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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Rather than the "GPD pocket" I would consider something like this type. Add: Exists in more than one variant, see e.g. this review.
  2. I feel very much the same way. And rather than seeing them as competitors as such, I see it as variety, and that is the most important thing. Different people, different use cases, different needs&wishes. And thus different devices best suiting those. And frankly I see more potential Cosmo users that could use a Pro1 instead, than the other way round. Had they had a double hinge for bending over and no secondary screen, then they would have targeted an audience that want/like a hard shell protected device and a landscape keyboard device (plus a slab) in one. I could have bee
  3. People using a purse might also find it easier to fit in than even the smallest laptop.
  4. Do you got any other pictures? I'm a bit surprised if this is all bleeding, especially at the end (green arrow) it looks more like reflections, being quite far from the display area. But at the sides (red arrow) it could be. Have tried to look for similar on mine, but found none. The screen protector I added (not unexpectedly) acts somewhat like a mate disc, and thus can 'light up' at the the edges, but that is the screen protector and not the screen. Here a few of how the screen-protector looks (bubbles and all)
  5. I simply don't get why they did not give it a double hinge, so it could 'bend over' Yoga-style, as more serious laptops do now. They could then ditch the secondary screen, and save size and weight. Had they done that, I most likely would have been interested.
  6. Or could be that something on the assembly has to be done extremely careful not to trigger it - I have no idea. But that could mean that they could not pre-test the displays. On the Elephone U Pro replacement screens some reports green lines, again we do not know it this is due to assembly. A wild guess could be an extremely sensitive cable.
  7. Nice, thanks. As a compare the Pro1 (AFAIK) only got on/off for backlight. Not even a setting relating it to the ambient light. I have not yet found a situation where I found it too bright, nor one where it was too little.
  8. We are in the guessing game, but most likely different steps have different number of lines involved. In principle one machine could do one step very fast on all in queue (and then even work on an entireey different device for a while), and then a lot of people and/or machines could do the next step side by side. I very much doubt it is the same person that follow one device from beginning to end. And I also doubt that one person do the same step on all the devices. All the parts for all the devices could be ready at a bottle neck point, demanding a lot of man or machine time. But we
  9. So we know for sure that not all pre-orders are produced, yet (i.e. assembly has not even started on at least some of them). This leaves us at roughly one week to produce and assemble all remaining pre-orders to be able to get them at customer's door steps before Christmas. Not impossible, but unlikely IMHO. I whish them (and us ;)) all the best! 🙂 Yeah, does seem like they need a Christmas miracle. 😇 But on your "Not even started" I see no base for that in the quoted, strictly the quote could go for anywhere from 0% to 99% finished, we would be guessing. To me
  10. Indeed we sure would like to know MORE than we know. And yes, just sent from factory, so will take some time before they reach the consumers. And yes I might have assumed too much from the word "Another", assuming it was referring to the lines above. It COULD also be interpreted as "another" compared to the first batch. Though I'm (unfortunately obviously) not a native English speaker, it would seem a bit odd in the context.
  11. Hey you got one thing right, congratulations... Yes I took the stamp from the wrong mail, sorry. The assignment mail I received was stamped 2019-11-04 11:51 CEST
  12. Actually in some countries you are required by law to have the noise on shutter turned on. I know this go for Japan, Could be elsewhere too.
  13. Well please try to be at the least a bit real... When they (finally) bother to give detailed info then please bother to READ what they write, and the WHOLE text, before making your own fake conclusions.... We know these three batches are in play.... The first small one, that is delivered for NON-US, and returned for the US-part, A batch where they wrote "and so we have reproduced this batch from scratch" A batch was sent out Wednesday, "Another batch of devices has left the factory on Wednesday" So we KNOW there are three (Theoretically -but unlikely- there coul
  14. Are you saying you are guessing a third batch was sent, and "the second batch" was not? Seems a bit far fetched, but theoretically you could be right - but we are splitting sticks on labelling the batches then.... Let us get things straight: We know that have sent two batches. (Theoretically, but hardly likely more than two)
  15. We do not know if that was the case... We all know that the first batch was very small (We know that it was at the least 120 from QC image though), so even if the mails went out slowly, they would not be much spread in time. I mean even if mails were sent out one every second minute, and it was say 500 mails, it would still be within a day.
  16. You do know the term "Cherry picking", right? If you bothered to go a few lines done, you would see that some were sent Wednesday so the one where they go batch from scratch, must be a later one... Note the "Another"...
  17. Please do not try claiming that I should be backing any of your paranoia. What I tried to emphasize is that we do not know the order the mails are sent out WITHIN the group that are allocated the second batch. And from the paying mails we know that their mailing system sent those out over several days, so I expect that here as well. So I doubt the last mail on "stock assigned" for batch two is sent out yet. As simple as that.
  18. Remember we can not deduce ANYTHING directly from the order number. The order number had an impact on the order we got the payment mails, but they clearly stated that they used the order of payment for ordering. Some was very fast to pay, and others took hours, days or weeks.... So that way some very fast could have gotten in front of me with a higher number, and likewise I might have gotten in front of some with a lower number slower to pay than my five minutes.
  19. Well that you got that mail does not have to mean you will get the phone before them. We have no idea on how the mails for the ones allocated to the second batch is distributed.
  20. Very clever... 😜 ...Sorry, have no equipment to measure that, but clearly (ho ho), brighter than the one on a Samsung S8-
  21. Thanks! Though sad news this is good to see. 😎 Let us hope this is a new approach they will use in the future if they should be so unlucky as to be hit by further obstacles&delays. I hope Erik will update his thread with this Info too.
  22. (Moved some posts over here from https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2466-guide-restore-to-stock-firmware-using-fastboot-method/ )
  23. But you would expose very large parts of the device while doing so, both top and bottom side of the upper part, and the top of the lower part... A flip case could to SOME extent protect it from wind when opened see this, but I think it would be cooled down really quickly, in just slight side wind, simply being two rather thin parts, and thus a high surface to mass ratio. But at the least the display is not LCD. I would expect LED types to handle frost better - haven't tested it though. Generally Li-Ion batteries really dislikes hard cold. So It MIGHT be worth a try with a powerbank t
  24. Tried to split some derived questions/dialogue over in this thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2048-various-questions-to-the-pro1-not-yet-answered/?do=findComment&comment=35147
  25. We are getting even further off topic -sigh- but it is a very versatile tool, though it is far from perfect, and not all updates have been improvements (e.g. hiding "Reply" in landscape under Ellipsis, Send, Reply.... Wonder if they were eating mushrooms to come up with that idea? ðŸĪŠ - But you do got Ctrl+A and Ctrl+R with a real keyboard...)
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