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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. How about Android One? Does the existence of the keyboard require any OS-changes (not allowed in A1) or can it be logically handled as any external BT-keyboard? Or perhaps using the Accessibility API? The Nokia 9 uses Android One, so it is not just entry levels phones using it any more. As far as I know adding an optional launcher is allowed, so that should also work with your landscape optimised launcher. It could be a really nice way to simplify things and also assure the security updates for at the least two years. The question was also posed as part of this post, but never answered
  2. I'm quite sure they're aware that there is an optimisation phase of things before release.... They just showed that the principle of an added feature works. Even the hardware we see it used on is unlikely to be the final version... Let us await a release candidate before judging anything.
  3. The preorder page (still) says We are working hard to get the first orders shipped to customers in July 2019. so I assume that is still the best estimate they got.
  4. I love removable backs and batteries too! My ancient 2011 SonyEricsson (neo) Pro has it. And it has a wonderful additional advantage: Take out the battery, take a piece of slightly stiff plastic (e.g. window from envelope, or a piece of tape doubled on it self) and put between the battery and electrodes while reinserting, and the battery can EASILY last a year! PERFECT for storage of a spare phone in e.g. a glove compartment of a car. And if you want to keep an old device without having to keep charging the device. I have used that for my spare/old phones as long as I can remember - and t
  5. *LOL* Same here we both lack "German abbreviations I". My first thought was "Strange" *LOL* (it stands for "Steuerung" though - etymologically same word as English "steering")
  6. This is the least bad I can do to make something that looks somewhat like a yellow arrow † key †
  7. Looks better. And even if PRINTED as YellowArrow (we almost need a BBCode for that one *LOL* ), the strokes of the ones on the second lowest and the top row could ALSO be made available by shift, to make the functionality closer to the PC-experience, that is in software let BOTH YellowArrow+8 and Shift+8 give the same "(".
  8. I believe that can be more or less achieved by moving the yellow print down (like the sketch of the 7 above)
  9. Indeed yes, important point. A Caps-lock, not a Shift-lock like old typewriters. :-)
  10. e.g. like this rough sketch for the 7-key
  11. actually we could get even closer if the values on the number rows also moves to SHIFT, somewhat like here from this (with the blue printed in yellow, and perhaps moved up)
  12. Very good suggestion, especially a nice idea with braces and bracket (and others) close® to their usual pc-positions. A few of the ones in the second lowest row ">", ";", ":" and "_" I believe should be moved left on the keys to SHIFT position and not AltGr/YellowArrow position
  13. That may go for US/UK layout, but certainly not for national keyboards. The AltGr is the way to access the stuff moved away to free the national letter keys... e.g. brackets and braces moved to AltGr 7-0, and AltGr and key left of Z to get backslash. Also access to €@£$ and the tilde as an accent are all through AltGr. But that said it of course does not matter if the key is labelled as a yellow arrow or the (odd) "AltGr"
  14. I think it is much up to the app what it reacts to. But for sure when they write their own email program optimised for landscape, I too hope they remember the various ctrl-navigation functionality.
  15. Does the last part mean that the users can swap the keyboard themselves? That is that we can all safely pre-order the US model, and then later swap the keyboard if/when a layout fitting our needs better will be produced later on? If so do you have an estimate for the price of an additional keyboard?
  16. I guess it is a transitional problem, but could be handy yes. I opened all threads, took a few minutes, but it worked.
  17. I hope for that too. I like the "Open Camera" app using the Camera2 API.
  18. There are multiple app cloner apps on the market, some free, and some with millions of users. I have no idea if one will be pre installed. A very popular choice is "Parallel Space" with over 100millions downloads, and 3.6M reviews giving it a 4.6 score. might be worth a try. But if you ask if there will be a specially customized version of Android with the functionality added, I doubt it. If I understand correctly they specifically want it to be a "Pure Android experience", with a few apps added to ease the usage in Landscape compared to native Android, but none you are 'forced' to use.
  19. For some apps that approach might work well, but not for others. Unless they are aware what is going on so some data can be shared between the clones.
  20. Me too, and if so it would be reassuring to have it confirmed. :) And if the same screen is used in a more widely spread slab, it might also be easy for us to find a tempered glass protector with a good fit A search for similar sized front gives this
  21. See new tweet. Sailfish on Pro¹ shown in short video a few hours old:
  22. And whenever we find it relevant to refer to the Pro¹ in other fora to do so, and perhaps with links pointing to this site. We are a small niche of users that want hardware keyboards, so the more we spread the good word the better... The more that find out the existence of this, the more potential buyers there will be, and this again will help this whole project to be profitable. And this again gives us a users a chance for better support and later updates and follow up products, including any Pro².
  23. Ah I see. And yes, I agree, a standardized international print, could fit many. And for those of us that prefer a national logical layout (no matter what is printed), The standard US-international could be a very good start, as the relatively few changes needed for the 'national oddities' would be all we will need to remember the placements of. (e.g. for German the Y/Z swap, and some functions moved behind a modifier key, to free the keys for ÄÖÜß) So perhaps we should recommend that they should go for * QWERTY US, Right-shifted A-Z * QWERTY US-International and then one or more of
  24. I'm a bit confused now. Are you talking the FUNCTION of the keyboard, or the PRINT? I expect there to be all kinds of symbols functionally accessible by the modifier key, no matter the print. And expect that we can choose from a variety of logical national layouts (and hopefully modify them our selves). This thread was supposed to be on what should be printed on a QWERTZ keyboard, but is getting interwoven with the general thread on the keyboard layouts. (Once the QWERTZ layout is locked down in a final layout, perhaps the two threads should be merged)
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