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Everything posted by VaZso

  1. They /F(x)tec/ wrote this at IGG page: "The Pro1-X comes with a 2 year warranty & this covers any manufacturing and software related defects. Devices that have been physically modified are not covered by the warranty." However, as far as I know, Indiegogo does not provide or expect any warranty from campaigners. Anyway, I don't think warranty problems are the reason but they may wanted to gain some attention and sell some more devices which may gain some profit. Also, currently the Pro1 is in a state software-wise where it is starting to be useful for regular users. As of
  2. Wow, it seems LineageOS 17.1 support is already official. 🙂
  3. Maybe you are right, but a not really thoughtful usage of a metal thing (like a screwdriver) may cause this injury without internal damage I think. If you have too short nails and/or use a SIM + uSD card together then an opening tool may needed and a wrong material / wrong usage may lead to this...
  4. Maybe that minor damage looks worse in photo but wow, I can not really imagine what happened. 😞 Anyway, it is not a perfect solution as it can be easily removed if there is one SIM inserted only but can be really hard to remove if there are one card and a but thicker SD card inserted... Anyway, for later tries, if can be opened safely by using a plastic opening tool or maybe a metal but not sharp tool (less recommended) by trying to pull it instead of stretching. Anyway, that bumper may completely hide the SIM tray.
  5. I think this problem is related to the active speaker during handsfree mode, sothe wrong one is muted. It should be solved in software, as I feel only this is the problem with call quality. (So the noise [the other party] comes near the signal [my own voice] mic which only has a few centimeters distance while the other speaker is at the opposite side but muted while in handsfree mode.)
  6. Basically, there are components which also has the same packages but with improved / better version. The most common chips which have different versions in the same package are memory-like devices. For example, there are SOIC-8 (-wide) packages which has the same pinouts but they are either Flash, FRAM or maybe EEPROM. Some of them has compatible way of working, others may have further / faster options or basically similar read/write options but differently solved locking of their areas. (However, Flash / FRAM / EEPROM have their own usage area and different advantages / disadvantag
  7. What issues you think with microphone? If the handsfree mode is the question, it should be done in software. Also, what issue you found with the screen? There were some users who had problem, but I think the majority have not experienced problems.
  8. Yes, default QWERTY layout will be changed and there are also new layouts.
  9. @FTN00b22 Also Pro1-X can be purchased but it has an estimated shipping of March next year. However, it has an option also for 256 GB flash and 8 GB RAM. Currently 256 GB version can be selected for $699 or 128 GB version for $649. The hardware is the same as the Pro1 here but currently its colour is blue. They may also consider other colours but we will see.
  10. Experience and maybe some usage / hints for Anbox? I am also curious. Anyway, the second yes was the answer to the problems with SafetyNet.
  11. The camera of Pro1 can make way much better photos than the camera of N900 (and even better than the camera of my Moto G6). ...but that is true the stock camera don't have the best outputs and still OpenCamera is not the best. However, if you install Google Camera (Gcam) application, then it will produce perfect photos.
  12. Because it is the same hardware and the more phones they sell the more reason to invest further also in software development. Moreover, not necessarily stock Android is the best choice (also for existing users) but Lineage OS itself which can be installed both on "old" Pro1 and Pro1-X. I don't know how can they solve NFC-based payments using Lineage OS (if it can be solved at all), but if that is possible in a correct way, the best option would be Lineage OS... It depends (on how the company - I mean IdeaLTE - was prepared for working at home). I find it strange. I
  13. Microphone issues should have an easy fix in software I think (the voice output should be changed to the speaker at the other side which is not 1.5 cm away from the main microphone). I hope in-call volume should be also fixable in software as it does not overdriven in lower volume levels, but I have to use it at the lowest level.
  14. Somewhere there was a dragon picture linked recently which was in an old thread. It can be noticed if you look at that picture while modifying the brightness - so you may see it in some photos and you may not notice it in others. Edit: Here it is
  15. When the brightness of display panel is decreased, the colors are shifted a bit which is noticeable especially in the lowest part of the scale. (So in that part there it is not really modifies the brightness but do some change in colour balance which may apply perfectly well for another display but not the one used in Pro1 units.) The background is the OLED panel itself and the properties of any LEDs. So its LEDs are not producing the exact same light for the exact same driving current, so they should be calibrated in relation to each other. A different kind of panel may have differ
  16. Compare the QWERTY layout of Pro1: ...and the QWERTY layout for Pro1-X linked in Indiegogo page: Start at the location of Q, A and Z letters. Originally, Pro1 was designed with a shifted QWERTY layout which may be good for English but not really good for international use while the QWERTY layouf of Pro1-X is a non-shifted QWERTY which can be used similarly as a standard layout and easier to use it for standard placement of international characters. I know it's confusing as on IGG page, photos were taken using a shifted QWERTY layout (also that is why I haven't not
  17. I also hope it is possible. XDA logo is one thing, but I would not put Lineage OS or UBports logo at the back, especially as I may not use the very same OS on it what I bought the phone with. Anyway, a dual / multi boot option would be good to have. Also a support of other OSes like a Sailfish OS with full official support... oh, well...
  18. Old Pro1 order should arrive earlier, look at the stated shipping date of Pro1(X). It may happen they will ship Pro1(X) earlier than that date but that should mean all other Pro1 was fulfilled by that time, especially if we are speaking about the same layout.
  19. That is the very same hardware which is expected to ship in March next year. It has an improved hardware option but definitively it isn't a 2nd generation, so all issues exists here will exists there, thus, all pending issues should be ironed out also here. As of the pending pre-orders, they should be fulfilled before these new orders will be shipped and as timeframe is big, it should very likely happen. Also, as far as I read well, they will try to ship them as fast as possible, so it may potentially result in a "constant output" of manufacturing.
  20. Pro1 had a shifted QWERTY keyboard which seems to have changed to the layout can be seen a few messages above.
  21. If I knew that, I would order QWERTY instead of QWERTZ, hmm...
  22. They are the same in this relation, so it strengthens also the support of existing Pro1s.
  23. These are mostly software problems which may more likely to be fixed if this IGG campaign will be successful. It may also help keeping the possibility of a future Pro2. Selling the same hardware (with only some increased specs) is may be because they most likely not satisfied fully with the number of sold Pro1 or they feel it can be gained a bit. Practically we may say this also affects their long-term plans. Modifying the hardware may be a later job and that is much more complicated and more expensive. What is the problem with SD cards (except I feel it could be faster whic
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