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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2021 in all areas

  1. @Apextech February 2020? September 2019 here – and not all too amused anymore, either. Still – this is not fairyland where we live. This is not a world where our wishes necessarily come true, not even when they're sensible enough and we did pay for them with good money. This is late-stage competitive turbo-capitalism, and on top of that business has been disrupted by the worst pandemic the planet has seen since the Spanish flu. And Fxtec is a tiny startup with only one product, trying to keep alive with just it, brutally dependent on the whims of their contract manufacturer and supp
    7 points
  2. I fell in the same 'pit' trying out SFOS. I do not really understand why Sailfish only sell this option to their explicitly supported devices. Say sell it 'as is' unsupported.
    3 points
  3. I received my device this week. On the first day I exchanged Android 9 for Sailfish OS, unfortunately I had to find out that there is no Android support in the free version. So I currently have LineAge 17 running on the device. As an old BlackBerry OS10 user, I was really looking forward to Sailfish OS 😞 ... but unfortunately not usable without Android ...
    3 points
  4. Legislation goes over EULA. That is non-debatable. And it is good to make people aware if an EULA or EULA clause is not valid somewhere, not bad. BTW, Jolla has already been forced to submit to EU legislation before because of people changing phones not being able to transfer the license by default. I like their OS a lot, and will most probably use it on my Pro1-X when it arrives later this year (or so I hope!), but the company itself leaves a LOT to be desired regarding licensing, IMO. To OP, pity about the shifted keyboard, but VERY nice that people are getting their Pro1! And the
    2 points
  5. You're implying I suggested it. I did not, I think I even wrote the opposite, and I didn't detail how to do it either. What I did say is there is no technical/hardware limitation to running Alien Dalvik and other paid Sailfish X software on a Pro1, as was also posted by others on Twitter, including a former Jolla employee. However I made it clear that there are commercial and legal limitations (i.e., the licence cannot be purchased and flashed to anything else than an official device, which in turns creates technical barriers), this is not a secret in any way. I encouraged buying a licenc
    2 points
  6. If you legally bought the software license I don't see what could be illegal in making in works on a different hardware. I'd say it falls under the retroengineering/compatibility laws in Europe.
    2 points
  7. naa man, that is not true. It is mostly completely random.
    2 points
  8. I'm so glad that someone got the NEW phone when I still haven't gotten the OLD phone yet after ordering it in February 2020. Worst company than Planet Computers and their phone was down right terrible!
    2 points
  9. True! Then again I only have limited monetary resources to draw from, unfortunately... 😉
    2 points
  10. I want to share my experience regarding the wireless charge. I am using Pro 1 running LinageOS 17.1 (Android 10). I bought two wireless receivers from Amazon, Japan. I tried it without a case/cover. Left: Output 800-1000mA / Light turns on, but don't charge. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B08P2N5M1Q/ Right: Output 1300mA Max / Light turns on, able to charge, displaying [charging slowly] 🙂 https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B088NRBHBP/ While charging, the receiver makes a small noise from the coil, and it is a bit annoying in a quiet environment. I used
    2 points
  11. Well it is unfortunately not hard to believe. Fxtec screwed up in this point multiple times. They had no system to send the devices out sorted by the date of the order, it was more or less random when you got your device. They sent devices to resellers before preorders where done and so on. But stay strong guys, the phone is worth it!
    2 points
  12. Hey everyone! Just got my pro1-X and I am loving everything except android 9. 🙂 the form factor is a delight. I found the finger print reader weird until I realized that with more fingers i could unlock it in both landscape and portait. I definitely regret no tasking for lineage os, and might need to flash it later, unless android 10 is on its way. I think the full screen gestures + no menu bar for the phone would just work better. Happy to answer any questions for people on the fence.
    1 point
  13. Hello everyone, first of all, I wish to everyone to have had a merry christmas and a happy new year. Now to my concern ( I don't want to list the chronology, it's no use) : I ordered a Pro in May (order #54658) and paid for it promptly. My hope was to get it by the end of the year. In October I gave up this hope. I cancelled my order. Although confirmed by e-mail, it is still "in progress" in the shop system. By the way, that is not the main problem. The main problem is that the support of f(x)tec and ultimately f(x)tec itself does not stick to its own agreements. You
    1 point
  14. Not on Xfinity, but that is a very common thing that goes wrong on Verizon (if you get it working at all). Happened to me twice (which does also mean I got Verizon working twice). Got tired of fighting with it.
