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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2019 in Posts

  1. Thanks for the detailed thoughts there. I think you're right. Where they've fallen down isn't in what they're trying to achieve, or how, but simply in how they communicate about it. If someone at FXtec had written what you just set out, ending it with "sorry, this is why it's taking a while, please bear with us", I'd feel happier. I can't believe they're so naive as to not realise that when they sent out a big official notice to all customers, saying "we're starting to ship on 29/10" that they didn't realise customers would begin to expect their devices early in November. They c
    6 points
  2. I do not recall the exact comment, but at some point they said that an important factor in choosing the factory they did, was its ability to quickly change scale. So could be that there are a lot more people doing batch two than batch one. I mean they are highly unlikely to have had any machines particularly created for the Pro1, so if a company with a lot of programmable machines are in play, they can quickly scale up, after F(x)tec have seen with batch one that they can produce the product to the required specs and quality demands, they can do a large batch 2.
    5 points
  3. I still have two Droid 4 phones but I do not use them anymore as a daily driver. The other one is running Lineage OS 14.1 and second one Sailfish OS. I also made my own DIY QWERTY smartphone (Xiaomi Mi 4C and iPhone bluetooth case).
    5 points
  4. And maybe there were adjustments to the assembly process for the first batch and that made it take longer. I'm just happy that I'll get one of the batch 2 phones that doesn't have all the mistakes of the batch 1 phones, where they were learning how to put them together for the first time. πŸ˜‚
    4 points
  5. Your only in first if you backed the keyboard mod
    4 points
  6. @glumreaper Chen posted this on TMO:
    4 points
  7. I think the delays are mainly because many things are not in their direct control. Small company, hence maybe at mercy of various vendors... I am sure things will be different if there will be Pro2, with better experience and buying power...
    4 points
  8. I hope they will have enough success to make a successor every 2-3 years. Those that would like the device to be active for 4-5 years, would simple skip the next - as easy as that.
    3 points
  9. The 845 is only 14% faster than the 835. I wouldn't sweat that small of a difference.
    3 points
  10. No one can deny their communication has been very poor. I too have pointed it out in my other posts. But since they are on the job now, I am willing to put it behind and look at them more positively, considering it's only 1-2 year old startup with no name in the market. As you maybe aware they had to settle for Snapdragon 835 because Qualcomm would not supply them 845 or 855. Like wise many vendors may fail to meet their demands in time as these vendors may need to supply to other "big" players. So I believe the repeatedly failed delivery promises may have these reasons, and it might have been
    3 points
  11. Where can I buy one of these kitchen scales? Mine is waaaaay less precise!
    3 points
  12. Yep, I thought that was pretty special. πŸ˜„ I have read some reports of some people typing faster on some virtual keyboards than the old records of the physical keyboards. However, those people probably don't have access to physical keyboards (they might be faster on them if they did have access) and I don't know if predictive typing is allowed, etc. It seems like they use the same sentences for the test too, which isn't a true typing test. Fxtec should give a few phones to the fast virt typers, with the condition that they can keep them if they break the record. πŸ˜„
    3 points
  13. At this very moment a batch of phones is being shipped to the ship which will ship them to the shipping location from which the shipper will ship them to their shipping destination...at some point.
    3 points
  14. That matches what I get within the accuracy of my 20 year old kitchen-weight, (including SIM, sceen-protector, and a few strategically placed stickers - and for the physics nerds: fully chargedπŸ€“ )
    3 points
  15. I have the exact same thoughts regarding this and I also even hope to be a huge success. Also, how high the success is may be found when (and if) they start selling Pro2. If people see Pro1 (also those who did not bought it) and they find its quality good and hearing good opinions of their users, then they may also buy the successor and can be braver to buy it than any preorderers of Pro1. πŸ™‚ I don't think other manufacturers are starting to produce similar hardware by that time, that may be more risky if we are speaking about Pro3. Otherwise, if they can build up a good reputatio
    2 points
  16. This much depends on how the Pro1 is received in a market. If it is seen at an odd thing for the few, you are right, but if they manage to wheel in a substantial number of touch users, it might be a revival of the form factor. We will all now in half a year or so...
