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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. on the geekbench, take their results with a truckload of salt. look here for the Pro1 https://browser.geekbench.com/search?utf8=✓&q=fxtec Results vary from 152 to 394 for single core, and from 513 to 1754 on multi. Both Vulcan and OpenCL results vary with a factor of two. I'm trying to running it on the Pro1 and Pro1X. The Pro1 failed on the Vulcan, something with horizon.
  2. Not ALL on git is public... You could easily have a closed channel for developing something, and later either move it to an open channel or make the channel public
  3. To me it make sense that they have taken a principal decision not to tell what is going on. If they did, they would have endless questions on how far they have come, and if it would be possible to get an early version for testing et cetera. It make a lot of sense waiting to they have something fairly close to an acceptable version. But that said I'm (also) impatient and would love to have an idea on when we will get it. It is like the Pro1X it self, worth waiting despite felling that the waiting time is killing us....
  4. More ram, new camera-chip, an over three years newer chipset that will get security updates, and a two major versions newer Android too.... For many that alone says update. My daily driver has since 2019 been a retail Pro1 on stock android. And when I get the retail Pro1X as I perked for, I expect it to take over, and demote the Pro1 to tests (and as a backup device) But sure for some power hungry tasks the Pro1X is slower. But for a lot of tasks the difference is minor. Not unusual that an older flagship is close to a newer midrange chip. Have a look at e.g. this https://nanoreview.
  5. For the most part yes. The Pro1X got the newer supported snapdragon 662, the Pro1 got the 835, that is no longer supported with security updates. It is not easy to get a Pro1, and as a consequence those sold are not cheap. But If you are lucky and find a user that plan to only use stock Android, the Pro1X is an update, you might be able to arrange some swap.
  6. Indeed as not all reports it, it could well be limited to certain bands. And this goes for both cellular and WiFi. Sometimes bugs are really elusive I got two sims in my daily Pro1. Around August first I suddenly rarely could do data, mms or calls on my primary sim in slot 1. SMS worked just fine, and swapping the sims both works fine. Another sim from same provider in slot 1 works fine too, and the sim inserted in another Pro1 does too... Now how is that for an elusive bug for you! (And no the contacts are not worn through or anything like that), so after accepting slot 2 to be my new primar
  7. Just a wild guess. Could it be that the Nova process is stopped (or perhaps even crashes?) and the system fall backs to using another launcher? It could be the battery optimiser or other software that 'cleans up' background bloat, that tears your nova down too? Next time you see, before reselecting, try to go to apps, and see if the Nova is stoppable, or already is stopped. You might need to make sure it can not be optimised, if it does not support Doze properly. (Under the apps, and the app, advanced, and battery, see battery restriction and battery optimisation).
  8. If they are using the hardware drivers from stock android, the issues are unlikely to be limited to one OS.
  9. I highly doubt that we will get anything that are not community driven for our beloved Pro1s I think they will be focussing on the Pro1X (and any possible future successors)
  10. Ah yes, how things could have been different had they not been swindled...
  11. Please do not put too much weight on my simple tests. It MIGHT be that not all bands work equally well, so if some depends on a frequency where it does not work well, their results would clearly be worse. We would need some more scientific approach to this with some suitable box that can act as an access point, and 'browse' through all supported channels of 2.4 and 5GHz, and then we should measure the time a band change takes, as well as the speed in each band. And all this at different distances... And with the device in different angles. Without a systematic approach we could easily be
  12. I can only say: Patience. I'm in the first dozen from IGG in October 2020, and still no shipping info from FedEx.... Expansys/FedEx seem to handle the parcels from FxTec within each batch by country (in some unknown order). So depending on your country, it could be soon or weeks for a device in batch 2.
  13. Nope, have not seen that. A guess, could Nova be shot down by something? Try another alternative, to see if it is Nova-specific. (I'm currently trying "Action Launcher")
  14. Are you sure it is not IMX582? https://www.techarp.com/photo-video/sony-imx586-imx582-comparison Both should be able to do 4K@30fps though - the 586 even more. Could it be the rest of the device that is not fast enough to do the 4K@30?
  15. I took the liberty to edit the original post, as a new guide can be found here
  16. Thanks. But a bit strange you also see oddities - though minor. Maybe this update is one where people should be certain to make a backup first! (Obviously always a good idea, but extra so this time....=
  17. meant the boot image, and sorry just three lines of output
  18. lineage-19.1-20220815-nightly-pro1-signed.zip Strange things happens! I was unable to boot into recovery mode after flashing the recovery image. Flashed it again and retried a few times. Flashed recovery back to 0807, And it requested me to factory reset the userdata(!) to be allowed to boot the recovery???? Retried flash and boot to recovery a few time, gave up and reset. Then flashed boot image 0815 and all went as usual through the flashing. The wizard is new and improved (compared to last I reset) - BUT after the fingerprint it jumped back and asked me to confirm my
  19. Thanks for the step-by-step guide. You might want to add the step on saving the "persist" image before flashing, as not doing so should prevent turning back to stock android (and most likely LineageOS also) without lost functionality. In Windows 11 it has been allowed (again) to install an unsigned driver, without test-mode, some months back. (About a year ago we could not)
  20. Cosmo might have similar problems getting their devices from China to the rest of the world. This is certainly not a problem limited to FxTec and Pro1X for the time being. I know from dialogue with FxTec that the Pro1X I perked for is in Batch 1, and is long delivered from FxTec and they can see that it has been 'processed', but yet it hangs in the shipping so I have not even got a shipping info mail yet.... I guess Expansys/Fxtec awaits enough parcel for Denmark to actually send it? 🤬
  21. If they got it for the Pro1. Things have changed slightly for the Pro1X. The fingerprint-reader is new, and I believe they said the antennas are changed too. Obviously these could be backwards compatible.
  22. I guess it is a matter of what aspects you will discus. If they are general UT questions they will easily be lost in here, only seen by Pro1X/Pro1 users. if they are specific to the Pro1X/Pro1, this could be a fine place.
  23. On the speakers issues several has mention I frankly still doubts it is hardware connections that is the issue. It could not explain the popping sounds, and it certainly should not just go away increasing the volume. Though you specimen could of course have another speaker issue related to the contacts. If/when you have the bug again, try increasing and decreasing the volume(!). At mine (though not a retail unit) the sound vanished completely below about 50%, and was not affected at 100% In between it was partially chopped and with popping sounds. Later it worked normally also at low volu
  24. AFAIK the standard TWRP does not support the Pro1 - have a look in this thread or search the forum for "twrp" and see what can be found.
  25. Note that mine is not a retail unit, so could have been improved since 🙂
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