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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi guys, Tiny informal update before I split this thread to make the news easier to find. We are on track with the 1st batch as previously suggested. I have been told that customers from the 1st batch will soon receive a confirmation that stock has been assigned to their order. I expect it to be done by tomorrow. Obviously, this won't be sent to everyone who has an order, as the first batch is relatively small to the ones we expect to come shortly after. On a side note, please be aware that I do not represent the PR or communications team - I am a techie at Fxtec involved in de
    7 points
  2. I like to pretend to be a girl online for attention if that counts at all...
    5 points
  3. Here I was thinking the forum was mostly girls conversing under male aliases. 😁 Signed, girl (who has an aging Samsung SGH-T699).
    5 points
  4. Here is my DIY QWERTY phone (Mi 4C and iPhone Bluetooth keyboard https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi-4c/accessories/qwerty-keyboard-slider-diy-t3303280/
    5 points
  5. Here, Problem solved! Anyone want to place order? email me. I promise shipping will be in 2 days!
    5 points
  6. I have no inside info but I have faith they'll get it all going, a lot of it is already in the hands of a logistics company probably and when stuff gets to the warehouses it'll go pretty fast. And I have good hope the angry mob will calm down a bit when people can actually show they are receiving phones xD.
    5 points
  7. You can make that for a Pro1 and have double sliding keyboards... 🙄🤣😇
    4 points
  8. The support via the contact form on the website or e-mail is pretty responsive however, if you want to modify or cancel an order or get straight answers about logistics and the likes that's where to contact them.
    4 points
  9. Or just buy the upcoming Pro1 Duplex as shown in the secret leaked photos thread :D.
    3 points
  10. Everyone is eagerly awaiting on any news about that I think... Should be any time now that many people actually receive shipment notifications, and I am sure the forums will be on fire when that begins :).
    3 points
  11. This has already been addressed multiple times, it is a bug in the system. When your order has the status of 'processing' it means they received the payment. See also this thread:
    3 points
  12. Yeah, but... Chen hasn't posted here recently. The communications/PR department apparently ignore the forums, where they could answer one persons question and save them re-answering the question 10+ more times in email (and answer it for another 10+ who wouldn't bother to write). If I was a techie in the company, I'd wanna share as much as I was allowed too, cuz I'm excited about the project and want to be part of the community, etc, and share whatever I can. The thing that's annoying is the spin that Eske already called them out on. Erik keeps saying they're on schedule. We al
    3 points
  13. As expected, the "Production Status" forum has become absolutely overrun with, to be frank, a lot of complaining and useless messages that bog down important updates for the community. Let's have this forum serve a couple purposes: Let users talk between themselves without bogging down [un]official updates from the development team Gripe about how not having this phone will probably ruin your day, life, marriage, child's life, best friend's birthday party, favorite sports team's match this weekend, etc. Give updates when this phone does come through for users about basic init
    2 points
  14. They already have some gimmicks up their sleeve here, But stuff like that I see as things that can be tuned with updates after it is on the street, as this is pure software/firmware, so no haste. In the most primitive variant I assume it could be put deep down in the hardware layer 'simply' presenting a lesser logical display to the OS. My personal favourite would be if we can have a lesser logical screen in Portrait than in landscape. But the elegant solution would be if Android allows for the use of the full screens in stuff using the entire screen (showing images/videos), and
    2 points
  15. I have a hard time guessing the gender of names like kashif, hook, mcdinner, vazso, eskerahn, etc 🙂 besides from that, biggest group of users here, depending on the age poll, are 40+ so women and men may be more accurate.
    2 points
  16. As it seems hard to find cases that have bands over the ends, other models might be considered, if we are going to add the bands ourselves anyway, e.g. Huawei have a few that got the camera in a similar arrangement, so for the back we would not have to make a new hole, it would merely be a matter of PERHAPS adjusting the hole for the camera. Here a search by dimensions... The Huaweis got slightly softer corners, and the side keys/finger print scanner are a bit higher up (held in portrait). So some adjustments are needed here too...
