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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (lineage-18.1-20211129-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  2. Well the original Pro1 is no longer available and the Pro1X is -according to last months update from here- expected to be ready about now. But we do not know how large their backlog is, And transportation is a mess too these day, so really hard to guess when you would get it if you ordered it today. I would positive surprised if it would be 2021.
  3. Do you expect say one making a washing machine to stock all the parts that might be needed to repair their machines for the whole expected life time of the device? I doubt anyone would. The sensible thing to do is to stock what can be expected to be needed within some reasonable time frame, where any needed reorder can be expected to be fulfilled. And with new models you never really can be sure which spare-part will be the one in most demand, so they would not want to buy a lot of parts they are never going to use. The problem now is that reorder fulfilment expectations that ma
  4. On the charging issue, see my posts here in the AICP thread also.
  5. My GUESS is that it is a bug in the system that is supposed to prevent overcharging while plugged in and about fully charged, by keeping it an about fixed level. In some circumstances it kicks in too soon, and keeps it at way too low fixed limit (I plugged it in at 17% yesterday)
  6. Update to November 24, with November 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread)
  7. I have for the first time had the 'not really charging' bug. No matter if connected to fast charger or slow charger, and no matter how many times I unplugged and re-plugged. Restarting brought the charging (connected to fast charger) up from 3mA(!) to 300mA. Unplugging and replugging brought it to 2000mA, where I disconnected and connected to slow charger, charging with 1000mA. I plugged it last night, and it kept it at 18% over night but did not really charge... (currently downloaded and now installing update)
  8. This is a general pc issue, not limited to the Pro1. It can be REALLY tricky to get fastboot connection to work. I was lucky with my ancient 2016 laptop, everything worked smoothly. Not so lucky with my 2021 one.... (Both Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon, just newer generation...) Sometimes just using a different port on the same PC might do the trick. Sometimes you might need a hub. Sometimes a different cable is what it takes. You could try a completely different computer, if it is one time only, just to unlock....
  9. If I recall right the change was very late 2019, or very early 2020. November 2019 unlocked, February 2020 locked.
  10. I'm almost certain you meant 2020. 😋
  11. (they all comes unlockable, but I think the newer came locked, as this eased something. Safetynet perhaps)
  12. If I recall right there was something with this only being the first ones. I might remember wrong though.
  13. Have you tried to connect through some old hub? I know it sounds crazy, but it helped connecting from a new PC
  14. Have you tried Google's version? (linked above)
  15. Great to hear. Unfortunately the same does not go for Win11, as it requires either all drivers to be signed, or check no drivers. AFAIK there are no longer ways to accept individual drivers as unsigned. But I guess Google soon will give us a signed version here.
  16. This could make a LOT of sense. If I try to operate the Pro1 with a cheap slow charger that is not grounded, I see the issue too, but never unplugged nor plugged to a grounded device like the PC. And surface currents and static electricity is sort of related, being (relatively) high voltage and low current.
  17. I have had those issues too on Win 11, and on a new machine selecting the right drivers was not enough, I need to use it in 'safe' mode to get it working. Will find to try the thread.... Just a sec.
  18. (lineage-18.1-20211122-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November 5 security patch installed slowly but smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed.
  19. Also remember that FxTec sees a larger part than the display it self as one spare part, so it might be other components they are missing for those.
  20. One thing to be aware of when choosing a shell, is that it should not be too stiff, as the pro1 is not completely flat. I bought a few stiff ones also, but found that they did not fit.
  21. Indeed, this works fine. Personally I recommend attaching this so it opens like a Japanese book, as the flip part is thus not interfering with the keyboard usage. Plus it protects the buttons and fingerprint reader when closed. See e.g. earlier in this thread. But it is a matter of taste. As a 'westerner' it feels odd opening it like a Manga.
  22. The hall sensor for open/close is at the other side (between the usb-port and camera button) The other sensor has no real effect by default (sends a key comb) but with @Slion 's toolpack it can turn screen off with a flipcase with strategically placed magnet.
  23. As far as I know this is not a switch. My guess is that it is a spring dampening the close.
  24. Show this at 100% (Portrait, USB down), and the magnet for the open&close detection is below the arrow about a third down between the display bottom and device bottom. (And thus obviously the hall sensor beneath it in the lower part when closed)
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