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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2019 in all areas

  1. I can add one in the next FinQwerty version πŸ™‚ Does the below layout look OK? Or should I perhaps swap Y/Z (if both are wanted by people here, I can also add both), or any other suggestions?
    7 points
  2. Here 3Β½ day (82h) over Christmas, using 53% battery:
    6 points
  3. Yes I'm aware of the work @netman is doing on the keyboard. I'll incorporate it in due time, after I get the vendor image built and voice calls work.
    3 points
  4. Among developers, "app" used to be a short form for any kind of "application software program" long before smartphones even existed. There's nothing stupid in it per se, but there's indeed some stupidness in reserving the short form to exclusively denote mobile software...
    3 points
  5. With this app, root may be required: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.slash.batterychargelimit/
    2 points
  6. Impressive, with this kind of run time I may limit the maximum charge level to 80%~90% to extend the battery's useful lifespan.
    2 points
  7. My original Droid on FroYo (which also sounds stupid.....Mr. Baggins?) calls them Applications. Elegant, like everything else about that phone. It was a phone from an era where productivity was King, and consumers of mindless drivel weren't the sole focus of R&D at all the major phone makers. I'm glad F(x)tec is still like Motorola was in 2008, and maybe even better. Productivity is King.
    2 points
  8. Damned you are fast! 😎😎😎
    2 points
  9. He seems to be an extremely kind and helpful guy. Super responsive to all the small ideas and suggestions I have come up with, Perfecting the Danish for qwertY as well as qwertZ, and as far as I know, he has not even received his own unit yet.
    2 points
  10. Yes it fits fine. I just updated the blog post with a flip case for the Huawei P20 Pro, I have been using for about a week. It fits better than the Note7 one.
    2 points
  11. I finally pulled myself togethher and updated the above with the flip case for a Huawei p20 Pro
    2 points
  12. What I'd like to know is what is the priority for selection? Use WiFi whenever available? Use it when it has the stronger signal? Use it only when nothing else is available? Things that make you go hmmmmmm
    2 points
  13. Yeah, what looney toon decided people should get their productivity programs from a "play store" ? Truly pandering to the mindless consumers of drivel. Call it a market or a playground I don't use it. I never have and never will. I load everything from the APK. My daily driver doesn't have any GcrApps at all. APKs and desktop Web sites! πŸ™‚
    2 points
  14. I don't think, because I got this autoreply on 25th Dec:
    1 point
  15. And such an app will disconnect the charger for you? Or will you have to wake up in the middle of the night to unplug it?
    1 point
  16. Install a battery monitoring app which can alert you when you reach a certain charge level.
    1 point
  17. OK, so based on this I should have 4 Czech layouts? (Czech QWERTY for physical QWERTY, Czech QWERTZ for physical QWERTY, Czech QWERTY for physical QWERTZ, and Czech QWERTZ for physical QWERTZ) I can do that relatively easily, I just don't want to add layouts that are not useful πŸ™‚ The Fn+H = Β½ comes from the FinQwerty German layout that I used as a base, not from any "real" layout. It can be replaced if/when needed. And yes, I kept the Fn combinations matching the German QWERTZ prints, I think that is generally clearer. But since Fn+F and Fn+G are free, I could add [ ] there as well
    1 point
  18. To be honest I didn't know it comes with a widget xD. I use launchtime as a launcher now, which doesn't even support widgets, but I like it that way.
    1 point
  19. Yes upside down. Oddly I was not able to find any cases designed for right handed people, only for holding in right hand in portrait and operate with the left (really odd as most people are right handed BTW)
    1 point
  20. I guess this would be a case for a 3D printer. Unfortunately I'm not really into that...
    1 point
  21. For me, the increase in productivity [generated by the Pro1] increases the value of its produced good, and hence it's worth (which is why I can justify paying $700 for it). πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  22. ...i have 34xxxx...to czech republic too
    1 point
  23. Wow that was fast! Will check that later, not enough time to check it calmly. Thanks anyway!
    1 point
  24. Google pay, netflex, spoitify and banking apps working fine on my pro1. i installed them from google play
    1 point
  25. FYI, I ordered this case in the US. "Premium TPU Case for Huawei P20 Pro Slim Fit Transparent Silicone Clear Soft Cover Case" It fits fairly well on the keyboard half of the phone. It does not interfere with the opening mechanism, really. I was afraid it would. It definitely improves the grip, and provides a bit of protection to half the phone. I modified it in a way similar to how @EskeRahn did. Tip: leather punches are great if you have them. It would be great if a similar case was made specifically for the Pro1, with a bumper case for the display half.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, I have a different preferred network set in settings (no CDMA). What you see in my screenshot was the default setting and I didn't touch it because everything worked after throwing the switches.
    1 point
  27. No fear. So far community members have perfectly helped each other in configuring and afaik everyone solved eventual starting issues. I had perfectly mapped QWERTZ on Android thanks to community members explaining FinQwerty use to me. Now that i run Sailfish i try to give back and have propsed a mapping for SFOS QWERTZ. Just ask here or in the unofficial Discord for more chattier help!
    1 point
  28. There is now a launcher that supports Android 10 native desktop mode. I really hope that Pro1 will get Android 10 update soon! Flow Desktop is the first launcher built for Android 10’s hidden Desktop Mode
    1 point
  29. Actualy, I think I'm wrong. I remembered 3 switches, so thought it was a fourth switch, which it was-- but that mobile radio switch had to have been on ll the time, so, tes this was the third switch I threw way back when. Lol.