    2 points
  17. Angry mob is probably an overstatement but some of this thread seems a bit tense and dramatic to me :D. It's understandable though, I also feel impatient and somewhat concerned with the relative silence from F(x)tecs side but I don't believe we can make the phones come faster by furiously posting to a forum... And I guess complaints about communication seem somewhat justified but I just personally don't care much, I know specs of the phone and such so the next thing is I want the phone and i want it NOW but that's an unreasonable demand :D.
    2 points
  18. Hey just a question out of curiosity, I think all the ones here dying for pro1 are boys. is there any girls too or its just a boy thing?
    2 points
  19. With a small company, job descriptions rarely match what you actually do. I do hope that Erik continues to post here, and gives updates regarding progress to the best of his knowledge. That said, it's a dangerous place to be posting as something might be delayed/changed that is out of his control. Anyway, hope to get an email soon, fingers crossed 🤞
    2 points
  20. Dear Erik, with all due respect: Stop. As a fellow techie, this is NOT your job. This is the job of the communication department, wether they like it or not. It is literally in their name: They are supposed to communicate with customers.
    2 points
  21. They definitely have used order numbers that high, but the order numbers are not sequential. At the time of this posting, the lowest pre-order was just over 4700 and the highest actual order was just over 40900. The system used to allocate a number every time someone put a phone in cart and now will not allocate a number until you at least try to pay but allocated numbers are still not sequential. My personal order number is 5400 and it is the 150th pre-order placed in cart. If the e-commerce standard of about 6:1 carts to orders holds then my phone is approximately the 25th pre-order. W
    2 points
  22. They definitely have over 20000 preorders. Mine is in that range. Guess I'll expect my phone next month 😅 my friends and family are starting to think I'm a sucker for holding out for this phone, but I'm not motivated to cancel because I'll lose my spot in the "queue".
    2 points
  23. Thanks Erik! We do appreciate your efforts really.
    2 points
  24. Hey @Erik, thank you for this update. I really appreciate you being here standing out to the community giving us news and taking all the tantrums and critics! ❤️ Guess then tomorrow a new wave of happiness and disappointment will roll over this forum. :D Hopefully I'm with the happy ones. Maybe comms team should stop tweeting (tweets are hilarious ) and interact more with the community. 😉 Great work so far, keep going!
    2 points
  25. The title is a lie and plain clickbait, but let's have a laugh while we wait :).
    1 point
  26. I think if they have some time, they will solve this. So if everything going right, I assume software upgrades will be resolved. ...at least that is more under their control than shipping for example.
    1 point
  27. Hey, interesting concept... smaller keyboard would be better for usage on the go.
    1 point
  28. Or you can buy from me, the Hybird pro1 i developed today!. FX Tech is also welcome to order from me if they are having hard time putting together the orders.
    1 point
  29. Anyway.. when talking about curved screen (which I am not a fan neither), It was discussed, that there should be some settings to crop the resolution just to fit the screen without curved part. How did this end up? Anyone knows?
    1 point
  30. For me, sleeve is not really do anything as if the phone is in my pocket, then nothing else is near it... if I use it, then sleeve should not be put on, so practically it worth nothing if we are speaking about guarding the phone itself. The other one (SIM + uSD) is more like a design issue, but it has revealed very lately (I have started following this project before the very beginning). However, I have asked them to have SIM1 + SIM2 + uSD by that time, but that is another question. Also, I understand they finally decided to use this hybrid solution, but apart from that, it hurts so m
    1 point
  31. I'm confused now, your post is completely unrelated to the quote 😄 Besides of that, yes communication is not good as established before. 🙂 I'm also mad about the case being switched to a sleeve. They have their reasons for that and sleeve is still better as an unusable case BUT I was really pissed about hearing that as a sitenote from Erik here in the forum 2 month after last info. not being able to use 2 sim AND microSD was know from the beginning, so that's not a communication issue.
