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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. It is actually attached, it is just a little hard to click. 🤣
  2. My preferred wallpaper is attached.... 😇 I named it Black_1x2.png
  3. I think the gravity idea is the best. Unfortunately most only do either landscape or portrait. And the landscape ones are not that common out there. I have found just two claiming to do BOTH though. I found this but also this kids friendly design. For both I assume the feet needs to be modified for the USB plug in portrait The pure landscape I only found in one version, e.g. sold here. Many of the portrait ones will interfere with the buttons and/or the USB plug, so a bit of search and trial&error can be expected. Ordered this.
  4. Sounds like yet another Google app that should be avoided... 🙄
  5. Feel the same way. Tried installing Dolphin that looks promising. Only to experience on install that a browser claiming to be about privacy, not just requests but requires you to give it access to location... So uninstalled before ever trying it. DuckDuckGo looks interesting too, unfortunately the build in AdBlocker does not seem very effective though, and it does not even offer a "Block Element". To add to that I was a bit surprised to see it claiming to have stopped three 'ads' on my own tiny ad-free wordpress blog - not quite sure what it was blocking though... And clicking the ca
  6. @Slion Found a fix! I can MERGE two threads, and that goes for polls too (loosing the old votes obviously) So hid the communication on it to not confuse. But for the benefit of any other wanting to make a poll here a 'summary':
  7. Yes and by "modular" they could mean this separate small pcb, versus soldered to the main board. This would still make it much cheaper to replace. And similar for the 3.5mm smc board.
  8. This sounds wise, not to take it apart before really needed, while it is so hard to get a new one, or spare parts, should you accidentally damage something else while changing.
  9. I think we would be extremely lucky if any of those are standard parts. But we can hope of course. I believe we do have a close up of the small pcb with the USB, but I might remember wrong. ADD: We do got a fairly good image in the FCC doc, "photo 16" https://fccid.io/2AUCLQX1000/Internal-Photos/internal-Photos-4458316 , and the "T5_Main" on one connector, indicates it is custom) Similar goes for the 3.5mm pcb
  10. ....with all the time people are confined to be at home, expect a baby boom...
  11. To ignore it would be foolish, and to lock down the whole world is too. I wonder if it would not have been a more rational approach to this whole thing to find ways to separate in clean and unclean, at let the disease 'rage' among any below say 50 (or where you want to put the cut), as any other flu/cold, All us above the limit working should be strongly advised to work from home. Isolate the vulnerable, and use the resources on guaranteeing disinfected deliveries of whatever groceries etc needed. One could even have transformed some holiday-camps and/or hotels to safe-havens for the
  12. And that lasted for five minutes 😄 It reminds me of some guys talking about promises not kept and/or expectations that did not hold.... 😇 Good luck to you too - and have mercy on the manufacturers of what ever you may pre-order in the future.
  13. I like this design too, very practical. It exists for landscape too. See above 🙂
  14. @sixaxis , you could add a number 8, see mail posted yesterday by @Raksura above. When they say nothing: people are whining When they say something without a when: people are whining When they try to give a vague estimate stating that it is out of their control. people are whining When they tell that the supply lines are working again and production and shipping is expected to be resumed: People are whining too ?!?!? What do you expect them to do in the current situation?
  15. A lot can be easily fixed with tiny pieces of thin self adhesive rubber or felt strategically placed. Say of 0.5 - 1mm thickness. e.g. from here. I suggest a 10x3x1mm piece (can be even shorter e.g. 5mm, but then it is hard to apply DIY...) Sure it should have been there originally, And we can hope they will extend the assembly of some later Pro1s with adding some.
  16. It does look rather different with the repeated key for Lineage: Versus the two keys on stock android
  17. Again @Raksura has helped forwarding an update:
  18. ...Suggestion: Left of the "Cancel" add a "Lock now", can make sense if people have set it a little high, and do not want to wait, before putting it in say the pocket. Of course we can just press the Power, but would make sense next to "Cancel", and Power could have it's own delay, is selected in the standard settings. Have you any news on getting it to work on LineageOS? The sensor here act somewhat different, repeatedly sending a close, and a different key...
  19. Minor bug with new function. If you open&close when locked, and then touch the fingerprint to unlock, it does, and count down to lock again.... (And for some reason sometimes the box is shown slightly smaller without the cancel - I have not been able to spot the pattern)
  20. I have seen several wishing for that. I remember for my Xperia (Neo) Pro that it was quite handy - but that was at a time where portrait was used primarily for phone calls. But what about some smarter version of that! Lock the display IF you do not interact with he display after close in say 3s (could be same lock time-out slider as the flip close) It could EITHER be implemented by turning the display off, but allowing a Power press to turn it back on OR it could hesitate turning the display off, perhaps with a pop-up count-down. that people could just touch to cancel, say "Locking i
  21. We will normally have a weaker signal with a phone in the pocket than in the hands (or at a desk), and as the issue seems correlated with a weak signal it will be more common when in a pocket.
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