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Everything posted by Hook

  1. Erik said "today." He hasn't posted his update yet. Hopefully he will find the time, but hasn't yet.
  2. Well, if the third batch is shipping this week, there are only 7 weeks and that's the third week in January, Sure, more things can happen, but Eric is hoping not, as are we all. I think the thing that is more important than how many weeks is simply that they continue to ship weekly batches and show regular progress.
  3. That was when they were CDMA only, pre-LTE. I'm finally getting my Pro 1 this coming Tuesday and Verizon compatibility will be one of the first things I test.
  4. It would only be available for Prime if Amazoncould have sufficient stock on hand in their own warehouses. I don't see that as being likely, though good for F(X) Tec if they got there. I don't know anything about Canadian import duties so I can't address that. In US I just paid sales tax when I paid for it at the end of July.
  5. Got my tracking number as well! Everything the same as zurvan2.
  6. So it is a modified version of Launcher 3 (guessing from apk name)? That's part of AOSP, isn't it? So the real question is how closed source are their mods?
  7. I do not think F(x) Tec is lying to me. I have my "stock assigned" email #2. Maybe I will get a tracking number in a week and believe that is their intention, but I will not feel lied to if I don't see that tracking number before Jan 2020. I believe they are a very small, new company with too much optimism and not enough experience or influence on the third parties they depend on. Could their communication be better about those facts. Theoretically-- but pragmatically, when you are knee deep in a project not going as you envisioned, my observation is that good communication is first to
  8. That's what I'm hoping. I may have received the email first because I already had stock assigned. It could be the second batchers' email is coming soon. I hope so.
  9. I just received my new "stock assigned" email this morning. It explicitly says it is headed from the factory to the fulfillment warehouse and then customs. I'm first batch US., so this is my second stock assigned email-- the first one resulted in US Customs sending it back to HK. I'm wondering if this is the first batch coming back with the right paperwork or if this is part of the second batch. Obviously, I'm excited in either case, but I'm hoping the latter because it means a lot of folks will be getting theirs soon.
  10. I bet there are more than 3 Americans here, though maybe only 3 post often, me being one of them. Thanks to FxTec and everyone here. I have learned so much waiting for this phone as I am not nearly as knowledgeable as most of the folks here. It's great to have such a phone becoming available, but it's also great to have a community that supports it.
  11. I suspect but don't know that you can't do this and receive Google certification. I also don't know if you could do that by digging into the fastboot files and finding the Gapps. I'm out of my depth here. (I root and flash ROMs, but I'm just knowledgeable enough to be dangerous). 🙄
  12. I'm guessing Sherilee changed her (?) mind about selling it. There were still 0 bids when pulled and while a side offer could have been made, I'm skeptical. In her last couple of posts she seemed to be reconsidering (it was a choice between the Pro 1 and staying with a Key2). They didn't seem that focused on how much money they would likely be offered by the end of the bidding. Of course, I'm just guessing here.
  13. Any information from those that have the Pro 1 on whether it's encrypted by default. I have always had my phones unencrypted and prefer that.
  14. Why? As far as I know there is no operational definition for a batch being a precise number of units. You can have a very big batch.
  15. Rather than speculate, ask them about it directly in email. 🙂
  16. I'm not sure. I know Netflix won't run on rooted devices (at least in the US) as a general rule, but I still get it listed in the store for download-- it just doesn't run. It could be the unlocked bootloader. The funny thing is, it does run on my rooted Tab S, but if I factor reset the TAB S and try again, it doesn't run-- had to restore from nandroid backup. Flashing updates to ROM don't affect it. Very weird.
  17. I may take my chances with the FCC patrols and remove the sticker also. 😏 😂
  18. Unless one of the customs agents stole one, this isn't part of any US shipment, so it had to come from somewhere.
  19. For one thing, it's the week-end. 🙄
  20. Just because it is shipping from New York doesn't mean that's where the person got it. I'm pretty sure you could walk in with the box without invoking a problem with customs, just as Chen was able to bring prototypes for the NYC demo event.
  21. Also, TBH, I have Lineage 14.1 on my Tab S and it still gets all current security patches.
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