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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Actually I could have been too pessimistic, They have been producing after the send and before CNY! See this:
  2. Please also note these interesting news
  3. Just a thought. If anyone got a usb-c adapter with a lan-plug, it could be interesting to see the times here with a wired connection..
  4. Indeed, that was the message I tried to get across. It was not an app I would dare use on a daily driver. I'm not blaming them for asking all these privileges, it might be needed to have all those to be allowed to do the clean-up on newer android. I'm just pointing out that it comes with quite a risk if the app contains evil code OR later is upgraded with some bad code in it...
  5. Just tried "1tap Cleaner" and after asking for "Usage access" , "Display over other apps" (forgot the exact wording) , "Modify system settings" and "Accessibility service" it works. ***Bare in mind that these are pretty heavy privileges granted*** so you better trust the people behind it to use it.... But it IS possible, so a matter of finding an app you dare trust....
  6. I'm baffled too. In your reference to older keyboard phones you clearly have never used one of the many many Nokias with the same mechanism principle, or you would know that a tilted slider is opened differently than a straight slider. AND that many people had issues with those the first few times too. YES it is not intuitive to open, and YES f(x)tec could have done a more clear job telling that to people. But that you haven't mastered to open it yet does not make it a "design flaw". With that attitude a bike is a "design flaw" having only two wheels, and thus not easy and intui
  7. ...Or maybe you confuse a startup with a multi billion company? Please mention me just ONE device principally different from what was on the market, that was released flawless. And yes, do also include if from one of the multi billion giants. If you do not want a device where the software is not polished, you seem to have made a rather naïve choice to pre-order, and not wait to say half a year after general release, to allow for the bugs found to be ironed out.
  8. Ah sorry. what I meant was flip cases with the fancy slide function like the ones you found, but boring ones without a motive on the front. I haven't checked which of the Xiaomi ones you linked that fits best.
  9. (I took the liberty to change the title, for others to better get what we are talking about) ADD: Also split some keyboard stuff to this https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3576-key-mapped-as-meta-key
  10. Well the alternative would be that your widget would be stretched oddly when turning (most launchers do that). There are launchers out there where the layout in landscape and portrait are independent. Those unfortunately seems to lack some keyboard functionality, but might be a better option for you. Have a look at "Total Launcher" (despite initially putting things in a circle, there are a lot of options, including choosing grids of a size you choose)
  11. Note that the icons are divided in two blocks with an invisible line in between. These blocks are displayed side by side in landscape and on top of each other in portrait. Hence a widget can not exceed that. With your selection that is 2 blocks x 5x4 icons So a widget must not exceed the limit of each of the two blocks.
  12. But currently its lower part is without a shell, right? I meant that the lips of the the two shells will fight locking in the same "v" shaped space between the two parts.
  13. Yes please anyone, tell if you see them sans motive..
  14. You are too good hearted. I just hate these type trying to cheat kind people. 😡
  15. Ah! Another axis of rotation too *LOL* I meant "speaker earpiece towards you". 😂
  16. I hold it like this, resting the index fingers on the ends of the support plate people with even smaller hand can shift this as much as needed to reach across the keyboard. Here an extreme adjustment, where I can reach almost the entire keyboard from both sides.
  17. @sequestris and @D1ggs Please go easy on the jokes on this. There for sure are people that do not take this kind of sarcastic humour on serious stuff well.
  18. I think it would require at the least one miracle for Clove to get it at Feb 17th.... The production of the next batch are very unlikely to start before the 10th, and it also has to be transported... So the chance of hem getting it before your order would be delivered is fairly minimal. IMHO
  19. I posted this idea already in another thread, and yes it works surprisingly well. Of course it needs to be for a thinner device and with no holes, but what is worse is that it would be conflicting with the lip of a shell grabbing the lower part. I think we would need some clever stuff where one part grabs the ends, and the other the long edges.
  20. Either i do not get it at all, or we are simply using different words due to different reference frames (relative to landscape/portrait). By the "bottom" I meant seen as portrait, that is where the USB is. But if you by "bottom" means the long edge where the spacebar is, We of course are miscommunicating. 😄 (folded in the other fingers to simplify image)
  21. Ah, holding the usb end away from you, yes sure that works. So going from portrait to open, you turn the device upside down in your hand first, right?
  22. Just search "clear cache" in the Android Market, and a plenitude of apps appears
  23. Oh there could be. Or perhaps and app that traverses all apps for you, and clearing one by one.
  24. Nice, so now @EvilDragon can send a fat bill to the users that tampered, and then tried to return it for repair.... Nice, so now @EvilDragon can send a fat bill to the users that tampered, and then tried to return it for repair....
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