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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. My GUESS is that someone came up with this scheme in a hurry, when they realized they could not do all in time before CNY after all. And though it might seem like a good plan IF you assume even distribution of everything, it WILL give odd 'sparks' in countries with few orders or an unusual distribution over time. That could either result in late paid orders being included in some countries, or the contrary early paid orders not to be included in others. As these fluctuations are likely to affect countries with few orders the most, the number of people affected should be low - but that does not
  2. The adjustment they made to counter for timezone differences, obviously had its drawbacks. 😢 As it is a complication in their end, I guess that have outweighed the pros and cons before deciding adding this. I'm not going to defend nor scold them for it. But sad for you of course. Note that it is not the two hours in it self that matters, if the other Swiss orders had substantially lower order numbers, they will have received their payment mails earlier, Some report that they got mail and paid on July 31. So If too few have paid after you, you are pushed to the remaining about 30% gro
  3. I have not heard any mentioning on the qwerty/qwertz ratio in this batch, though both are present among the non-IGG-coupon orders reported in the other thread, But you are absolutely right, that adds a level of complexity extra to the whole thing.
  4. So from the other thread we got USA August 13th, Germany August 15th, Holland August 20th, so the limit can not be before that for those countries. 😊 So at the least for some countries the limit is well beyond immediate pays. But on the other hand we got one here that got a mail telling he is NOT in the batch, though paying on August 2nd. Switzerland. So for at the least one country the limit is very close to the send of the mass mail. I guess that would happen if there are few/no later orders for that country. 😥 ADD: As pointed out by @Joakim below, qwertY/qwe
  5. Looks good! Though I think the flat part is a bit wider, that is the curved part is less. I would say about similar to your drawing but on the other side of the flash. And I think you should try to narrow it a bit towards the top, that is not a straight side. ADD: tried to take a picture against a grey screen, with the other Pro1, stock camera-software, slightly rotated and cropped.
  6. 25th, Try e.g.: https://www.google.com/search?q=cny+2020
  7. The slightly modified flip cases is the least bad currently available. I highly doubt the linked would work. At best the bottom part would fit and the top part be too loose. But it is certainly an affordable experiment....
  8. Well they did say "Country" not "region" but I do not know. All we know on that is what Erik wrote a few days ago. An that the newest payment date I have seen in the other thread is August 20. from Holland. But if a country got a lot of IGG-coupon orders, that can mess up our estimates. Or if there have been a lot of late orders in Holland pulling the date line up locally. Messing up my estimate.
  9. That part should be easy: The order number.
  10. Too bad 😥 I would GUESS that could happen if a very large fraction in your country got IGG-coupons, and thus pushed you out. But interesting that you got a mail on it, if that mean ALL get a mail so all will know if they are in one group or the other.
  11. What we know: * The order number is totally irrelevant (it mattered for the order we got our payment mails) * The remaining IGG-coupon orders are supposed to be in this batch * For orders without an IGG-coupon it it a by payment-date within each country. And the latest payment date I have seen in the other thread is August 20. (Non-IGG). So unless something is very special for the Netherlands, it should indicate that all that have paid within a week or two from the original mass mail around August 1st would be expected to be included. (Or something very special for your particula
  12. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Looking from the side partly opened, it looks to me like there in addition to the 7 visible stickers are two screws that can not be accessed directly. Both close to the flex cable, one 'under' it, and one closer to the front edge (Close to the 7 respectively M closed). See Noir's answer below 😁
  13. I would not be at all surprised if quite many of us would be interested in one (or more) of those.
  14. Ah!! August 28th 2019. That is very recent, so most likely not in Android Pie natively. At best in an update we have not got yet. But with a little luck it is in Q. Anyone knows?
  15. Indeed, and remember that the order number has no direct influence, the payment date has. I saw in the other thread one that has paid as late as August 19th had got a stock assigned.
  16. I think I remember from another forum, that some of these formats requires licensing, that might be the reason they go for fat32 to assure the widest possibility for reading on 'any' device, and could require them to buy a licence to use on the Pro1 Found this googling (My bolding)
  17. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Thanks. Could you take some photos of the interior when you have it opened? Not the least am I interested in the battery, to see if this is also something we can easily find. As mentioned above I (in vain) searched for the numbers on the one in the FCC approval, So I have a vague hope of some label or different print that can help us.
  18. See his tweet from half an hour ago:
  19. Look at the conic shape of the 'jaws', they will grap on the display half only, unless you want to mount it opened of course.
  20. Now if only this thread came to an end... 🤣
  21. Well 1+6=7..... Hence 10 respectively 60% totalling 70%....
  22. Well the calculus is slightly wrong, If the new is six times bigger than the previous, and the total will reach 70%, then the previous was 70% * 1/(1+6) = 10%, and the new 60%. Hence the total is ten times bigger than what has already been sent. I do not know if all previous sent from factory has been delivered to the end users though, or some is still on their way. So what number we should multiply with 10 is not that clear.
  23. The keyboard software that comes with the Pro1 is unfortunately very limited at the moment. They have poured all their efforts into getitng the hardware delivered and expectedly soon in generally available. Quick keyboard-layout switch is build into Android. And is done by Ctrl-Space cycling through the keyboard layouts you have selected. The software FinQWERTY is an open source program that tackles the most imports caveats of the stock keyboard-software. And I'm sure more layouts will follow as F(x)tec and/or the users create them. The print on the keys will obviously not
  24. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    I'm certainly on Team Fashion-Hybris too 😇
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