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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2020 in all areas

  1. As stated earlier, Secure Boot is disabled. So no, security can never be "proper" on the Pro1. But stock software and a locked bootloader should be able to pass corp checks since Android cannot "see" the Secure Boot setting. Android does see the bootloader lock state and pretty much any security type software will flag that as unacceptable. So no, you most likely cannot run Lineage with your corp stuff. And then there's selinux which is not fully working in Lineage yet, so that's another issue for corp use. There are workarounds (such as magisk and xposed), but I would never r
    6 points
  2. Anyone noticed issue with pressing the power button once registers as a double click? I have configured so double pressing the power button opens the camera (as the dedicated key is stuck with snapdragon camera app). Recently I have sporadic (but quite frequent) issues with the camera starting when I press to turn off the screen. If it is software debounced, maybe the timing could be extended slightly?
    3 points
  3. Hi. Since installing the 20200620 update, I've noticed a Wireless Update notification (a plain circle) often popping up for a few seconds then disappearing. It seems to appear pretty much each time the Pro1 gets internet access - i.e. turning off and turning on Wi-Fi can trigger it. I've never had this behaviour in all previous updates. Wireless Update is set to check Daily. Has anyone else seen this too? Is it likely to be draining my battery unnecessarily? Any ideas how to stop this? EDIT: Not just Wireless Update.
    3 points
  4. Mediawiki should be a strong candidate, same as wikipedia. I've been using it for years. Make sure to restrict editing and install visual editor. 🙂
    2 points
  5. With a fairly minor update we reach version 1.0.0.
    2 points
  6. In the above I think you forget a very important commercial aspect: Many (most?) apps are sold as 'free' by being infested with ads, and for some by stealing data. That model would not work if people had complete control and could easily remove/block the ads. E.g. by blocking or restricting network access. In that sentence you quote the app developers are the "content providers", so I don't think I forgot them in that part of the post? This is precisely why they have that veto right in the Android security model, so that they can retain control over their content, be it the App i
    2 points
  7. Hey, Do any of you know of a good (and free) platform to host a community wiki for the Pro1? The issue being that the forums are good for discussions, but not for providing information and guides (especially considering there is a time limit for editing posts). For example, if you were to discover this phone today, you'd have a hard time finding out which OSes are available for it and where the guide for each of them is. Basically, if you know to search for it, the forums will provide you the info you need, but there is no index, nor much separation between conversation and guides (n
    1 point
  8. This is indeed true. And although tdm implied magisk can workaround, I do not believe this to be the case any longer. In my experience, the problems lack of safetynet cause are certain apps not in playstore (netflix, disney +) and no tap-to-pay.
    1 point
  9. Hi @MJM, I'm also interested and I live in France too. Please answer in PM if still available.
    1 point
  10. I vaguely remember seeing elsewhere in the forum that Google Pay won't work with Lineage because of SafetyNet, is that so?
    1 point
  11. You should have kept reading... I rescinded what you quoted on Feb 25th. 😉
    1 point
  12. Do you reinstall the Gapps package each time? I do and my updates are always smooth. They should be preserved with each update, but I don't trust that and haven't for any ROM. I used to do the same thing when dirty flashing (updating) Dirty Unicorns and on my LOS 14 Tablet. I haven't experienced any problem with hearing calls.
    1 point
  13. Yes, exactly this. Not only is it not my job to support their business model, but (1) their business model costs me money by burning through my limited mobile bandwidth and (2) they let malicious ads that carry malware through, putting my device, my personal reputation, and my financial well being at risk. If the ad ecosystem had stuck with a reasonable number of modestly sized ads and vetted the content appropriately, I would not feel the need to block them.
    1 point
  14. Happening to me as well. Also if I try to manually check for updates I get the error "Network connection failed(Failed to connect to fota server /". Man, I really like this hardware, but the software has been in shambles since day one.