    2 points
  17. [...] The one nagging doubt I have is their continued message that subsequent batches will be a lot larger than the first. Given that Liangchen stated: [transcription, 2nd update video, https://vimeo.com/369691049]: β€œso average one workforce probably takes up to 4 to 5 hours to assemble a full device” Also that it took over a month (sometime in September through to the end of October) to produce the first small batch, why should it take only a few weeks to produce & ship a much larger batch in mid-November? It seems more reasonable to suppose monthly shipments of a similar size to t
    2 points
  18. [...] Liangchen &/or Adrian &/or others take the specification, design, etc. for the Pro1 to β€˜X’ number of factories, eventually settling on one that gives a sensible balance between quality, performance and price; The chosen Shenzen factory takes the many parts and assembles them according F(x)tec plans and specifications; The finished product is transported to the (non-F(x)tec) warehouse in Hong Kong; HK warehouse staff, with existing expertise, acting on F(x)tec instructions, allocate the shipment to the various international export shipping agents; The shipping agents, ind
    2 points
  19. I have given a good bit of time over the last few days to ponder this thread ... How about taking a broader way of thinking about F(x)tec and the β€˜factory’ - the β€˜warehouse’ - the β€˜fulfilment centres’? The very first thing to keep in mind: F(x)tec is a small start-up. I know we've all paid what for a lot of us is a big $€£amount; but as Liangchen said in the second video, the Pro1 is not like most other phones around just now, and takes quite a bit more assembly. Given this significant design difference, for what F(x)tec are offering I consider that what we’ve paid is not so OTT. Extend this
    2 points
  20. I'm also part of the Moto Mod backers and I have also not received that mail. For me, I would buy Pro2 even when my Pro1 is still functioning well. ...mainly because I would like to keep this style of phone being produced. I also hope the phone will have much more than 2-3 years of lifespan, but I also hope a Pro2 device may be available in not more than 2-3 years from now.
    2 points
  21. What Erik said was: " there aren't enough units in the first batch for all of the backers. The coming second batch will cover all IGG backers + most normal pre-orders " That was, I believe, the last update he gave. Don't know what "most" means but he said they intend to start sending orders (not pre-orders) in December. (Found the neat trick of finding Erik's updates, in order, without navigating through this thread by clicking on the link to Erik's profile. πŸ˜‰
    2 points
  22. Very well said, and where i am at as well.
    2 points
  23. Except now Fxtec don't even admit that they have delays. The know things but they hide it from us, it was also like before but now it's worse. They are making even worse mistakes than before but now at least there's a high chance that people will be able to get their phones so people try to be patient for a while now. Fxtec can't learn at all and if Pro2 will ever exist then I doubt it will sell better. Let's see first if people will start buying Pro1s after they finally can be ordered without any delays, so far Unihertz Titan has more than twice of backers than Pro1 and Unihertz is a crowdfun
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I wonder what level of support will be available from FXtec for these sorts of things? For example will an original Android image be available so that if we try Sailfish or Lineage and don't get on, we can restore to the factory OS?
    2 points
  26. The weight was mentioned at Twitter recently: It is 241g https://mobile.twitter.com/thefxtec/status/1187336672800845825
    2 points
  27. Me either! It drives me *crazy* typing on a virtual keyboard. And if the typing isn't bad enough, the wrong predictive words being automatically guessed and either sent (if not found) or having to be corrected, is very aggravating.
    2 points
  28. Related information: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/sixth-annual-us-national-texting-championship-ignores-touchscreen/story?id=16958756
    2 points
  29. In full disclosure, I was *this* close to buying a new, non-physical keyboard phone and using a bluetooth thumb keyboard with it (or my Relay 4G as a keyboard and screen for it when I needed to type). Then the news came out about the Pro1, so I kept going down the Relay 4G path for another better part of a painful year. I guess what I am saying is that I can understand what caused many of you to commit your sins and I forgive you. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    2 points
  30. These tweets are getting really bold recently. (sorry, Eske)
    2 points
  31. EskeRahn's pre-production phone clearly holds 1g less electrons. πŸ˜‚
    1 point
  32. ...odd as it may seem, if this shows to NOT be a success, I'm likely to buy a couple for spares. But if it is a huge success, I'm likely to settle for two, and then hope for a Pro2/3/4....
    1 point
  33. When talking about some Pro2, if it would just hypotheticaly come one day.. There wonΒ΄t be any backers in the beginning and maybe also no need of preorders. If they will sometime make another device, then it will be definitely only when the first one succeeded. And therefore they should have some money from the company profit. What I mean, they should prepare the second device quietly and then introduce it just before the final products are leading to the factory line. When you try to date it on nowadays PRO1 and what we know about the production status: If I were them, I would show the new de
    1 point
  34. I just hope to receive my pre-order before Christmas (that's when postal delays take even longer) and if that doesn't happen I will be requesting a refund in mid-December. That's pretty much the deadline I've set for myself. Otherwise there will be holidays and shipping and manufacturing may not resume until mid-Jan, which means arrival most likely February, exactly a year after I placed the pre-order.
