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Everything posted by Craig

  1. I seem to recall something about shipping in the summer....
  2. First thing is you gotta workaround a stock bug they still haven't fixed (afaik) - longpress of camera button opening snagpdragon app, even when you set another app as your default camera app. I'm now on lineage which never had this issue, but when I ran stock, to get around this I used keymapper to assign long-press of camera button to default camera. Then whatever camera app you set as default will open with longpress, and you won't accidentally switch to snapdragon app when playing with button. Half-press focus is tricky to get just right (and I think the hardware coulda been done b
  3. Are you 100% sure it works? Half press to focus, press-release for shutter? I tried that exact same version myself last year and it didn't support shutter, see https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2552-reccommend-gcam-port-for-pro¹/?tab=comments#comment-37339 Others have recommended a pocophone port, which I do still have installed now, but it doesnt support button either, which his why I still use opencamera.
  4. One thing I find interesting is that Sprint customers can now automatically roam on t-mobile LTE, but for some reason they're not letting tmo customers roam on sprint lte.
  5. That was I think the first gcam port I tried. I seemed to recall that the shutter button did not work with it at all, am I wrong? I assumed it was cuz pixel doesn't have shutter button.... If it does support camera button, please share you d/l link so we know we're trying the same version. I personally use opencamera since it's the camera app I'd found that seems to support everything, but I know people say gcam takes better pictures...
  6. Works for me. edit: although that does mean you gotta tap it twice if the address bar is already on screen, cuz the first time will toggle it away And I agree ctrl-shift is not difficult left thumb, if necessary. But for tabs ctrl-tab is good anyway, no?
  7. I like them to be similar to desktop firefox cuz that's what I'm already used to. So ctrl-tab to see open tabs (and go thru them) and alt-b for bookmarks. (I know you don't want to use alt tho). But avoid 3-key chords if you can, no matter what you choose.
  8. https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/issues/52 I reported the bug about it popping up when it shouldn't. Couple other folks complaining about this on discord too, and I agree its annoying. Disabling it is more of a feature request, but feel free to add it as another issue if desired. For me, if it stops popping up when it shouldn't, I'm happy cuz I do occasionally use it - so I can type Pro¹!
  9. Firefox. Chrome. Epiphany. Probably every browser ever, cuz I've been using it as long as I can remember so probably even IE, but those are the only ones I have currently installed to test it with. Is there some other keyboard shortcut to get there? I can adapt if there's another way.... But I didnt know you used alt for int'l characters in FxQwerty. Even if android apps don't typically use alt for shortcuts (which I didnt know), it would probably interfere with application shortcuts in dosbox and vnc, etc....The normal android keymaps use right-alt, which fxtec doesn't give yo
  10. Alt+D would be nice to put cursor in address bar (like desktop browser).
  11. I love accent on longpress. I hate that it keeps popping up WITHOUT longpress. It happens almost every day. Thats the real problem.
  12. Remember, after IGG backers (who I think completed deliveries in previous batches?) it goes by payment date not order date, with some magic weighting related to countries nobody quite understands. So I think first gotta ship the rest that paid in August... I think some August payments are still waiting? They're probably the ones getting assigned... then September payments... and so on...
  13. wish there was a way to make it always appear whenever navbar present. sometimes gotta start typing for it to appear.
  14. I had assumed you were angry at someone named Lguris 😉
  15. I'm curious, are you able to pass safeynet still? Recently google silently updated gms core that makes me fail.... and magisk developer confirmed it... I'm unfamiliar with this riru/taichi stuff you guys discussing, but if its a way to keep passing safetynet I'm interested... https://twitter.com/topjohnwu/status/1251712525843918853
  16. It pops up for me sometimes too, when I'm sure didn't longpress. If it didn't pop up when I didn't intend for it, it wouldn't be an issue for me..... perhaps that's what's happening for you too? But we don't have settings for hardware keyboard (yet?) in lineage. I want to disable the auto-caps thats in aosp keyboard, but we don't have the settings for it. Those settings were present in lineage for photon q.... So if auto-caps is really driving me crazy I use swiftkey as it has some hardware keyboard settings in its virtual keyboard settings menu that allow me to turn that off.
  17. I think you've got a few more updates to go. Keep rebooting and updating (until 0306).
  18. If you have adb (android device bridge) installed on your PC, and you enable developer options and usb debug on your phone, then you can do it from a pc... adb shell then uptime. If you have lineage installed on your phone, you can enable a local terminal from developer options. No need to download anything.
  19. I tried your browser, and it worked for the goal I tried. There's a web pictionary type game skribbl.io that with most mobile browsers is unplayable cuz when you start typing guesses, the address bar appears, which covers the top of the screen. With Fulguris, the address bar stayed hidden and game is playable. I did try F11 to get rid of the address bar, but it wouldn't go away until I scrolled around in the screen tho. I'd tried F11 on firefox and it didnt work either tho. Sometimes the desktop commands carry thru, I guess not this one. I haven't used this browser for anyt
  20. Exactly. Finqwerty is just layouts. Don't feel bad about using them, cuz the layouts included don't even let you type slash. Fxtec is taking forever to fix this basic stuff. It's all been reported by users since November. And the lack of slash key was complained about years ago, by me for example. All this stuff is resolved in Lineage the way stock should have done it. Including easy ways to type £ - that "SYM" key for example that isn't used with stock. Nobody knows why stock is taking so long to fix software issues that were reported in November/December, even those with sol
  21. You should include this on your lineage page too, had to search for it.
  22. Sounds like you have a warranty issue. But as a workaround you could use a rotation control app to force portrait when needed.
  23. This is the first I've heard of this issue and don't think it's in the community bug list. I'm also a hangouts user and haven't observed this. Perhaps you have a permissions issue, maybe you need to give hangouts access to files to be able to use existing pictures, or access to camera if you want it to take photos... Although I have my own issue with hangouts, it doesn't handle landscape correctly all the time, switches back and forth to portrait depending which part of the app I'm in.
  24. or any other terminal client. Or even adb shell. Don't need to install anything if you wanna do it from a PC (assuming you already have adb installed on PC).
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