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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2020 in Posts

  1. There are many considerations to stock/factory software. Here is a (probably not complete) list from someone who has been relatively close to the process in the past but not directly involved: * The software must be cryptographically signed. IdeaLTE has the private device key and, as far as I know, FxTec does not have a copy. So FxTec has no way of generating valid software unless they get that key from IdeaLTE. * The software must be loaded at the factory. This means FxTec would need to provide software in the format that IdeaLTE requires, which is probably not a b
    6 points
  2. So, a few things here: 1. There is a difference between certification and rooting. SafetyNet is supposed to determine if the device is certified. This means not just rooted, but running stock software that has been certified through Google. 2. There is no single way to detect a rooted device. Each app is coded differently because there is no API for this in Android. Some apps may just look for the presence of /system/xbin/su. Others have more extensive checks. 3. Apps are not limited to just detecting root. Some apps are known to look for things that m
    4 points
  3. works like a charm, just you need to turn off the root in dev settings.
    4 points
  4. I really hope they find a way to get dual boot working with the Pro1X software. Then I would be using Lineage as the daily driver, And have a clean stock android for the few apps I rarely use, that has special requirements.
    3 points
  5. Have you ever accidentally hit Sym while attempting spacebar now? (With aosp keyboard that'd pull up symbol menu....). Also when typing new text and preparing to hit spacebar, del wouldnt matter. (Of course it would matter if you were inserting/editing). I'm not sure if that is a significant concern, spacebar is pretty big and hard to miss. Other keys are a lot closer, how often do you miss those and hit an adjacent key? [Rhetorical questions mainly, just thoughts....] What if it and the Alt key were swapped, would this make it better? I was kinda thinking having it next to spacebar
    2 points
  6. I think it's dangerous to have delete next to the space bar. 😉
    2 points
  7. Well, that's sadly part of the deal for not shipping with certified Android like the original Pro1. You don't have a guarantee that things like that work, that you can even use them is more an exception since it's accomplished by slightly shady stuff. I do think that if you do everything right, the chances of being to use your bank app is pretty high. But anybody saying they can guarantee it is lying I think. If that's a dealbreaker, than a device that ships with LineageOS isn't for you I think.
    2 points
  8. I think that was one of the take-aways of @FlyingAntero's post. Some will. Some may not. Not sure it can be predicted, or at least not guarateed. My bank app (Bank of America) works fine on Lineage with unlocked bootloader and rooted. It used to alert me with a warning about some aspect of that but worked anyway. Now it no longer even alerts me. But another bank app might refuse to work if it detects on of those situations. Lol. I did notice on fxTecs Indegogo page for the Pro1x that someone who is some muckamuck in UX for Bank of America has a Pro1, so maybe that's why my b
    2 points
  9. No restarts, just turn off the setting and reopen the app.
    2 points
  10. Apps may use different ways to detect if the phone has been modified afterwards. Some apps check root and others SafetyNet/bootloader status etc. I have also seen apps that refuse to work if developer settings are activated. Most of Finnish banking apps work just fine on custom ROMs (even rooted) but there is a bank called OsuusPankki (OP) which causes trouble. It has two popular apps called OP Mobiili and Pivo. Here is how they work on different phones/ROMs. Redmi Note 4: AOSP ROM (Android 11), GAPPS flashed separately Bootloader unlocked No root SafetyNet does NOT
    2 points
  11. Having Backspace and Delete on the same key would work for me but, like you, I am really not sure this can be achieved for all firmwares/OSes. For instance, Delete and Backspace are not functions that we can assign in a xkb configuration file, so it's not straightforward to map it to Super + Backspace as far as I know. Perhaps a porter/developer with a good knowledge of all OSes and of the kernel like NotKit or Tdm could tell.
