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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Yes. The lineage install process is to use fastboot to flash lineage recovery to boot on one slot, then use lineage recovery to install lineageos then optionally a Google Apps package (mindthegapps or opengapps) and/or a root solution (lineage addon su or magisk) on the other slot. When Lineage for our device leaves the test stage and becomes official, then we start getting official otas, and I'm pretty sure root persists then, if not magisk, certainly addon_su, but not sure until it happens.
  2. @david just documented a walkthru of the procedure to update stock to the March 4th OTA while keeping magisk root: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2849-new-ota-update-stamped-2020-03-04/?do=findComment&comment=46403
  3. Foil lined potato chip bag maybe? It kinda worked for Sarah Conner... or maybe in the microwave....
  4. Nope. The only thing I see in /persist/data are two folders - keyboard (that I created when I was playing with the fn keymap file and just now deleted while I was here) and keymaster64 Since the time I set fingerprints on stock then stop using in december, I've ran netmans kernel with stock, then lineage test 2, then twrp & sailfish, and now lineage again, with several resets in the mix. Doubt I still have old fingerprints saved somewhere, but I guess anything possible....
  5. So now key-chording/rollover works in Sailfish, Lineage, and finally stock with yesterdays OTA! I want my game gripper 😉
  6. Just a comment. I tried disabling 0° to and using only 90° & 180° to see if I preferred that way, which I would, but too many minor issues. For starters, inverse portrait (180°) only works if you enable auto-rotate. And then, for example, it always still boots in 0° portrait and stays that way until first rotated (and then wont go back). Some apps dont like it, and invert themselves (back to 0°) regardless, sometimes only in part of the app and not others. And if you swap the volume keys, they dont always stay swapped, but when they do it makes it easier to do screenshots and stuff
  7. I did. I've also tried it at low setting, to me it's quite obvious the gameplay is slower then. I'm still unsure why stock is significantly worse than lineage without such tweaks. But I dont have a galaxy s8 to compare to but seems like pro¹ is doing what it's supposed to, but isn't quite powerful enough to play these games at full framerate. For reliable emulation, maybe try N64/PSX! I bet Mario kart N64 runs full frame rate !
  8. I tried 300. Doesn't seem to change much. And if it's getting hot, I don't notice it, it's not like fast charging where you can feel it warm up.
  9. So I decided to test the fingerprint sensor. I've had it disabled since the middle of December cuz it wasn't working well, but with fixes in place, felt like the time to test again. I spent my time recording three fingerprints, imagining all the digits I might use to unlock it. Locked, then tried, none would work. Okay, let's reboot, maybe it needs that. Nope, now it doesn't have my fingerprints saved anymore. Try again with just one fingerprint. Same deal; doesn't work, reboot it disappears.
  10. I'll also be curious if it persists correctly thru the next test update, I expect that might bring back the aosp apps (until we're official doing lineage OTAs)... but either way flashing it is easy, and unlike mindthegapps, the actual apps work too (without uninstall/reinstall). And it didnt prompt me for google setup stuff again like mindthegapps did every time. I'm quite pleased. Thanks again tdm for all your work!
  11. I also agree he should spend time getting Lineage perfect, with the hope that when ideallte does get back to work, they implement as much of it as possible in stock themself! My understanding is all of tdms work is open for ideallte to look at and straight out copy if they want, or maybe I should pay attention to licenses and stuff... but doubt they do unless forced to by whoever hires them 😉
  12. Well,it appears to work for me. I'm sure after I play with it a few more minutes I'll find something wrong, but so far so good. I installed open_gapps-arm64-9.0-mini-20200304.zip. Every app I've tried seems to work. And it removed the aosp apps I expected it to (edit:) except gallery.
  13. After reading I'm not the only one having issues with gapps after update, and seeing instructions about slots, and then the statement I quoted, it makes me want to try opengapps instead of mindthegapps.... am I headed for disaster?
