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  1. I highly recommend this phone, but not to everyone... Generally I would not recommend anyone to buy a brand new device if they want an errorfree experience out of the box (any brand) The Pro1 is a niche product with a limited audience. AND like most new devices it comes with a bunch of more or less annoying software-bugs. And sure bugs ought not to be there, but in the real world they are, the important thing is that things get fixed, but like everything else in China these are delayed by new year and virus... You should try the LineageOS (see the long thread) where quite a lot of the
    8 points
  2. First, I'll say that if you find these points of pain too much for you, you of course should move to whatever makes you happier. However, I take issue with referring to others as apologists because we have found work arounds that make us happy with this phone. Personally, I am very happy with this phone and consider it the best phone I have ever used. New people who read these threads need to understand that for every person who says they are fed up, there are many more who are having a very different experience. In the future, I suggest you don't set expectations so high for a new tech
    7 points
  3. Oh dear. The issues you speak of have work around's without rooting your phone. Please search this forum. F(x)tec have done well to get the hardware alone out. The rest is just software. Bringing a product from concept to reality is a huge achievement alone. Think of the group that have the phone currently as beta testers. Want a fix for your keyboard. Look up my posts on External keyboard helper. OTA updates will make the phone more functional out of the box. btw typed on a Pro 1
    7 points
  4. I agree with this but it was told to us before purchasing that the screen will be curved. These things are fixed in Lineage and SailFish, and should be fixed in the next OTA for stock. I'd recommend giving Lineage a try. For stock I can provide a fix in the form of a modified kernel but WARNING this requires a factory reset and breaks OTA (to get back on normal stock you need another factory reset): https://matland.be/pro1/kernel.zip See the readme.txt in the zip for install instructions. I believe the reason we don't have OTA update to fix these things yet is due to chaos related
    6 points
  5. These are things I usually do :D. Have not regretted making an exception for the Pro1 though.
    5 points
  6. I use a folio flip case and do not have as exacerbated issue with the curved screen. The case makes it much easier to hold and keyboard deployed in my default use position. Pushing with the back of my thumb nails is the best way to open. Never really experienced this, but I predominantly use the speakerphone for calls. I have noticed some strange sensitivity issues when trying to scroll on the phone. This could be fixed in a OTA update I have only ever owned QWERTY Keyboard phones and refuse to join the iBeige Revolution of Touch Screen Only. This is one of the thinest QWERTY p
    5 points
  7. I haven't noticed any performance issues with my Pro1 in daily life. Also, when I ran some benchmarks Pro1 was performing like it should. For reference OnePlus 5T (Snapdragon 835) got these results according to PhonesData GeekBench 5 Single Core 383 GeekBench 5 Multi-Core 1655 Antutu 8 score 263919
    4 points
  8. I certainly agree that @tdm is doing a great job here, others have contributed, but he caries a huge load here, And I too hope some of it finds it way back to stock.
    4 points
  9. There are a variety of things that can hamper performance. You just need to go through them and find the one causing problems. The most obvious is the CPU cores: they can be disabled or thermal throttled for starters. Then there is performance stalls like for example audio or video timing out due to some problem. So unfortunately there isn't an easy answer. 😞
    3 points
  10. You can't possibly preorder a first smartphone from an unknown start up and expect to get a bug free experience. If you did then you obviously have little understanding of the technology and complexity behind such a product. My tips to you to avoid such frustration in the future: Do not preorder any product, ever. Buy last year products thus making sure most bugs have been resolved. Stick to main stream, high volume smartphone. Stick to well known brands.
    3 points
  11. @tdm here's more filtered log errors when audio is crackling E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB get asm topology returned = -8 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -19 E qcbassboost: [vendor/qcom/proprietary/mm-audio-noship/audio-effects/safx/android-adapter/qcbassboost/qcbassboost.c:536] Assertion fail: pConfig->inputCfg.format == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT Same error I saw before...but they're back. I'll try to find some time to play around with the buffers today and let you know if I find anything.
    3 points
  12. OK STEP BY STEP COMING UP... 1. Ensure keyboard mapping is set to no keyboard mapping 2. Click Advanced keyboard settings 3. Click Key repeating 4. Currently I have selected Slight key delay (recommended) 5. Open your keyboard 6. Go to your web browser and select the address bar, so that the flashing text entry cursor is flashing. 7. A little keyboard icon will appear at the top right of your screen in landscape. (unfortunately unscreenshotable.) 8. Click on the icon and Select Keyboard helper rather than Gboard. 9. You will notice now when you clo
    3 points
  13. Look at this link. the key is making sure it is ON External Keyboard Helper... While not rooted. Little keyboard icon comes up. I have just turned the on screen keyboard OFF completely. I wanna type, use keyboard, I wanna flick use the phone closed. Trust me once corona virus blows over they will get more proactive in the next OTA update. I bought this phone April 2019, delivered Jan 2020... I am patient my phone is working perfectly. The other option was F(x)tec could have waited another 6 months to a year, to Launch and make it perfect. 2012 is how long I have really been wa
    3 points
  14. EXTERNAL KEYBOARD HELPER https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apedroid.hwkeyboardhelper&hl=en_AU This should fix your issues non-root. Ensure Choose keyboard layout I have No remapping selected, for bluetooth keyboard selecting a layout may assist. In Advanced Settings Under Keyboard detection (Android 2.3+) Ensure Detect Bluetooth Keyboard is selected Under Key repeating adjust Key repeat delay to your liking When typing with the keyboard deployed: The text entry cursor must be active for text entry. There will be a lit
    3 points
  15. I am abslutely agree with you. He alone made a lot of progress for Pro1 to also have a perfect software. He is also active on this forum so we can see what happening and also can check his work - while we don't even have information about progress of stock firmware (if there is any progress at all currently). So, @tdm, thank you your work.