    2 points
  12. I've cleaned up the first post a bit with my thoughts, and keep thinking about this again, because i really want them to get this right this time. I found another way to accomplish the same thing, that does get an additional modifier (I put the symbol for the menu key, as thats one of the standard 102 keys we dont have that is normally positioned on bottom row, albiet normally on the right....). But tradeoffs - it sacrifices dedicated Del key, and suggests it as a super function for backspace which I dont know if this could really work in firmware either, so probably not the best idea. But
    2 points
  13. Individual apps can be more perceptive to detecting root, sometimes even exploiting privacy invading bugs in the system. I'm by no means an expert on hiding root (I just don't use apps that complain about that), but have you done everything listed here? https://www.didgeridoohan.com/magisk/MagiskHide For example I didn't know some apps detect other apps that require root. Otherwise it might be a new detection method and you're only hope is for Magisk to be updated. But considering how the maintainer of the github doesn't want issues opened for MagiskHide problems, I'm assuming it's almos
    2 points
  14. @FlyingAntero Thank you. Given that ruling, F(x)tec, from a legislative perspective, can ship with LOS with locked unlockeable bootloader to the shipments in EEA. Tbh, I don't mind locking it myself as long as I don't get a brick and it helps passing SafetyNet attestation. Maybe it can fly locked to the EU 😄... Or even unlocked but I can just run the adb commands to lock it right before I use it.
    2 points
  15. The reason might be that Google does not allow to ship Lineage OS (LOS) phone with locked bootloader. LOS is not compatible with CTS since it is missing Google Mobile Services (GMS). In the past Google has denied OEMs to ship phones with non-CTS Android version if they want to use keep GMS licence for other phones. See the YunOS (aka Aliyun OS) and Fire OS cases below. Google’s iron grip on Android: Controlling open source by any means necessary Google has allowed individual customers to flash whatever they want to their phones by unlocking bootloder. Then custom ROM users can whi
    2 points
  16. @ToniCipriani posted in another thread on BYOD to a company requiring it to be locked.
    2 points
  17. I did the same. But fool me twice, shame on me. I still haven't even got the first phone after 350 days of waiting.
    2 points
  18. Could this double engraving work for everyone? Let me explain. Considering the bottom label is always the main one on keyboards, these swapped double labels make it look like default is Fn on left key, and AltGr is default on right key. But with some flexibility thanks to the top double label. Those keys can produce distinct keycodes since they are not wired, therefore it is doable. Changing this in firmware or software is possible, while keeping the same labels that work in all situations. Depending on OS or user needs, firmware or software (respectively) can be adjusted by por
    2 points
  19. Actually those third-level characters are not often upper case, and in that case they can still be typed with caps lock on Linux. Compose keys work too (here is ẞ typed with a compose key on Pro¹), and dead keys for diacritics of course. But, most of all, there is now a nordic keyboard with all those special characters mapped where they should be. Of course, a fraction of users will use qwerty us-intl instead of their native layout, just like I use it instead of azerty, but in that case there's a decision to use qwerty instead of something specifically designed for the other language, and
    2 points
  20. So the buiding in question is a high rise apartment building with a mail room that the packages just get dropped into and are picked up by the tenants via a card swipe to get into said mail room. I believe that the approach of fibbing or hiding the negligence of not updating my shipping address would not do much for me.
    2 points
  21. Is it possible to pay with PayPal for the Pro1-X? @Erik Heng Ye
    1 point
  22. According to the PRO¹-x FAQ Why does LOS come with an unlocked bootloader without locked bootloader option? From the documentation I read, it's up to the ORM to decide on what img can be used to lock the bootloader. Given that F(x)tec is the OEM, you should be able to ship with a locked bootloader and LOS which can allow having root capabilities and a locked bootloader at the same time.... Which can allow full freedom and SafetyNet attestation to pass (if the user installs SafetyNet by himself, ofc)! Am I missing something here? Sources: https://source.android.com/d
    1 point
  23. re: del Although I've stressed not needing custom layout to use any keys, not having del without a custom layout isnt such a big deal. I could much easier live without Del than slash, because can always right-arrow then backspace to accomplish the same thing. So I think it retrospect if I del were to be moved, don't print it as another fucntion on backspace key. (If people can do that themselves in custom layout. ) re:menu key It has OS defined functions already doesn't it? In Android it brings up your menu, on my linux distro that I use it also brings up menu but I realize e
    1 point
  24. Another app that makes use of Android 10 hidden desktop mode is Taskbar. Has anyone tried it with Pro1 on Android 10? Taskbar 6.0 enables a Samsung DeX-like desktop mode experience on some Android 10+ devices
    1 point
  25. Like the idea. Though one could say that it would be more suited in a LineagOS forum, as it is not limited to the Pro1 / Pro1x. And perhaps it already exists there? And a new thread here with a post linking to the general forum would be a better option, benefiting more users.
