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Everything posted by Craig

  1. I tried pinging the TWRP developer Chen thanked and will start a new thread (if he doesn't) if he replies with more info. But even the early reports said it could flash, so for installing SFOS it's fine, and for stock backup, we already have a flashall so no worries that way either.
  2. "root files" = Magisk: https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-install-magisk/
  3. This is what they call a "flash-all" in xda type circles... and they're often this long, and there is a batch file included in the zip/rar which you can run under windows or linux as a shell script (with minor modifications if necessary, like this one has a few commands at the beginning I'd remove) If TWRP can backup, any one of us can make a stock backup on day 0, and that's another way to restore stock. (In my experience, you can use someone elses backup jus fine, that's for example how I restore my PQ to stock ics or jellybean is with stock twrp backups I downloaded - but I dunno if
  4. That wasn't even my goal. It just told me 2MB limit so I couldn't fit two on one post. p.s. (shoulda read the last page of the thread before replying, didnt notice it, and no delete option here or I'd just remove it. But yeah too lazy to resize or host elsehwere, just copy img from another tab and paste directly into msg here ctrl+v).
  5. Ran into a new one today when trying to post lots of pictures. It seems theres 2MB limit per post, that's fine. But if I submit a post, then try to reply to myself to start another post, it gives me the same popup error (pasted below) even for the first image of the new post. To get around it, I have to refresh the page, then it lets me reply again.
  6. Leaked - Exclusive sleeve for the earliest pre-orders.
  7. Don't forget the telescoping katana edition; also functions as FM antenna w/o the need for headphones!
  8. Not sure how she ended up in the pen...
  9. Nobody's cross posted any of these in a whilee, so here's some... note I am just copy/paste, I didn't make em. Looks like our model is working for the enemy (Uniherz Titan)
  10. Have you heard any confirmation of a third batch starting? I did see Chen refer to a "new" batch recently on TMO but imagined that was related to the second batch that's finishing up production next week. I had noticed Gon refer to a third batch a few times but he said he inferred that himself from something support indirectly made him think. My understanding is all preorders are covered in this second batch and some leftover for general sales...
  11. I've never dropped my phone while holding it. But I can remember dropping smartphone twice. Once, I'd put it in my shirt pocket and then leaned over for some reason and it slipped out. The other time I was wearing loose fitting gym shorts and it slipped out of my pocket while sitting and crashed to concrete ground. So, there are cases where a sleeve would have some use. Of course I've learned from those mistakes and will not put pro1 in shirt pocket or gym shorts pocket ever, with or without any kind of case or sleeve.
  12. Maybe Ubuntu touch or whatever ubports version is called would be good for this? Dunno if anyone from ubports is getting pro1, but if they are, I'd imagine they'll try to port it... and I imagine some of the work done by the sfos devs would be applicable...
  13. Ya, I know; I backed the keyboard mod, and now lucky enough to be in this first batch 🙂 BTW... hello Tomas 🙂
  14. I missed that and am curious, who is that? Didn't know we had an Asia/Pacifc Fist Batcher posting anywhere...
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