    1 point
  32. Linking to other forum posts appears to sometimes break for no clear reason. I'm pretty sure the post I linked to here still exists but it tells me the content is not available... edit: if this link breaks too it'd be ironic but equally useful xD
    1 point
  33. Hey guys i am thinking about another solution to all this. i have few nokia e7s lying around and also have galaxy note 8. why dont i just use super glue and stick Note 8 on top of E7 screen. Problem Solved!
    1 point
  34. Dear Mr netman You seem happy, do you have some good news from inside? 😊
    1 point
  35. I think I will be overstepping a NDA if I go into such details on license bound stuff without permission. I will (again) refer you to asking the staff
    1 point
  36. Okay, bad example. Then let's talk about non-overclocked performance. You will agree that they are both completely suitable for daily use and except for some task (which in mobile case don't really happen often) you will not notice any difference. I was fixing a computer of a friend last time and he had a i7 860. After adding an SSD and a cheap 75W graphics card, this thing is fast. And the PC/CPU is now nine years old. Of course, you wouldn't be benchmarking or rendering with it, but neither you need to do with your phone. For loading times, business use and browsing thi
    1 point
  37. I got some (forcible cancelled) preorders 2 and 3 apart, So I'm pretty sure every number was used sequentially BUT if someone emptied their cart, the numbers were not reused. So all we know is that there are less than something like 40000 orders (the first many numbers most likely used for testing), And that the number of our order can give us an rough estimate on where we are in the queue, If we for simplicity assume numbers started around 4000, and is currently at 44000, then a number 14xxx will be roughly 25% in. (Yes I know we were about 1500 IGG backers, where a good part is lik
    1 point
  38. Okay, but how / what have you counted?
    1 point
  39. I counted the 149 pre-orders in front of mine.
    1 point
  40. digits is the unambiguous word...
    1 point
  41. We will use them with our appendages!
    1 point
  42. afaik the order numbers do not represent the actual numbers of active preorders. (not verified by fxtec)
    1 point
  43. I'm taking a break from this thread. It's so muddled now, & most of the info is out of date, not to say unofficial & therefore unreliable, which all leads to frustration & disappointment. It's completely getting me down 😔. Most worryingly, I can't see any likelihood of those at Fx who are really 'in the know' taking any serious interest in addressing customer concerns. The two videos indicate to me that they are more interested in their little pet project than the success of the wider business, of which we are the key part. So on the assumption that they won't help us out regard
    1 point
  44. Hi Erik, Thank you for you are being here and give us some information you know. Could you please tell us something about what part of preorders may included in the first batch? I mean about what part of preorders or what part of IGG users or how many devices we are speaking about or something closer? ...at least some news about the state of shipments from China to warehouses at EU / USA? Thank you in advance.
    1 point
  45. Yep. I suspect most people up till now have been quiet and have had better things to do over the literal three days since we got the last update.
    1 point
  46. That's just not true. An old Nokia, Droid or even Photon never had the newest technology. They were sold as mid-range phones both with the chips as well as their displays. It was just too risky to build a high-end device with a keyboard that would probably not sell since there was no market. This company took the risk and as a startup didn't have access to the newest chip. Still, it was high-end two years ago and by any means isn't slow nowadays. As I said before, you'd probably not even notice a difference to a 845 or the newest 855. It's like comparing an Intel 6700K to an Intel 87
    1 point
  47. I can't be bothered with this thread anymore.... @Erik please make an announcements thread and lock & pin it :D
    1 point
  48. As a math guy allow me to make a bit of stick splitting. The closed age intervals are unequal in size. 6 7, 6, 5 resp. 5 years this muddles the results slightly, as this in it self would give a bias towards the younger groups. I mean if we (for the sake of argument) assumed one person in all ages from 15 to 64 had voted, the numbers would be 6%, 12% 14%, 12%, 10%, 10%, 48% 50%. So surprisingly we see more votes less than 36 than an even distribution, and less votes 36 and above. My guess is that it reflects the age distribution on the ones active on the forum more than the distributi
    1 point
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