    1 point
  15. I just HATE apps like that, that think their functionality is the most important thing in the world, and the main reason you got the device, and thus need to be running all the time.... For me it would be FINE if it checked for update at boot. and when I manually triggered it, and then STOPPED the app when finished! We see the same pest on PC's All kind of 'updaters' running in the background or as a service you need to manually kill. It is so annoying when e.g. Adobe Acrobat updater pops up on the PC and tell you a new version is available when you are in the middle of something e
    1 point
  16. I agree with you to a very large extent The nomenclature of "buying" or "owning" is not exactly describing things accurate. It is a bit like heavy carrier subsidised devices where people 'buy' it but is bound for some monthly rather expensive usage fee. So it is a bit muddy what is the real usage fee and what in an instalment plan purchase. It is indeed an interesting almost philosophic discourse. And obviously Google have no interest in us flashing say Sailfish or Ubunto On the ad-thing I just wish some clever people invented an alternative ad-broker model, where we as user cou
    1 point
  17. Well I installed it couldn't resist 😄 just had a quick play but checked these Working Wifi (still poor like in android 😞 ) but works otherwise Bluetooth - finds devices but didn't have time to pair Cellular data Phone calls - quieter than android Screen Brightness (doesn't have a green tint from what I can see) Keyboard - shift acts like shift - the arrow (shift in android) does something at terminal brings up args - "Fx" key opens apps draw and uses number to open apps - Works in UK format fine (never tried that in android lol) Not
    1 point
  18. I'm the opposite. I just don't understand why people would voluntarily pay another bill if their company already was paying for it. When work gave me a cellphone, I ported my number to it so that I wouldn't have to have two phones. Why keep paying for my own service when I get it free from company? But the smartphones offered had no keyboard. And the SIM was AT&T. So i bought my own photon q, hardware mod to add sim slot (thx cornholio), trimmed my company-paid SIM and put it in. Best of both worlds. Personal phone but company SIM.
    1 point
  19. I don't think Fx tech is fair from day one..with pre-orders.
    1 point
  20. Is the security proper on that? I keep getting suggestions to use Lineage (which I'm OK with, my TouchPad runs Cyanogenmod anyways), but I do use my phone for work as BYOD so I can't really tamper with the security settings and boot loaders.
    1 point
  21. The fixes to the keyboard (multikey press) were made in the previous update. The keyboard backlight was not addressed. It is sounding more and more like this update was just to get the properly signed security update out. I'm betting IdeaLTE hasn't been back to work that long and that F(x) Tec is not top prioroty. I'm just guessing. I can't test anything because I am happily on LOS.
    1 point
  22. They really need to try to get rid of the at Adups trash.
    1 point
  23. This is a good idea. I will look into some Wiki platforms, and allow trusted community members to post :). I've just removed the time limit on post edits.
    1 point
  24. In the above I think you forget a very important commercial aspect: Many (most?) apps are sold as 'free' by being infested with ads, and for some by stealing data. That model would not work if people had complete control and could easily remove/block the ads. E.g. by blocking or restricting network access. BUT that said, It would be nice if all apps in the Android Market were required to also provide a (paid) no-ads version. And they could then offer only those apps for rooted devices - this would remove that part of the reasoning. The problem here is a bit like adblockers for brow
    1 point
  25. It was so popular that they even made a Japanese version of cosmo, so maybe the Pro1 will sell well too Maybe. I'm hoping it will get to investors before that happens.
    1 point
  26. I simply hope Fxtec to be fair toward pre-ordered customers. In Japan, a retailer announced today that Pro1 will be sold on July 4th.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. This may sound like a silly advice, but for the slider part you could put a piece of gaffer-tape or the like on the underside of the display sticking out a bit, and folded back. That should give you a snip to grab so you could lift up the rear edge. Here I tried to make a sketch of the profile seen from the USB-end, with the tape in orange
    1 point
  29. I'd recommend just peeling it off first thing anyway, IMEI isn't really something you should flaunt about. Just stick it in the box or something in case it is needed, but apparently it's not.
    1 point
  30. Haha, I do that too. Unfortunately this triggers another bug: The proximity sensor is not sensitive enough (probably just a too low threshold value in some config file). During a call, the screen switches on "randomly", and my ear or cheek change the brightness to max or launch apps ...
    1 point
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