  14. Exactly what setting(s) are you changing? The "Speed Limit" in general settings maybe? Emulated CPU Clock Speed?
  15. It doesn't mean someone cannot write custom kcm's for use on our device under linage. It just means they cannot use slant arrow keys in the kcm as before, those combinations are in a different keymap file. You could make it behave exactly the same as any stock finqwerty layout if you really want. But did you try any built in scandic layouts? Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian etc all there. You may not even need further customization. (And for that matter, with the next OTA, I expect stock will be doing some changes to keyboard, so finqwerty layouts for stock will need t
  16. Keyboard is mapped differently than stock at driver level in Lineage, and handles the slant arrow keys directly, so they cannot be used in custom layouts, so most definitely cannot use finqwerty layouts designed for stock. But you're a lot less likely to need them now. Although not as quick as layout, you can get special letters by longpress of english letter. Are you using QWERTZ? If so, there's a system setting 'keyboard' that you can select qwertz from there. I believe that only affects what happens when you press slant arrow + keys. But per github, that keymap isn't 100% c
  17. Video *finally* finished uploading. Seems the same to me as that S8 video. Is it worse with stock? With stock you'll have to assign a (gas) to a modifier key so that you can still turn while driving....
  18. That video does the pause when rotating before each level that I was trying to describe. first time is right at the 1 minute mark..... then again around 725-735... I'llsee if I can make my own video... but my behavior seems same on Pro¹ edit: made a video, but it probably wont be online for a couple hours, my upload b/w is slow
  19. I thought Mario Kart Wii was one of the games I thought you listed, that's why I tried it... I'll try it now see if I can display fps and report back. I did play it once more since posting, and it does that slowdown on every single level intro before each race.... edit: Ok so it jumps around, its not stable at 60. During a race it seemed to get down as low as 39 but usually in the 40s, and sometimes up to 62... I also tried Luigi's mansion gamecube. Its around 29/30 most of the time, but jumps to 59/60 for in game movies and certain scenes like a closeup of when I tr
  20. Another problem is speaker placement, when holding the phone landscape, I tend to muffle both speakers with my hands. Can't fix that in software, but in Pro² might be good for speakers to be in the screen half.
  21. This actually works! Just unplug charger (or plug it in) and the crackle stops. Very weird. I wonder if that works on stock too and nobody noticed til now.
  22. Have you tried opencamera? If so, any reason why FV5 is better? I only ask because opencamera seems to work well for me, but I'm not a very good judge of camera apps. I tried a few gcam ports but they didnt work with camera button which for me is a showstopper. The only other camera app that worked right with camera button is the default lineageos camera app.
  23. I'm curious of the answer to this too. With mtp, it opens /sdcard. With the ftp server I use, same thing, it doesn't even ask for root. I think it would be useful to know how to access Pro1 filesystem as root from linux from a file maanger. edit: and I see a response from @pistikemthat implies you made it work? can you explain for noobs?
  24. I dunno why I'm replying to old stuff, I think I'm trying to stir up trouble, the forums have been so slow lately with people just reporting problems we already know about and eveyrone else just waiting for corona/etc to subdue and fxtec to start shipping again and pushing out OTA updates.... It's not that I doubt the Russian Government may possibly be involved in some cyber hacking stuff etc that may possibly be be harmful to western nations... it's just I don't think ppl publishing apps on openrepos for sfos are very likely to be russian-government-funded-hackers-trying-to-harm-us. As y
  25. Sorry if I'm back to the beginning of the thread, not paying attention to all this complicated cpu/temp stuff. The app only has a setting to use 1 core or 2..... I tried Wii version of Mario Kart under Dolphin under Lineage, to see if I had any issues. First thing is the f-droid version of Dolphin won't even load the ~2GB nkit iso version of SMK I grabbed from vimm.net. However, the latest official version will (https://dolphin-emu.org/download/). Seems they don't keep f-droid very updated, some 5k commits behind. @3zet What version of dolphin are you using? (The latest reports
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