    1 point
  26. Thanks. My suggestion would be then to open a thread / a file with a list of apps which do not work on Lineage, so customer can make a informed decision and avoid bad surprises? What does our forum moderator think?
    1 point
  27. No, it's simply an obstacle to using Lineage. The phone with unrooted stock Android will work fine with any bank app, guaranteed.
    1 point
  28. Ah well then at the least we know they got the request! My guess is that it is these odd UK banking rules that are teasing again, I bet the top dogs has been super busy with e pro1x launch. But let us tag @Erik just to be sure.
    1 point
  29. Pretty much what Onboard offers for virtual keyboard on Linux, but not sure if you can toggle repeat vs extra symbols on long press. This couldn't be done with base UNIX tools like xkb and therefore it is something different than us-intl, but perhaps it can be developed specifically for Android/LineageOS (or already exists?). Such solutions do not require much optimization of the keyboard relative to the conventions though, and they're not generic enough to come by default on all systems. It's also significantly slower than typing modifer+alpha to get a special alpha symbol.
    1 point
  30. Those are all taken care of with the us-intl layout, either with or without dead keys, thanks to the AltGr keys. But that's software as far as I know, the important thing is to make sure the keyboard can do it with replicated left and right AltGr. This is not useful on full keyboards, but inevitable with thumb typing. You can have a look at Craig's detailed layout to see where are all those internatinal symbols. One could argue that it is useful to print those extra characters, but in general us-intl is not printed, since it mostly takes advantage of third-level symbols on keys, which are almo
    1 point
  31. So-so. I'd be missing áàâã,éèê,iíî,óòôõ,úù,ºª... Oh! Would that be composed with the Key next to "Shift"? Maybe just missing the "´" character, then.
    1 point
  32. I very much like this idea! In the Danish for shifted QwertY FinQwerty layout I suggested something similar. But @Anssi Hannula explained that it was not technically possible and Del ended up being moved to another key(!). But it might be possible to do the move if done somewhat deeper. LineageOS uses some tricks here for the mappings that might be adapted for stock too?
    1 point
  33. Same here, I completely missed it due to dollar payment not so easy with my card, and now it is a bit out of budget...
    1 point
  34. I thought of that one too and I quite like it. That one is rather useless it does not even feature anymore in modern keyboards, say for the past 5 years or so.
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the responses! I've continued thinking about this and I remembered that I installed the root addon from Lineage. I guess it's detecting this as opposed to Magisk. I'll try and flash the su removal (https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/gemini/install) and update if this fixes my issue.
    1 point
  36. How do these android software customisation work? Is it not possible for Fxtec to change supplier for the android stock customization? Since IdeaLTE does not seem to deliver? Does google limit these options? It seems that the situation is so difficult that fx tec has to launch a phone with another operating system? And we are not even sure whether banking apps will work? I have another phone from another small company "Cyrus" (outdoor phones). It receives stock android software updates every month.
    1 point
  37. I could be wrong, but in my experience, Lineage wouldn't fly for a company BYOD device no matter what state the bootloader is in.