    1 point
  30. After the forum change everything is super easy for me compared to the horrible mess of approving each and every comment.... So If they prefer edit limited, fine with me. It is a long discussion of pro's and cons, if not everyone always uses the quote function. If I write something that I later find out has changed (say a bug fixed), it is really nice to be able to go back and strike out my whining about it, not to confuse new readers. But If it is just edited away, following replies/reactions can look far out of context, even if they were originally totaly on topic...
    1 point
  31. No, actually it is on by default. To provision VoLTE I had to flip 3 switches (go back to my original description). This is a fourth switch and I didn't have to flip it. Not sure why VoWiFI would be enabled and VoLTE not as a default, but that is apparently what I had. Lol.
    1 point
  32. I have and love a Droid 4, and mine IS capable of interacting with the modern Web thanks to LineageOS and Brave, but there are other issues with it that make its days numbered. The biggest problem is that it cannot do VoLTE, which is the direction Verizon (the only carrier to offer Droid 4 AFAIK) is going, so it will become WiFi only eventually. Add to that the fact that it has only 1GB of RAM, 1/8th of which is reserved for things like the video chip, and it labors through modern programs (I refuse to call them apps because it sounds stupid.) It is still usable, and I do, although I'm on a lo
    1 point
  33. While we're fiddling with things, removing the time-limited editing restriction would make your life easier in a certain thread πŸ˜‰ I really don't see what purpose it serves anyway. Who's going to change a post to spam long after everyone has forgotten it?
    1 point
  34. I just tried it and it works fine on Verizon. I tested it both by turning off my mobile radio (I was still able to make calls-- since I don't have CDMA, it had to be via WiFi) and by making a Farcebook Messenger call (I know, it's embarrassing to have that on such a fine phone, but it's how my wife chooses to communicate). There is no setting I could find to turn VoWifi on or off. If you search settings it lists Wifi Calling, but when you tap it, it sends you to Network settings and there is nothing specific there. EDIT: Okay, found it. It's also provisioned on the menu you get
    1 point
  35. Agreed. So, on the bright side, Fxtec will bring us an extra Christmas in January. 😁
    1 point
  36. I can agree on that. By all critic I have at the communication of fxtec, @Erik prevents a total black out. The CEO's should be really thankful!
    1 point
  37. Further to this, we wanted to ship the small batch today, but it did not arrive earlier this week as we expected. The courier bringing the stock to the UK confirmed it will arrive sometime today, which means tracking for the next small batch will be provided to you on Monday. The big batch is also on the way for January - that one will notify of stock assignment.
    1 point
  38. FYI, I have imported the Pro1 FinQwerty v1.5.1 key character maps (kcm files) into my LineageOS builds. If there are other kcm files that people have worked out for the Pro1, I'd be happy to add them as well. The current FinQwerty maps add support for Czech, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish, as well as the alternate German mapping. For reference, you can find the patches required to add additional kcm files to a device build here: https://github.com/mccreary/android_device_fxtec_pro1/commits/lineage-16.0/AsantiKeypad The last of the three is not necessary for the stock Pr
    1 point
  39. Say Pro 1 three times fast (I'm not the originator of this idea)... πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. My keyboard quit out on me today, too and wouldn't respond at all to any key presses. I just restarted the phone and it all started working again. I just put it down to a hiccup.
    1 point
  42. @rtuz2th It doesn't appear as though you'll ever, at least officially, get the info you are requesting. I'm not happy with F(x)tec's lack of communication (to put it mildly as it just leads to unwarranted expectations and a large amount of disappointment), but I don't think there is anything nefarious taking place. That said, it has been shown, by people who know these things that there is currently approximately 2,500 actual devices that have been ordered (I believe it's somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000, but not more than 3,000). So that answers that. Then you can look at the folks posti
    1 point
  43. As someone who never had a keyboard smartphone before the Pro1, I would say it very much matters what you are used to. The QWERTY layout on the Pro1 might be shifted a bit, but it’s nothing different to simply getting a new keyboard for your PC. There always will be a learning curve. I find the Pro1’s keyboard much more functional than the compared devices above, particularly for the spacing on the Pro1 keyboard. Give it a week, and you’ll see how much faster and accurate you are, especially in the technical tasks such as using terminal. I will not accept disputes on this subject at all,
    1 point
  44. Fxtec is trying to reduce panic, and I understand. I suppose their philosophy is: less information means less to panic about.
    1 point
  45. Well - I still got a fxtec device, but since it's almost the same price and I already got it (as opposed to paying slightly more and getting it I don't know when), I decided there's no reason to wait. I mean.. my order was around 650 first, but I didn't order it back then and when I did it was around 730. So I figured I could just buy a device from a reseller in ny country. Honestly - there have been about 2 months of wait time and no transparency from fxtec. If they told me we will be delivered after the resellers and told us the truth about when we were to get our phone, I might have wa
    1 point
  46. Oh, it just occurred to me that the same issues I'm having with the vendor image are probably causing TWRP data decrypt to fail. So I'm pretty confident that once the vendor image works, I can build a TWRP with working data decrypt.
    1 point
  47. Making a working vendor image is proving to be quite the adventure. But! ... I just got a good boot with a hacked up vendor image. πŸ™‚ So the next step is to retrace my steps and figure out how to translate my hacks into a working build. I may be able to get that done tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
    1 point
  48. I've been pretty quiet this week so I figured I'd give everyone an update on what's going on. We had the cold virus come through our house this week. I had to stay home to take care of the wife and kids on Tue, then I was sick on Wed. I was working on my EDL flash tool Thu and Fri. It works well on Linux but I'm having some issues on Windows and MacOS. Hope to get it working next week. I'm attaching a screen shot with the latest pro1 package loaded and ready to flash. Next week, I hope to get the flash tool wrapped up and start working on the Lineage buil
    1 point
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