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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (Note that this retired perk dates back to before IGG opened up so you no longer have to be an actual backer of a project to see the extra info, so back then it could be used as a stepping stone for those that were undecided on taking one of the perks for a Pro1X)
  2. I must admit I took the perk out of curiosity to see what "digital appreciation pack" meant. Perhaps it is fancy words for an email saying "Thanks" 😜🤣
  3. Of course, the key tops could be manufactured with 'edges' to protect the labels, somewhat like this Maybe a path to go for a Pro2?
  4. Certainly an interesting idea. Though it will be much harder to provide good stickers for the smaller keys, simply due to the lesser surface area for the adhesive. And they need to be elastic too, or mounted with some heating to handle the convex curvature of the keys. On a standard keyboard with concave tops each time we press at the normal centre of the key, it would press the sticker firmer on. Not so on convex keys like the Pro1 where the stickers would have a natural tendency to loosen at the edges. I see that a few keys were without the need of stickers, so if they were provide
  5. Ah! That one. Sure - Forgot I actually took that too. If I buy yours, would you buy mine 🤣
  6. I have very few voice calls, and 99% of those I do either with a headset or in hands free mode, so I'm not the right one to ask on the sound quality. Actually the sound quality I do experience is OK, it is the other end that is complaining about the quality on hands free, unless I talk in a loud and clear 'meeting-voice', rather than normal conversation.
  7. I would expect VoWiFi calls to be similar to VoLTE here. in principle the same, just a matter of what paths the data-parcels take. And the big difference to std calls is the (in principle) HD-voice quality. and it could be as simple as this HD-voice engine being faulty.
  8. Hard to say. A GUESS could be that the bug is triggered by this Enhanced mode but might also have other triggers....
  9. You lost me on what you are actually wanting to sell. The "Enthusiast Bundle" perk is not marked as "sold out" and is still available.
  10. Have you regretted picking an IndieGoGo-perk for a Pro1X, and want to sell the perk? Feel free to put the perk up for private person-to-person sale here, with variant and suggested price. To protect against spam I would advice people to not add contact details openly, but that interested buyers send the seller a private-message (Hoover the mouse over the seller and select Message), and interchange details and negotiate privately, Once you agreed on the terms, the seller can contact [email protected], and have them change the delivery details. For sale of an already received device, pl
  11. How odd, does this also go if you type LTE? It could be some national translation playing you a trick.
  12. If you in stock settings do a search for 4G, it suggests an option. BUT clicking that option does not bring me to that setting, as my carrier does not Support VoLTE for the Pro1 . (If I do the same on AICP, it IS available to me)
  13. Same here, I also took a perk for a Pro1X, to get an (even) more powerful Pro1 than I already got. So I have a strong suspicion that it is only going to be my daily driver, when support for 835 Pro1 dies out, from various developing sources. But that is the risk of crowd funding I took..
  14. Glad to hear that they can be so swift, when they are not swamped in a lot of pending mails. 🙂 The chronology of this date indicates that it was before they found out they had been swindled on the 835, with all the following commotion.
  15. Indeed. But as they just discovered the mail-setup bug @Hook described a few days ago, they might well have a pile waiting there. 😥
  16. ... could well be the issue here. They got a mail system, for handling cases from the same person in one go, that pulls any pending back to the newest mail. So when you send in a new mail, you basically pull your pending mail(s) to the back of the line. It is not uncommon to do so. ZenDesk uses the same principle. There are both pros and cons of this system, but if people are unaware, it clearly has negative side-effects.
  17. In open position I can -sort of- recreate the ratteling by moving the top of the display. BUT if I put a finger to the bottom of the display (near the keyboard) there are none. So it is clearly the support arm that is loose, not the main plate on mine.
  18. It is quite random when I actually check. Today I checked early morning (around 0700, CET), often it is not available much before noon. And sometimes I forget to check until the evening or even the next day. To check I just finds and refreshes an open tab for https://download.lineageos.org/pro1
  19. I would assume so, but we better have some of the developers answer that.
  20. (lineage-17.1-20210322-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  21. Though this is technical possible I also stuggle to see a real use case. Sure in rare occations you might want to show an image rather than sending it to a laptop first. And a cheap laptop would not be much more expensive than a monitor, keyboard and usb-dock. And would give a much better experience for close to any use case I can imagine. Their might be some special security use-case I have overlooked in this though, where you would be more secure connectin at a remote location vithout having to borrow a pc out of your control.
  22. Following the "Camera Key" by pressing gives a quite confusing settings picture...
  23. That is the flip side of AICP - there are so many settings, that we could easily have overlooked a dozen ones that need to be switched for it to work. 🤣
  24. It exists. A rather old Samsung thing ("SCH-U0750" also labeled " Alias ™ ² "). I found one on ebay for a modest price (if I remember right the shipping was half the total) It works fine, and the idea could be adopted to say a Pro2 or 3... Sure the change of layout is a little slow, but acceptable, even for showing symbol-layouts.
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