    3 points
  16. I still use it as a daily driver! If Verizon wasn't dropping their CDMA service I would keep using it for God knows how long. This is interesting, and I hope that mine will work once the code is applied because mine didn't work with the stock ROM where most of the other users said it did. Will be interesting. Also, as for the vibrations, I didn't have them with test8 either, but, like before, once I loaded a 3rd party messaging app it came to life. However, this time, when I removed the app the vibrations continued to work! There were no settings changes in between other th
    3 points
  17. No, emulator gives all render resolutions to choose. The problem is Pro1 can't keep up even on lowest one when Samsung runs 60fps even higher ones. I installed version which allows to turn off sound emulation but when I'm trying to load any game without sound, emulator crashes.
    2 points
  18. This actually could be down to GPU drivers Samsung may have optimized them.
    2 points
  19. Given how long the battery lasts I wouldn't be surprised if the OS is forcing the CPU into some kind of power saving/lower performance mode...
    2 points
  20. It really is an SD835 though. Could be due to different software optimizations on the Samsung, or maybe a bug is slowing things down (the audio being a prime suspect here). Both tools are right, sorta. The 835 has 4 "performance" cores running at at 2.45GHz and another 4 "efficiency" cores running at 1.9GHz.
    2 points
  21. I don't want to reinstall everything from scratch but if there will be no option I will do it next weekend.
    2 points
  22. Are you even reading what I'm saying?
    2 points
  23. Honestly, I just think you wanted to vent. So it's alright. While the phone indeed does have some mistakes, most of them can be worked around and if you want a proper phone with a keyboard - the pro1 is currently as good as it gets (I still have my BB Priv, but due to a hardware lock I cannot root it and so I'd have to use an OS, which is heavily outdated). I also paid about 720€ and while some errors do annoy me a bit, I use this phone as my daily driver and it works as expected. While venting is okay, you don't even seem to be interested in fixing the issues you have with the phone
    2 points
  24. Yes I am mate and just gave you the steps to stop your annoying key repeating etc. You may not recommend the device, you may have paid for it, you may also be annoyed that it does not quite work as it should out of the box. That works for me on those setting using the Pro1 and I would recommend the device to the tweaking type at the moment. It needs updates and fixes for the general public and iBeige users. If you would like to humour me please try the steps and tell me how you go. Otherwise just continue using your Priv.
    2 points
  25. The thing I hate about al the providers offering equals slabs, is the idea that different people all fits in the same box. That is what I love about the Pro1 offering something not like that. In this edge-case it is matter of finger size, usage pattern and perhaps even motor skills. We are so far from all equal so why should one set of settings fit all?
    2 points
  26. Sad to hear you don't like it. 😥 But glad to hear you are not in it for the profit. 👍
    2 points
  27. Not sure if this is the right topic to post this in. I am selling a Pro1 (QWERTY). Not looking on making a profit on it so I am selling it for the pre-order price of 667€ it came for. I am residing in the Netherlands and willing to ship it within the EU. If you are interested drop me a PM and I am sure we can work something out! 🙂 [edit] And sold! [/edit]
    2 points
  28. BTW it would be great if the two edge margins were handled independent. The Keyboard-edge can take a lot more margin than the opposite without affecting functionality. And it is the side that is most prone to accidental touches both opening by pushing, and for entering numbers.
    2 points
  29. Indeed, economic downturn is worrying. I'm prety sure Fxtec is lean enough to survive it but if some of the suppliers and parterns are going bust it could geopardize that product.
    2 points
  30. @Khalid I know you wanted something that works out of the box, but test8 of the Lineage build is out of this world good. The margin settings eliminate the accidental touches and TDM's work on the keyboard driver has completely changed how it operates.
    1 point
  31. I'm just guessing off of my experience with them and what I read around here and the Discord server. With the customs stuff I've racked up 10+ responses from them and I'm fairly certain on the weekend part at the very least. Regarding reaction I'm not expecting them to have my device, but just acknowledge that they've noted I sent it to them (just like they asked me to tell them when I do that) as well as answer questions that came along with that. I'm not trying to rush them here, but just wanted to give a frame of reference to anonim.
