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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I just tested this using Nova Launcher and the DejaOffice Month view widget. I have the widget on it's own homescreen page filling the entire screen in Portrait (sorry, no screen shot-- too lazy to blur my calendar) and it rotates into landscape just fine filling that screen as well (and, like many things, is more readable in landscape).
  2. If I touch that gray bar at the bottom of your screen and push up with my finger, it scrolls up to reveal the color palatte.
  3. I have no trouble (in landscape) going to background color in the app drawer settings and scrolling down to see the whole color palatte and even opening the advanced item at the bottom. I just had to scroll with my finger. Or did I misunderstand what you had problems with scrolling.
  4. Yes and no. I think for the most part, the Pro 1 does work right out of the box. There are some bugs being picked up in the software, but that's to be expected even with big companies, especially when the users are so tech savvy (the ones finding the bugs). As for getting US telco stuff right, small companies and international phones have always had trouble with that because, frankly, you can never do all the testing required. The big boys like Samsung, Apple and Google have the clout to work directly with the big Telcos and get their phones to all the big telcos and have the right se
  5. Odd that it should be grayed out on yours but was fine on mine. Is it the phone or the SIM? (Again, my understanding of all this is pretty slim). Do you have the 10 DEC OTA?
  6. I know @zurvan2 isn't using TWRP, but I'm wondering if the problem he ran into isn't some version to this old problem (I ran into it flashing my old Nexus 6p). I don't know-- I'm not that deeply technical, but it sounds like a similar result. https://www.howtogeek.com/240657/how-to-fix-pin-errors-after-restoring-from-twrp-android-backups/
  7. Aw, cmon, let us know how you really feel. 😄 I think a better feature for all launchers would be separate grid controls for portrait and landscape. I admit that I need to play more with widgets where I may run into problems that will send me back to Quickstep. I just don't like not being able to free place my widgets. You can see it in my screenshots by looking at what happens to the clock widget (but, hey, it's in the middle of the screen 😂) and the changes in the spacing between icons. But I also like that I can control the size of icons and get a 7 icon launcher bar. We'll
  8. I've switched from the Pro 1s native launcher (called Quickstep) to Nova launcher, which I have used for years and enjoy it's greater feature set. For now I'm not going to use the assigning keys to apps as I use a lot of input ready apps that end up with letters being printed from the held down key. If they fix that later, I will look at that feature again. Also, Quickstep organizes the homescreens into two columns which prevents you from placing widgets in the center (or at least it did me-- maybe user error). What I wanted to show is that Nova behaves very well jumping from Portrait t
  9. Not clear to me what network problem you are referring to. All the problems seem to be with US Networks and it is mostly a matter of figuring out what is needed. Verizon has been solved (see the Verizon thread). Sprint seems to have problems, but has not been widely problem-solved and is probably due to their reliance on CDMA. Some are a question of getting the right APNs. This is an old story. US has such ass-backwards telecoms that International phones have never been smooth here, but we are largely getting things solved. It's not the phone.
  10. Hook

    A few odd issues

    I don't know if this figures in, but the switch in the slider settings requires shutting the keyboard and reopening it to take effect, which I didn't realize. So if you shut off the backlight, nothing happens. You have to close and reopen the keyboard. Same if you want to turn it back on. That's fine once you figure it out, but I was expecting a toggle setting to take immediate effect.
  11. Ah, now I understand. Sorry, I'm a little slow sometimes. 🙂
  12. No, actually not. I took my Pro1 in to Verizon and asked if there would be a problem because the Pro 1 had a different IMEI than the phone the SIM had been in. They said no problem. If the phone works on the network, It's fine. Nothing to worry about. That makes me thing the IMEI is not an issue. I think the problem was because CDMA cares about the IMEI, but not LTE/VoLTE.