    1 point
  15. I got an e-mail a couple of days ago. The UK is in full lockdown, some team-members are in self-isolation. Due to this the company is being tracked by the UK COVID tracing system. So you can imagine the pile up of phones needed to be checked (including another phone of mine sent in only two weeks later). And do not reply to e-mails (reminders) you WILL be pushed back further down the queue if you do so. My first phone that went in for repairs is shipped back to me. They claim it has been tested and is now in full working order. We'll just have to wait and see. That phone didn't want to displ
    1 point
  16. I like the shifted keyboard! Especially on Sailfish since there is no toolbar on the right of the screen (in landscape), so having hands properly centred on the keyboard is great. I'll make an opinion on unshifted when I get my Pro1x, but I really hope they take the community feedback/suggestions into account when placing / and ? keys. :/
    1 point
  17. So far I've sent 3 emails and contacted them on Twitter, but no reply. I tried calling a phone number that was included in one of the emails they sent me prior to sending the device back, but had to leave a message on the Giff-Gaff voicemail.🤔
    1 point
  18. Further observations in Open Camera: Very near objects (around 0.50m away): Get sharp when sliding the manual focus to around 30m, stay sharp until ~2000m and go blurred when putting the slider to infinity Near objects (around 1,50m away): Get almost sharp/ only slightly blurred when sliding the manual focus to around 30m, then there's no change until ~2000m and again the jump to blurred when putting the slider to infinity Far objects (down the street) : Generally a bit more blurred, apart from that exactly the same behaviour as near objects - Best from 30m on, but no further c
    1 point
  19. Does anyone know what is the situation with Anbox on Sailfish? Previously it was said that getting Anbox to work should be easy task. https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1559040&postcount=1816 Anbox is not as good as official Android support but better than nothing.
    1 point
  20. I've relisted the Pro1 here on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114626976647 It is in the UK but can be posted internationally
    1 point
  21. Thanks for the suggestion. Turns out, there was a setting in Fx Service that I had overlooked. So feel free to (re)move my comment ;)
    1 point
  22. Around €30,- from UK to NL. That's about 10,- too much for me. But thanks for sharing. It would be very nice if I could charge my phone wireless in my car. Hopefully 1300mAh will become more common soon.
    1 point
  23. I think yes, but I haven't looked in it deeper. If I remember well, the access of some screws are only possible that way. Anyway, it is not complicated at all.
    1 point
  24. Hard to belive, that the Pro-X is deliverd bevor the Pro-1 is fully delieverd.
    1 point
  25. Smart move, was certainly the fastest way to get a new device. Congrats! It does indeed work better and you can get it now on Android 9. I've been using full screen gesture navigation and no menu bar for almost a year. See: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.conena.navigation.gesture.control To hide the menu bar you will need to run an adb command from your PC, the app explains it to you if I recall well.
    1 point
  26. Oh yes, this was made prior to meeting Noir, i dont mind the qwertz as i really just want the device, however im still waiting on him to reply and se how i can get it from him. Though i am not in Germany i have friends there.
    1 point
  27. I had mine fly off a desk and slam face down on my floor because my foot was apparently around the USB cable, somehow no damage. I also witnessed @mosen drop his Pro1 nearly a meter down onto pavement gaining a minor scratch on the screen, my heart skipped a beat tho.
    1 point
  28. got drunk and slammed my phone against the concrete, on its screen side, not once, not twice, but three times. phone works great !
    1 point
  29. I can confirm the full lockdown... one of my friends lives in the UK near London and he told me the very same situation.
    0 points
  30. Suggesting anything that is illegal is clearly outside what is acceptable in here, I hid you comment, so you will have to make it again without that.
    0 points
  31. I haven't attempted anything yet, my Pro1 died in November and it's at F(X)Tec for repair. I can't contact them by any means for an update.
    0 points
  32. I ordered in Jan of 2020 ... Put in a support ticket before the holidays after getting some movement in another thread. Response from support: hopefully another batch sometime Q1 2021
    0 points
  33. On Dec 1, 2020, I agreed to an offer to change my Sept 2019 order from QWERTZ (there still seems to be a supply bottleneck) to QWERTY to speed things up. On Dec 11 I got a confirmation about preparations for shipping from Hong Kong being made, with the promise of tracking details "within the next 3 working days". Never felt this close to getting my Pro1 before! Of course, after following this forum for so long, I took the figure with the obligatory grain of salt. It's been nearly a month now, though, and no more news yet...
    0 points
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