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Everything posted by Hook

  1. Just noting for clarity, at lest for the US Physical Qwerty selection under FinQwerty, you still have to use Fn to get ? or / since they are (insanely) on letter keys and so Shift isn't an option.
  2. A key question here is does hold "slant arrow" and type "?" (FN-?) work for you in any app?
  3. Happy Holidays and a very Clacky New Year to all! 😀
  4. One and a half days for a modern smartphone, depending on how you define "moderate use," sounds pretty good. On the days I was testing the heck out of mine, I got down to 50% at bedtime. I consider that good.
  5. I have yet to find any app that doesn't accept slant arrow-? or / (otherwise known as Fn-? or /). I don't use Opera, but Firefox, my word processor, whatever. I have FinQwerty for everything else.
  6. This is actually a variation of the method I have been using and it works very well for me.
  7. Say Pro 1 three times fast (I'm not the originator of this idea)... 😉
  8. Maybe these keyboard opening posts deserve their own thread?
  9. I'm pretty sure it has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it in this thread (admittedly a fast scan-- the problem with not gathering and updating a single list in OP): As far as I can tell, the backlight on the keyboard turns off when the screen times out and doesn't come back on when you wake up screen. You have to close and reopen the keyboard. I don't use the phone in total darkness. but I might sometime nd this would be pretty frustrating. It seems that waking the screen should also wake the keyboard backlight.
  10. I just can't seem to get the thumb press in the underhanded version you show. It works easily if I do it ovehanded, meaning I lift the back slightly first and then push with my thumb. When I use two thumbs, it is exactly like you show, but either my thumb is very weak or I just can't find the right angle with my thumb doing it your way. No big deal and thanks. It opens pretty easily for me now.
  11. I donated when I sent Anssi a feature request on a Sunday morning and an hour later had a new apk to test.
  12. I want to know where that hidden lever is that allowed her to open the keyboard with just a nudge of her thumb. 🙄 I find it pretty easy to do now,but...
  13. Yeah. On the other hand, injecting a little nonsense doesn't hurt. 😄
  14. Well, if you aren't pressing then, no, I don't have it. Also, as you would expect, I only get it pressing hard length-wise. side-to-side I don't get it at all.
  15. I see what you are talking about, but I wouldn't call that a wobble, nor a lack of build quality (mine does that too, but only when I force it to, not in every day handling). The phone has moving parts. You would not like the effect if they didn't move. 😉
  16. Yeah, tried to cover my tracks. 😄
  17. So here is a sad story. We spent all day on this only to discover we weren't getting the results we thought we were. apparently none of this worked, but I got fooled into thinking it did. I did get back the Esc-to-Wake but it did not get any fallback. It's not clear exactly what went wrong because I was genuinely fooled into thinking I saw the full fallback, but having fixed how the test versions get installed, I can't reproduce it (Anssi doesn't have a Pro 1). So now he is sensibly going back to ESC being ESC (for terminal work and such) and assigning key to wake somewhere else.
  18. I may have jumped the gun here. There was a flaw in the testing. I'll get back when I have an update.
  19. That isn't the launcher. That's Pie. You can change it back to the old style in Settings->System->Gestures turn off swipe up on home.
  20. With a little testing, Anssi (the Finqwerty dev) made a version that preserves using Esc to wake the Pro1 but is also able to function as Esc. It will be in the next update. Another thing I love about this phone... it has great dev support now, and that will only increase in the future as more of these phones get out there.
  21. I would definitely try these steps and see if this manual config works:
  22. Except, not everyone is having this problem. I've even tried typing random numbers very fast with my thumbs and it doesn't happen. I have big hands, by the way, with large thumbs.
  23. This is brilliant! I finally have an easy restoration of Shift to evoke special characters. ? ans / still require the slant arrow, but I'm getting used to that. The one sacrifice is that Esc no longer wakes screen. I've emailed the dev to see if that is something he can do. I've decided it's worth it to sacrifice for using shift. Still hoping TTW will get working at some point.
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