    1 point
  32. Certainly not a concern, I have had been in great communication with them, as I am waiting on a replacement part, they responded with in 2 business days, sometimes a 3rd, pending on the timing with other production related things happening. I have been very happy with their communication and responses.
    1 point
  33. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Support generally doesn't respond on weekends and in my experience, Fridays aren't the most responsive days either. For what it's worth, I've also sent my phone their way and had them have a tracking link Wednesday evening. No further response to that as well. Not worried myself, but you're not alone with this.
    1 point
  34. 2 of those 3 days were weekend days, so it seems there has only been one full working day since you emailed them, and a better chance of getting a reply this week (Monday through Friday).
    1 point
  35. Okay, I just tried it again and it is behaving differently than before. I have no idea why. It shows blank in the thumbnail. Tapping that gets a black view with a camera icon. Tapping the thumbnail again (which shows the last photo, not the last video, even if the video was more recent), brings it to single photo view of that photo. UPDATE: After some period of time, it does show the last video in the thumbnail. Tapping the gallery view icon brings me to Google photos gallery view, with the video not displayed immediately, but after a few seconds, it shows up.
    1 point
  36. I mean it's not switching to the big cores see here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_big.LITTLE. But I realised this is probably the GPU
    1 point
  37. Though there is a common rubber mat over everything, and clicking VERY close to a border with a nail, can click the neighbouring key also. Tried to lift up the separator grid with a nail and hold it with a toothpick: So optical illusion that the e-ink moves with the key...
    1 point
  38. I yesterday got the old SCH-U750 aka Zeal aka Alias 2. Very interesting. There are little movement of each key, but to my surprise it looks like the e-ink move with the key, so it is not just a transparent mat on top of a common e-ink display, But it looks like it is 42 individual matrix e-ink displays! And a warning to @abielins: The below is AFTER a thorough cleaning attempt. You do NOT want to know how it looked before. I believe it might have been an entire eco-system....
    1 point
  39. We are here for solutions not problems.
    1 point
  40. Flash a different OS to get the phone's sole selling point to work as expected? Got it.
    1 point
  41. I have paid money for a product, not to be a beta tester. I have searched the forum and tried the solutions, including this external keyboard helper, and none did anything to fix. I appreciate you trying to help but please drop that apologist attitude. What are you even proving by telling me you typed that on a pro1?
    1 point
  42. I've passed safetynet by using the magisk module 'safetypatch'. Dunno if that is helpful for your situation.
    1 point
  43. Just got this https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07RWGCG9S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 worked fine no bubbles see how it goes.
    1 point
  44. It's not so much a matter of the work involved. It would be very quick and easy to provide four sliders. But I think that makes the UI way too complicated. My criteria for options is not just implementing something that somebody wants or even needs. It is more like: (1) is this needed and/or reasonable? if no, reject. (2) is this something that everyone needs or is benign if always set? if so, just do it without an option. (3) make an option in the simplest, clearest way possible. I'll look into adding a visual indicator in the settings widg
    1 point
  45. I have a very early prototype that has reduced edge sensitivity... a built-in margin. 🙂 It also has zeros for IMEIs which makes it unsuitable for testing radio things. So I was provided a near-production prototype that has valid IMEIs and also better edge sensitivity. I use the earlier one for stock and the later one for lineage.
    1 point
  46. AH! Thanks! Looked around a bit but did not find it. The setting-search does not list them either, is it limited to the build in Lineage stuff, or does it require manually adding keywords? Just curious, what does "Fast poll" do? OH, a TINY request: In the new Margin selection screen, A text saying something like "Restart to activate changes".
    1 point
  47. Hi! Yes, it is something we are looking to use in the near future - in fact I would be the one looking after it 🙂. It will be out as soon as we can allocate more workforce to post-launch support tools.
    1 point
  48. It didn't in my experiences. But, in general, the magic in GCam does seem to revolve around taking many pictures in the background and doing some magical processing on them to come up with a good looking composite picture, so it can be slower, depending on the mode used. If you use regular HDR+, that's faster than HDR+ Enhanced, for instance, but the output isn't as good in difficult situations. Of course, I'm speaking in nitpicky terms. All of this is much better than the camera sensors and software of several years ago, which is what I am transitioning from. 🙂 This is the GCam p
    1 point
  49. Thanks to the guys at MediaDevil, after a couple more attempts we found that their iPhone 6/7/8 Plus leather pulltab case is a far better fit for the Pro1. They ship internationally and I could not recommend their customer service enough. Also the quality and workmanship of the case is excellent. https://mediadevil.com/collections/apple-iphone-8-plus-accessories/products/artisanpouch-leather-pouch-case-apple-iphone-6-plus
    1 point
  50. Or just long press on them when they come up, and tell it not to send them anymore.
    1 point
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