    1 point
  38. Sorry for being unclear - not a native English speaker. The only difference will be what is pre-installed when you get it. And possibly a logo print on the back. So it does not really matter what OS you choose, you can swap later as you please. There will be guides on how to do that. (I believe they are working on making it even easier than t is on the existing Pro1) They are even talking about "dual boot" so we can install more than one system and select at boot time. 😁
    1 point
  39. Agree and understand. That's why I've still left details about it in first post and still not 100% convinced. But I was actually swayed to change by a European telling me they rarely need to capitilize those letters so having easy access to altgr+shift not very important, whereas everyone in the world uisng linux terminal will want easy access to ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v. So my proposal was based on suggesting the thing that benefits *everyone* as opposed to the thing that only benefits some people sometimes, but hurts everyone.
    1 point
  40. Hmm that might hold in the US, but hardly in the rest of the world in need of national characters. Here in Denmark we don't need it (dead key accenting works just fine for rare accents), but all those with languages with frequent accented letters might feel differently.
    1 point
  41. If my suggestion becomes reality and what you said is possible, I'll be first in line for that one... even set an alarm for a 10 minute early bird window 😉 The missing slash and nonstandard layouthackworkaroundbs has been my biggest complaint with Pro¹ since day zero; lineage/sailfish/finqwerty/fxqwerty/etc have done work to make it usable, but it's still not as ideal as this, and this would work automatically with any OS without each OS having to do their own workarounds... I haven't tried Ubuntu touch yet but I'm sure its just like sailfishos and dosbox and ubuntu chroot and everything el
    1 point
  42. So the email account I use to log in and manage my account is still the same. I check spam filter quite often on that email because miscellaneous stuff gets caught in it for my business. Also hotmail is AWFUL at spam filtering. The parcel did not require a signature and was just dropped off at the location. My issue here is simply that I was not given a notification of the phone being shipped out, everything else I can say is my fault for not updating my shipping address, even if the device was received a year later, it's still my responsibility. I normally have things like this
    1 point
  43. Oh I certainly agree on that to an extent where it is close to being tautology. I mean this should go for ANYTHING we buy in my book. Do we need it? If so, is the benefits worth the price? Else do not buy! An individual assessment. It is very much a matter of what you want to use the device for. If you primarily do stuff tapping and swiping in the apps you use, you are unlikely to gain anything/much. If you on the other hand enters a lot of text, it is a different matter.... Also SOME apps/games can benefit from hardware keys, also for non-textual input. I'm certainly not claiming
    1 point
  44. The camera of Pro1 can make way much better photos than the camera of N900 (and even better than the camera of my Moto G6). ...but that is true the stock camera don't have the best outputs and still OpenCamera is not the best. However, if you install Google Camera (Gcam) application, then it will produce perfect photos.
    1 point
  45. I forgot to post it here because I was no longer following the forum discussions, but I guess now is a good time to show that LXC containers on SFOS made the whole desktop experience even smoother: https://youtu.be/8PnDZtKzsSc I use a tiling window manager but Xfce would work fine too, I just prefer using the keyboard over having to tap on tiny buttons. Works pretty well for a mobile device with small screen. I like the UI this way, but DPI can be adjusted for those who would want UI and fonts bigger; same in Xfce. Apologies to those who've seen it already, but I didn't take the
    1 point
  46. There's no need to be sorry for sharing work, as community we can improve this together now :).
    1 point
  47. I wonder if we could get retrofit kits for the original Pro1, it would be great.
    1 point
  48. Thankfully we have the Angelic Blessing of Heaven to fix that. See: https://github.com/Fxtec-Community/Pro1-Android/issues/6 Whatever issue you may have could also be remotely related to: https://github.com/Fxtec-Community/Pro1-Android/issues/5
    1 point
  49. Have had phone since 2020/01/27 (January 27th of this year) Things I like: Excellent Camera (with Camera PX software) Fully customizable keyboard with SwiftKey overlay so I can cheat when typing Amazing speed The keyboard Ability to install/uninstall every and anything Storage capacity (1TB sd card works perfectly) Fast charging Seamless app integration (Contacts+ 5.32.601 is the BOMB) Samsung Browser speed and that it doesn't hang up and gag like it does on my other phone Super responsive screen The keyboar
    1 point
  50. I've just issued the refund for you. Sorry for the delays. Hope we'll change your mind later in the future when we have readily available stock!
    1 point
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