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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Though it does not look like it, it IS clean. it is dust&pocketlint that have crept into the case, that have 'sanded' down small areas of the back In hindsight it would have been wise to add a small sheet of some tissue between the TPU-casing and the Pro1 And though the above might look like deep dents, they are so shallow I can hardly feel any difference sliding a fingertip over the back
  2. I do not use it either. But thanks for the warning to those that do. (there are no measurable costs for the function detecting a close with the HAL-sensor though)
  3. I agree. The back of my daily driver is most likely just as worn as if I had not used a case. Though the wear with a case is 'spotted'.
  4. If you should endeavour in the project again, you should consider the variant where the straps meet at the side https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2681-how-to-openshut-the-pro1/?do=findComment&comment=42061 Whether is should open as a 'Japanese' or 'western' book is a matter of taste of course.
  5. If I don not remember wrong, the issue there is the margins, not that it does not react at all. So I think @Rob. S. is on the right track with something not connected, either the connector or a cable issue,
  6. I fail to see why we need a new thread on this, why not post in the old one just reviving that? As already posted there, the proposal is more than just a new print, as there are not 'currently' yellow under that many keys. Sure it is feasible, but come at a cost - and possibly delay(!) - if they have to change the base they already use, and add more yellow stickers before the black layer is printed. (of course the material cost of the stickers should be negligible, but it is likely to come at a cost to ask the supplier to modify their process)
  7. The first one looks interesting indeed. Though I got so many of my own (less elegant) 'home made'/modified variants, so others might be more in need.
  8. (I was lazy and did it OTA too, this time, went fine)
  9. I'm pretty sure the Pro1 does NOT support PD. You can charge the device though a PD port though.
  10. (lineage-18.1-20211004-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Open_Gapps-arm64-11-pico-20210712) ...But the reintroduced Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed, see above.
  11. Not saying that their timeframe will hold, but have a look at this See https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control#/updates/all I assume they by total mean the processes involved in the first batch. I have no idea of the amount of people/machines set up for this, and thus no idea of the batch size and whether batches are produced in parallel, so it is pure guesswork how long it will take to fulfil the pending orders (and we do not even know how many that is). But I tend to agree with @brunoais on this. It could be possible, if all goes well,
  12. (lineage-18.1-20210927-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Open_Gapps-arm64-11-pico-20210712) ...But the reintroduced Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed, see above.
  13. Even if I got the rights, I do not know how to do it, and anyway it should be for the company to decide, so let me tag @Erik
  14. Could well be what I see on AICP-R, as being the same base (AFAIK).
  15. Maybe you need to unsubscribe and re-subscribe, to trigger it again? (on IGG click you account-name top left, Settings, and then the Emails tab)
  16. That is odd, I got an automated one sent from indiegogo 11 hours ago. So either some mail-filter is teasing, or indiegogo no longer have you on their mailing list, I highly doubt that this rather small group gets it sent out spread over that many hours.,
  17. ADD: A really low priority bug. When attepmting unlocking with the fingerprint scanner from display-off it quite often does not work.. If I then press Power and tries again (from the lock screen) it (AFAIK) always works, including the haptic feedback. I THINK it is could be related with how deep it sleeps, that is if after a while in lock it might work if by some chance I touch it while a wake lock has woken the system, e.g. to check mails. But that is pure guesswork. This is absolutely a low priority issue, but just to the list to remember if more important things fails to do as ex
  18. (lineage-18.1-20210920-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Open_Gapps-arm64-11-pico-20210712) ...But the reintroduced Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed, see above.
  19. An odd bug with 1.1.3, on AICP-R: It very often auto-opens when lid closed, after some seconds. (with the "....screen lock aborted") It MIGHT be related to the motion detector, as it seems easier to have it stay off when on a table. But there are no full correlation, at the best a tendency, but could be multiple factors, that effect when it triggers and when not. A not too slow 'close-open-close' on a table seems to work quite often.
  20. Just an idea on Lineage. Perhaps you should grey-out or hide the screenfilter when on lineage, until you find a workaround? In the Advance settings I guess the four key-filters are irrelevant to Lineage too, right? If so you might hide (or disable) when on Lineage. I know that on stock you had to use the proximity sensor to wake the screen, as the hall sensor did not fire. Does the same go for Lineage?
  21. Thanks for your guidance. 2½ years ago I started on a project doing exactly that, but lacked the information, I will try to find time to finish it. If anyone wants to finish it, or fork it PLEASE feel free, it is in simple C# and feel free anyone, all I request is if someone uses it to make something useful, is that I get a copy. 😁 (Just reopend it, and it is currently not much-more than an UI template) I had an idea that it should have some 'layers' that could be shared/imported by dfferent languages. say you had a math-layer that you mapped to Ctrl+Yellow, Or whatever, someo
  22. The funny thing here is that if you on a PC with a keyboard with 'tall' Enter key select US-keyboard (That is what I normally use), then you will find \| IS placed next to Z, so the two keys seem to be wired the same - rather odd... I have not checked their scan-codes. That is the key in e.g. UK keyboard three right of L is new, and NOT the one above Enter in the US-layout, that one is MOVED to left of Z. Strange...
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