  13. My recent adventure getting Verizon to work made me realize that drawing hasty conclusions about such a new and different phone is not a good idea. You might decide to return the phone before you've given it a real chance. There are a lot of smart people on this forum. If it weren't for @Polaris @david and @silversolver and probably some others I'm forgetting, I never would have stumbled on my solution to the Verizon problem. And they don't even have Pro 1s yet. Give it time. I feel bad because I helped generate a "This doesn't work with Verizon" moment, which turned out to be false, but
  14. @silversolver This needs to be updated for Verizon. Verizon works with mule or old SIM from a VoLTE capable phone. However, Volte provisioning has to be turned on for the Pro 1 as it is off by default. See Verizon thread.
  15. This makes me wonder whether one could activate a new SIM in the Pro1 if you just turn on VoLTE provisioning first-- without using a MULE phone, I mean.
  16. Holy crap!!! I got Verizon to work!!!! Both I and Verizon missed a step. I was confused because I had verified my G6 was provisioned for VoLTEand that it could send and receieve calls if I set the preferred network to LTE/GSM/UMTS (If I remember the acronyms right-- it was the choice that didn't have CDMA) and that things were that way before they swapped the SIM. What I hadn't done was make sure VoLTE was turned on on the Pro1. I put in the SIM and typed in the phone menu sequence: *#*#4636#*#*. There are 3 provisioning switches on the Pro1. I shrugged and flipped all three and restart
  17. Do let us know if this works, because that will indicate that *both* a VoLTE and a *new* sim may be required, because, when I checked I discovered my Moto G6 with the old Verizon SIM did have VoLTE enabled (I typed the sequence above into my dialer And the menu confirmed the VoLTE switches were on), yet the SIM did not work in the Pro 1.
  18. One other thing to note is that blown up that much, yes you see the frame very clearly. It is not as clear IRL with these old eyes. The old eyes are my problem. But that frame is also not substantial enough to keep the SIM card held firmly despite having the correct shape. So, even when you have the SIM in correctly, you have to be careful sliding it in. At least that's my experience,but I'll be happy to learn I'm just a hopeless klutz (and would never rule out that theory 🙄 )
  19. Try it both ways. lol. I'm not pulling my SIM back out to check. 😄
  20. My SIM was brand new. I used AT&T years ago, so I knew they would work when Verizon failed to let me on their network. And, no, I needed no added APN. That might be because Craig is on an MNVO.
  21. It may have been just a cover everything suggestion, But I can't imagine why any phone would need the bootloader unlocked to get a SIM card working (yes, my bootloader is unlocked, but I don't think that's why I was successful). I do think the SIM drawer is tricky. The seat for the card is not as well defined as on some drawers and it is tricky to not dislodge it on the way in. Of course, I used the SIM crd slot on the tip, not the one near the handle that Craig looks like he used because that second slot has my 256 GB SD. It might be easier to use that second slot. My AT&T tech ha
  22. Exactly THIS. I'm not an IT person or even a power user, but back then if you were willing to pay attention, learn, talk to people and do due diligence, you could come to know exactly what everything on your computer (or PDA) was doing and how to troubleshoot, tweak or optimize it. You could also find great tools to make changes. These days, I can't keep up and so much has become magic. I don't like magic because you are usually not in control. 😉
  23. I'm with @abielins (Hey, get your paws off my Pro1 😉)... I find the Pro 1 a perfect size for my large hands. I wouldn't even mind if the screen were a bit taller (landscape-- means wider in portrait.) That might even make it so the keyboard could come out a little further, enough to have full size number keys. 🙂
  24. I posted this in the official bug thread because that's what I consider it, but also thought that, being a keyboard issue, I'd post here to see if craig or anyone had a workaround. A problem occurs when you assign a key to launch an app and the app opens ready for input. So I assign a key to my password locker and I end up with the password field filled with multiple instances of that letter. I open my word processor and I end up with that letter typed multiple times into whatever document, blank or otherwise, was set to open. Somehow, the software needs to stop reading the input if th
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