    1 point
  35. nokia n950 QTcreator 3, QT libs 5.2 onboard. Writing programs anywhere!
    1 point
  36. I've noticed when you quote people somethings it doesn't work properly. Not figured out the scenario yet I'll update when I do.
    1 point
  37. "Realistically, your order will be shipped with the 2nd batch due to arrive in mid-November." Sorry I said second week, I meant mid-November. Unfortunately wording isn't specific as to where it's arriving, just that it is arriving somewhere between the second and third week of November. Still though this response reignited my hopes that I receive it before the end of November, however it's anybody's guess at this point.
    1 point
  38. Agreed. I even wait for my PC/laptop, and I have a keyboard phone. But my threshold is higher than what it would be if I was using a virtual keyboard. As you said, I'd probably be limited to a few words. Or I'd use a bluetooth keyboard. As it is, I will rarely type out a long email if it is inconvenient to get to the PC/laptop, but generally, it is multi-sentence texts/IMs that I'm sending. For email, I try to wait for the full sized keyboard. I have the frustration of the Kitkat 4.4 (Cyanogenmod), plus modern apps that use too much RAM, plus slow virtual memory swapping, pegging my
    1 point
  39. Yep. For anything over a few words long I just wait until I get on a PC or laptop usually, avoiding the phone as much as possible. I have the autocorrect disabled but use suggestions a lot when on the phone, which works but the amount of errors made slows me down a lot, it angers me and slows me down every time an error happens and it happens a lot. There's no way around having tactile feedback before during and after keypresses to solve it.
    1 point
  40. Seems like we have different terms being used at different points in time. I think the common understanding was that they have a factory in China and they have fulfillment centers in different countries where they ship the phones too and then they are processed in those locations by people paid by fxtec to package and sort and put customer addresses on them, etc. Then they are mailed/shipped via normal means. Now it seems like we have: A) Factory where the phones are made in China B) Warehouses in multiple countries where the phones are shipped to from China and where all t
    1 point
  41. Why don't you go ahead and start the poll, it only takes a click to vote and we all have the time since we are still waiting for shipping updates.. πŸ™‚
    1 point
  42. I suspect if you did 5 year intervals out to 70, you'd end up with a classic positively skewed frequency distribution with most being in the 25-30 interval and the frequency dropping off slowly with older and older people. πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  43. Seems like most of the active forum users have voted. I declare those over 40 winners! If this poll is ever repeated, could break down the old folks a bit more, and make equal sized groups... to see the real winner... i.e. 18-24, 25-31, 32-38, 39-45, 46-51, 52-58, 59+
    1 point
  44. I think the threads are getting very messy due to all of this merging. I would prefer if different discussions were kept separate. Thanks for all your hard work and effort!
    1 point
  45. +1 i'll never go without a notification light again πŸ™‚
    1 point
  46. How appropriate πŸ™‚ - my current phone is Windows 10 & the only reason I went looking for a new handset is coz MS are dumping support from 2020!! All the more disappointing to me coz MS cashed-in on Nokia, which was the final nail in the coffin for the Symbian OS 😞
    1 point
  47. Thanks for the nice post edlinfan. And nice tinkering. I tinkered something for Iphone 6- my self that worked well, had it not been for the horrors of Ios, I might still have been using it.... I can confirm that the pro1 indeed offers an option to have it in landscape while open :) And Alt-Tab and Alt-Sh+Tab is supported too (The last triple-combo hard to do hand-held though) I see no reasons why Home/End could not be assigned to a combo. Could be the yellow-arrow plus some arrow key. Frankly I never even tried the pane functionality, imho even these huge 6" screens are too small
    1 point
  48. Brilliant work, thanks for sharing :). I always found it strange there isn't more slider keyboard cases on the market, I've seen something like it sold for iphones and of course the moto mods keyboard. I've always wanted to get one of those iphone keypads and just glue it onto a case for my phone but for whatever reason that never happened (I had a hard time finding them at the time and ended up using a nokia e72 a good long while then forgetting of the plan).
    1 point
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