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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Note that the page https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/ points to the github MTG, (and dates back five months), it is not available on old file host https://androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=322935
  2. I super optimistically did a dirty flash from official 20 with mtg 13 to unofficial 21 (build in gapps) a few weeks back - and that worked just fine. I super optimistically did a dirty flash from unofficial 21 (build in gapps) to official 21 with mtg 14 just now - and that worked just fine too!!! (both with adb and fastboot) That is just awesome guys! Though no keyboards layout setting at all, as far as I can find. Only the pro1 qwertY/qwertZ setting my bad, they are there You can still only select ONE, no Ctrl+Space swapping (as we had on e.g. 20.0), but with a lit
  3. (Installed lineage-20.0-20240212-UNOFFICIAL-pro1.zip with Feb 5 security patch using adb sideload with no problems, still not possible to select and swap between multiple key-layouts though) I might be wrong, but it felt snappier after the boot. 🙂
  4. Report on tiny bug for @npjohnson I Installed the 20240122 version through fastboot/adb, but was presented with an update being available OTA. I downloaded it and let it install, only to see that it has the exact same footprint. In the updater it is now presented as downloaded and available for install... Could there be some ≤ that should have been a < ??
  5. I have had NUMEROUS mails with Parcelup, and they keep asking me to contact the local delivery, and the local delivery says the parcel has not even reached Denmark yet - so in a bit of a limbo... A lot of time wasted on such a fairly cheap parcel - despite the heavy shipping surcharge.
  6. Just tried (very optimistically) to do an update (dirty even!) from lineage-20.0-20240127-nightly-pro1-signed.zip and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316 to (lineage-20.0-20240122-UNOFFICIAL-pro1.zip using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316) Despite the gapps clearly being for 13 and not 14. The gapps flash failed, most likely for that reason. It booted though (unsurprisingly) taking a while for first boot. But it works, and got some gapps build in by default. Something with the keyboard-language does not seem to work. US on
  7. That is highly likely. At the least the oddsolutions.us redirects to a page ods.ninja with the text: "My name is Nolen Johnson....". Strictly this could of course be a unsolicited redirect, so no guarantees that it actually is @npjohnson.
  8. (lineage-20.0-20240127-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Jan 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  9. I have not heard a thing since the tracking marked it as "2023-12-05 06:19 The shipment item has left the country of the sender "
  10. Maybe October is consider recently, 'only' being three months ago, in the perspective of several years... 😇 I have not heard anything on that they should have been resumed shipping since, but certainly good news if it is the case. ☺️
  11. (lineage-20.0-20240120-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Jan 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  12. ...Add we also have this old thread on VoLTE https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3055-volte-voice-over-4g-data
  13. AFAIK Not with that carrier, no. ;( It might work with another less picky carrier. I have zero knowledge on the possibilities in Australia. We have a thread that might help here: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2536-network-compatibility And there is this related to New Zealand: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3542-4g-lte-fdd-band-28-700-mhz-support-in-new-zealand
  14. I Denmark it is quite common that the carriers only allow white-listed phones in on VoLTE, though not all Danish carriers uses white-lists. I think the same goes for other countries. In the US most carriers seems to be even more picky in letting phones onto their network, not only limiting VoLTE. The whole mess with using mule-phones to activate a sim, so a not white-listed phone can work, has been a common US workaround long before Pro1/Pro1X...
  15. Slightly more complex. It means that the SIM isn't provisioned for VoLTE on this phone model, The same SIM might work just fine for VoLTE in a phone model the carrier has white-listed,.
  16. (lineage-20.0-20240113-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Jan 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  17. That is a very good suggestion! Most newer SIMs come with the SMSC set, but it was quite common earlier that we had to do this manually.
  18. Moved reply to the LOS Pro1 thread here https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3768-lineageos-200-official-release-for-pro1
  19. We are in the wrong thread for this.... Send an receive of sms works fine using Textra, and even the build in Messaging app - that I never use.
  20. I rarely tried, but it worked when I did, both send and receive. Is it constantly or occasional it fails for you?
  21. (lineage-20.0-20231230-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Dec 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
  22. Could be a matter of words here, as it DOES boot some android kernel up, before start charging, and it might be that they meant could not be avoided.
  23. I got a blue Pro1X on stock android, bought via Expensys. And I can confirm this respects the fastboot setting for NOT booting (completely) when power is applied when off. It does load some Android kernel stuff though, but ends in a battery-charging image/ikon
  24. (lineage-20.0-20231223-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Dec 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
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