😇😜 It is nice that it is rugged though 👍, To me the Passport design offers the worst of two worlds: A cramped always out keyboard and yet too big to possibly operate even partly one handed. The Key½ design I can understand, as you get a keyboard (though cramped), and a screen that at the least to some extend can be one hand operated. I mean the Titan is really Titan-sized, it is humongous. Liiterally like three SonyEricsson txt pro landscape-keyboard-sliders side by side--- (including the weight)
  13. That was the purpose of the bug-thread, and there is this parallel discussion thread, but unfortunately the discussion end in the bugs-thread as well, And I have not found the time to clean up the mess, And no other mods seems to have either...
  14. @Slion has the same, and added a bunch Jan 28th in this thread
  15. Yes it is basically a rugged and modernised version of the monster wide BB passport, with Android.
  16. I think they more generally are interested in seeing if they can resurrect some lost ideas, so I would not be surprised if they would be interested in portrait also, IF they feel there is a market large enough also considering that it will cannibalise on the Pro1, as many of us users might accept both types but prefer one, and not only new users insisting on portrait. So it is a matter of the additional number of total keyboard users that could be added to the user base.
  17. I also got this in the post today. It is a bit glossy for my taste, so am not going to use it, It is also a quite tight fit, so I hope some of the other ones I ordered has a better fit. (I have not bothered to either cut, or rotate the inner shell, though I did cut out the card-holder to get it less tight)
  18. This generic flip cover will work in either direction you prefer, with no modifications at all, well if you want to use it the Nippon-book style, so the flap is behind the screen opened, you would like to cut a tiny corner that would interfere with the flash. It is quite thin, so might not give that much drop-protection, on the other hand, it does not add much to the thickness. It will take scratches and scuffs in say a bag or pocket though. Note that I have not actually used the adhesive to put it on, just put it in loose for the photo (and just leaning on a
  19. Nice 🙂 You might add a number 9 for adjusting/extending the hole for the 3.5mm plug.
  20. There are a few oddities as currently only two layouts are really supported. US qwertY selecting NO boxes, and German selecting German. It would have helped the confusion if they added a new say "Pro1 English (US)" to the list), so it fell back to the stock layout (similar to the "None" by FinQwerty) Alternatively they could change the .kcm for "English (US)" to doing nothing. Just like they changed the standard German to fit the qwertZ print. All(?) the other standard Android layout also needs minor adjustments to be really good on the Pro1. But I guess they simply have not got
  21. "Strg" is a VISUAL issue, it is printed on the key (Short for "Steuerung" that is the German word for "Control" - related to the word "Steering" in English)
  22. ....I guess this is more your style, as you can have it both red and pink....
  23. This works perfect https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183819340473 After a few mods, see the second shell here For some reason they do not ship to the US, but I'm sure you can find something similar. e.g this on amazon I'm a little worried about the "P20 Pro (2018)" in the last listing, does this mean there are even more variants to confuse us out there????
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